In This Issue:

  • Chapter Happenings
  • Board of Directors and Chapter Rep Update
  • Jon's Corner
  • Quote of the Month
  • Kile's Corner
  • Staff Highlight
February 2021 Newsletter

It's February and we are inching closer to Spring. Over the last month our chapters have been busy with various topics and they have shared the highlights below.
In addition, the Legislative season is starting and that means SUFU self-advocates are getting ready to share testimony on upcoming bills.
This month we also are excited to have an update from Abbott Philson, Chair of the Board of Directors.
Chapter Happenings

Our chapters have continued to meet over zoom each month. Each group has shared some highlights from the last month.

In Caribou we have talked about self-advocacy and communication. We watched a couple of videos on self-advocacy that we liked. Next, we would like to learn about therapy animals.

In Presque Isle, we had Mary Green from Disability Rights Maine attend one week and it was beneficial for all of us. We have started talking about self-advocacy and look forward to continuing with that topic.

In Houlton, we talked about scams and we talked about Self-Advocacy. We also want to learn about coping skills especially in winter months.

In Lincoln, we have been connecting with each other over zoom. It has been great to see each other this way.

The Bangor chapter was able to have Denise Tuggle visit one week to talk about accessibility in our community. We have started drafting a living document that explains what issues we have with accessibility, especially in the winter months. In addition, we are going to be working on a document that explains what questions we should ask before one rents or leases an apartment. We also took on the task of writing a plain language guide to how the covid-19 vaccine works. We hope to release that soon.

Our Portland chapter has been educating themselves on topics such as self-advocacy, how the covid-19 vaccine works, and how to contact their legislator. One of our favorite meetings was called "Wing-It Tuesday" where we discussed various current events that related to people who live with disabilities. It was an opportunity for us to hear from each other and learn more about what was happening in our communities, state, and country.

Casco has become a very tight knit group in encouraging each other in their jobs, and lives. We have talked about self-advocacy and what that means to us. In addition, we were able to also spend some time hearing the story of someone who had lived at Pineland. It was beneficial for us to understand that period of history in our state.

In Springvale, we have spent the whole month talking about self-advocacy. We learned what it means to be a good self-advocate through discussion, videos, and even self-advocacy jeopardy. We want to be good self-advocates and grow in our lives.

If you would like to visit one of our chapters, we would be honored to have you there. You can find all our zoom links on our website.

Board of Directors and Chapter Rep Update
From Board Chair Abbott Philson

Board Update:
The board of directors is meeting every month zoom. We have found this format to be helpful as we are able to accomplish more work. We have welcomed new board members to the board of directors. All the of the Speaking Up For Us board members have been doing a great job. If you would like to learn more about the members of the board of the director their photos and bios are updated on our website

Chapter Rep Update
The Chapter Rep has a lot of new people on the committee. Many of our previous chapter rep members were also on the board and it was decided to give others the chance to be in leadership positions.  The chapter rep is now meeting every month. 
Jon's Corner
Last month I was able to mail to all our chapter rep committee members the notes from the previous meeting. This will help our chapter rep committee communicate better with chapters. I am still attending SARTAC meetings each week. On February 15th Kile and I were able to present at the SARTAC on the marriage penalty tax. We received a lot of good feedback and look forward to working with them on this. If others are interested in this they can find that information on SARTAC's website or by emailing me. I was able to go with Kile for Hill visits as part of the AUCD conference. It was exciting to participate in this.
In March I will be working on Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month.
Quote of the Month

During the last month many of our self-advocates shared things in their chapter meetings regarding self-advocacy.
Joshua Lezotte, from the Houlton chapter, shared "Self-advocacy is speaking up until my voice is heard."
We hope that our self-advocates continue to speak up so their voices are heard clearly by all around them.
Kile's Corner

Hi guys it Kile Pelletier I'm back with ab update for February.

I have been busy this month. One thing I did was make a power point presentation on the marriage penalty tax with Jon. We were able to present this at SARTAC. I hope to be able to do this presentation to others soon. If you would like to learn more information on the marriage penalty tax please e-mail me.
I have continued to attend the SARTAC meetings that are held twice a week. One that really stuck out to me was when Shameka Andrews came and talked about vision boards. She also shared with the group how she published a book. You can find information about the SARTAC meetings on their website.
This year I was able to attend the Hill visits. This was unique as everything was virtual and stretched out over three days. In years past we have traveled to Washington D.C. and it would only be one day. This year we were only able to speak with our Senator's staff instead of Senators. I feel like we were able to communicate clearly how the marriage penalty tax affects us and they understood what we were trying to say and why this is is so important.
I love to work for you guys and love working with awesome staff we have. 

Staff Highlight

Each Month we are going to Highlight our Staff members at Speaking Up For Us. As we have been meeting over zoom, we have found ourselves virtually traveling around the state and meeting new people. We hope this helps you all get to know us a bit better!
Our Staff Highlight is Lisa Betancourth, who is one of our Chapter Advisors. Lisa advises the Caribou, Houlton, and Presque Isle chapters. She also attends the SARTAC meetings and is a valuable member of the SUFU team!

Where in the state do you live? Aroostook County.

What is a typical workday like for you and what do you like about working for SUFU? I do a lot of zoom and phone calls to members and resources. I am always looking into new topics. I like everything about working for SUFU. I have never worked in a place where I felt so appreciated. I have met so many incredible people. The members are amazing and make me smile.

Who is someone you admire and why? People who have been through times and continue to go forward.

When you are not working what could we find you doing? Spending time with my children.

We invite you to check out our website . Read our most recent blog post and subscribe to future blogs. You can also find the list of our chapter meetings, or follow us on Facebook. If you are a SUFU member we want you to join our members only Facebook Group. To do that please email Laurie Coldwell or Jon McGovern. We don't want you to miss anything.
Have an Idea for Something to be in The Connector?
Contact: Laurie Coldwell
Administrative Assistant (207) 956-1004 / Ext. 4
Speaking Up For Us of Maine