St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
Our experience with Brian this afternoon
Dear Ones,

It is an absolutely incredible experience to visit with Brian each Sunday and to see and witness to the transformation exhibited in his recovery. It is a gift to have the opportunity to engage in the spiritual discipline of meeting someone where they are and to rejoice in who they are and what they can do in that moment-- and to know that it is the prayers and love of us and so many other people who are supporting him in his work of recovery. Each time I enter his room, I feel the Real Presence of God and the holiness that is unfolding in his miraculous recovery and my heart is overflowing with gratitude.

There were many miracles that Lisa and I experienced today with Brian. We spent nearly 2 hours with him. We talked, laughed, read cards, shared stories, celebrated Holy Communion, and prayed. He liked the artwork created by us all today at coffee hour and had beautiful things to say about each one of our young people. He remembers each one and that felt very special.

The biggest miracle for me was to see Brian get out of bed all by himself, with really no trouble at all, and to be steady on his feet. This is the first time I have seen him when he wasn't lying in bed, so this was marvelous. He is able to move himself in the wheelchair and told us that he also has been walking up and down the hall. We went to the room where the piano was and he played a bit. I do believe once his shoulder heals, his left hand will be able to play well too. He has set himself goals for this week in terms of finger and hand exercises to increase his ability to play the piano, but all I can tell you is that he still plays with the ease as he always did! The holy gift offered to him by God and which he so freely offered to us is still within him~ and that is glorious to see.

He was very talkative and remembered many wonderful stories with us about his time at St. Andrew's, some very funny ones -- (like the time the lights went out during the Christmas Eve service and he had to play Silent Night by memory and in the dark!). And he asked about the Taize service, because he had really enjoyed the one he played, with Lisa as the cantor and Carenda chanting and playing the guitar. He asked when the next one was and I told him in April, and he said he'd like to be there. That may not be realistic, but I love the idea of him being a part of that service again. He certainly lit up when he saw Lisa and I could tell her singing of the Sanctus touched his heart deeply. It was a very holy time.

Thank you for your prayers, love, and continued support of Brian. God is doing marvelous things in Brian's recovery and through our faithfulness, we are supporting the holy work of God, and that's a privilege and joy!

Let us continue in love and prayer, in the name of Christ.

Many blessings,
We continue our faithful prayers.
Each morning I post a prayer and/or spiritual reflection on our Facebook page and on our website for Brian and for all those on our hearts in need of healing. Please feel free to add your prayers too. To access the prayers on our website, please click here. 
I posted this morning's prayer on my personal Facebook page instead of our St. Andrew's page. I guess it was just too early for real thinking! Anyway, here it is.

In the darkness of this morning, show us your light; in the chill of the earth, show us your warmth, in the mundane in our lives, show us the extraordinary, in the brokenness of our bodies, show us your healing, so we may be and share your light, love, and healing into the world, as you desire for us to do, and as we know through the Presence of your Christ in our community and communion. Amen.