
I have struggled with anxiety for many years. This time of year is often high anxiety time for me, and I would guess many others. Thankfully, one of the most stable things in my life -- and the thing that helps me the most -- is practicing yoga and by extension, teaching yoga. When I opened my first yoga studio back in 1998, I thought, "Well, yoga is amazing and I will ride this wave for as long as it lasts, but it probably won't last long." I had come from the fitness world; I had spent the previous 15 years watching fads come and go. I was a nutritionist and a personal trainer, and it seemed like everyone was looking for the next quick fix. It never felt right to me, but I followed along with the most popular diet and exercise regime. At the time, I felt like I was staying current, but there was a little voice inside my head that said, "This isn't supposed to be quick and easy. Health and happiness take commitment and discipline."

If you have been reading my "How I Built This" series, you'll remember the part where I started sneaking off to yoga classes to get out of the gym. It wasn't part of my workout routine per se, but more of an escape from the cold, loud, bright, intensely competitive environment I worked in 10 hours a day. One of the things that really struck me about yoga was the focus on the breath. When someone is stressed or anxious, what is the first thing people say? "Take a deep breath." Now, I am not just a yoga nerd but a total geek for anatomy, psychology, and how the mind and body are actually connected. I believe that the breath is the most direct way to connect the mind and body -- or rather, reconnect. It is also a way of resetting the nervous system.

I believe we are all in a low-grade fight-or-flight response most of the time, and sometimes it goes into high gear when other stresses are laid on top. The world out there is constantly bombarding us with stimuli. The fight-or-flight response gears us up to do just that: either fight, or run. If we don't do either, those hormones have nowhere to go. The combination of intense physical movement and breathing (an O2 Yoga practice) is one way of wringing that shit out. Our studio is intentionally under-stimulating, because you have enough to deal with outside of the practice space and it takes tons of energy to keep all that stimuli at bay. After practice, you hopefully re-enter the world with a little more strength, and feel a bit more grounded and able to manage all that stress.

I remember having an epiphany after taking a few yoga classes: in the fitness world, we separated everything out -- cardio, flexibility, strength training. It was incredibly time-consuming and didn't seem to work. It also left me feeling like I could never get it all done. There was something about yoga that was the total opposite. I seemed to be getting a lot of bang for my buck. I was getting my ass kicked, and I felt stronger, more flexible and calmer. What the heck was going on?

Long story short, thank goodness yoga was not just another flash in the pan for me -- and for many of you, too! -- and that my new practice led to the opening of O2 Yoga. From the beginning, the thing that has really made O2 Yoga unique is the focus on the breath. Which is why this month's focus (see below) is just that. And, if you are like me and feel a bit less stable at this time of year, then make a point of prioritizing the things that help the most. Get your butt to class, take a deep breath (well, actually quite a few), and by extension help and teach others around you to do the same. Taking care of you, when done right, takes care of everyone around you. Put on your oxygen mask (and yes, that is one of the reasons why we named the studio O2) first people, and breathe. And for more thoughts on breath, being present and managing angst, check out our feature on Jesse Wellman (below), who is one of the most wonderful and important parts of what makes O2 so special.

In the meantime, keep being the compassionate, loving, humble, bad-ass yogi/yogini I know you are!

Love, Mimi
Focus of the Month: Pranayama
(Shaping the Breath)

Mimi here. Did you know that not all yoga traditions incorporate breath into the practice of asana? Ashtanga Yoga is one of the only traditional yoga systems that does. O2 Yoga has deep roots in Ashtanga, and focuses specifically on the breath, Ujjayi. We believe that there are many moments when we should all collectively take a deep breath. Ujjayi breathing does some simple but profound things:

  1. Calms and re-sets the central nervous system.
  2. Connects you to the present moment.
  3. Allows for expansion and contraction of the body, making movement safe, effective and sensible.
  4. Creates a connection among everyone in the room.

And just a little secret between you and me: I love what I do and believe strongly that just getting a bunch of people in a room together for 60 to 90 minutes moving and breathing deeply makes them nicer, happier and more able to do good in the world. So that's my ulterior motive. The rest, as they say, is just vegan icing on the cake.

Peace out y'all, and take a deep breath,

Deepen your practice and learn to teach O2 Yoga! Our Teacher training begins on Saturday, January 11 and the program spans 12 weekends:

January 11-12, 18-19. 25-26
February 8-9, 15-16
March 7-8, 14-15, 21-22
April 11-12, 18-19, 25-26
May 2-3

Saturdays 12:30-8:30 p.m.
Sundays 12-7 p.m

On Sunday, 12/1 and Sunday, 12/8, join us for 30-minute Teacher Training Info Sessions at 11:45 a.m. and take the 10:30 a.m. Intermediate class for free!

For more information, click here.
Give the Gift of O2 this Holiday Season!

From 12/10 to 12/25, O2 will hold a special sale online and in-studio to gift class packs! Have a friend or family member that you'd like to introduce to O2, or does someone you love already love us, too? During our sale period, you can buy them a five-class pack for $70 or a 10-class pack for $125. But remember: these are gift purchases that can only be applied to someone else's account.

It's easy to purchase a gift certificate online! For step-by-step instructions, click here. We're also happy to help you in studio to buy a specially priced pack and apply it to your loved one's account. Email with any questions.
Happy Holidays!
December Workshops

The Basics of Basics: An Introduction to O2 Yoga with Tina Millar

This is an in-depth course geared towards the beginner -- whether you're brand-new to yoga or simply brand-new to O2. This workshop's goal is to break down foundations of the vigorous O2 style with a strong focus on breath, bandhas and Sun A's with plenty of time to ask questions. Class size is limited to allow for individual attention.

Prior yoga experience is not necessary.

When: Sunday, 12/8, 2-4 p.m.
Where: O2 Yoga Somerville, 288 Highland Avenue
Enrollment: $45 (includes a complimentary drop-in class card to be used for any O2 class)

24 hours notice is required for any reservation cancellations. Please email with questions.

Christmas Day Yoga with Tina Millar

We will open our doors for one class only on Christmas Day. Enjoy an athletic, empowering, grounding O2-style practice with the addition of (optional) essential oils and an extended Savasana. Students of all levels welcome!
When: Wednesday, 12/25, 9:30-10:45 a.m.
Where: O2 Yoga Somerville, 288 Highland Avenue
Enrollment: $25 advance/$30 day of

24 hours notice is required for any reservation cancellations. Please email with questions.

New Year's Eve Class with Ann Panopoulos

OM your way into the new year -- join Ann for our annual New Year’s Eve Class!

Whether new to yoga or a seasoned yogi, come and enjoy a fun and invigorating 2-hour class surrounded by the supportive and amazing O2 community. Bridge this year to next with an incredible practice ending with an OM circle through midnight. 

When: Tuesday, 12/31, 10 p.m.-midnight
Where: O2 Yoga Somerville, 288 Highland Avenue
Enrollment: $50 advance/$55 day of

***This class tends to fill up fast -- we strongly recommend preregistration.***

Some additional info about this very popular class:
- PLEASE ARRIVE AT LEAST 15 MINUTES BEFORE THE START OF CLASS.   We will start on time  and want to make sure everyone has a comfortable spot to practice. The front door will be unlocked 30 minutes before class.
- EACH STUDENT MUST REGISTER INDIVIDUALLY. Buying multiple drop-ins for this class will NOT reserve spots for your friends so make sure each person planning to attend registers online or at the desk.

24 hours notice is required for any reservation cancellations. Please email with questions.

Maya Tulum in 2020
Week 1: 6 days, 2/23-29
Week 2: 7 days, 2/29-3/7
Speaking of the weather getting colder, what are you doing this winter? Registration for our annual trip has opened to all! Alums had first dibs and we have almost sold out Week 2, so don't wait! Do you set New Year's Resolutions like "do more yoga" and "spend more time at the beach"? We can help with both this winter as we return to the gorgeous Maya Tulum resort in Mexico for our 19th annual retreat. Email to save your spot. More retreat specifics here.
Student Spotlight: Jesse Wellman
by Melissa Sances

“I heard David Swenson say this summer, ‘You know what I could do about my angst? I could smoke cigarettes.’” Jesse Wellman smiles and identifies with the Ashtanga instructor, one of his mentors. “And yoga’s better than that,” Jesse continues. “It’s a tool. So I tried it because I was desperate. Smoking a cigarette is a pretty desperate act, right? So is getting into Kurmasana.”

Desperation takes many forms, and in 2005 Jesse’s body needed relief from his relentless work as a professional mover. “One night I was doing some stretching in the living room on the carpet, and my brother walked in with this Hatha Yoga Manual, spiral bound, that he saw on the shelves, that my dad used to use,” Jesse remembers. He was struck by the fact that his father had also practiced yoga, and that suddenly, thanks to his brother, he now had a methodological approach to his own healing. “So I started doing that every night when I got home from the moving company, and I soon recognized a lot of the benefits.”

Jesse appreciated the ritualistic approach to taking care of his body, as well as the mind-body connection that led to noticeable stress reduction. For a while, he studied Bikram Yoga out of another book, but he avoided yoga classes because of the significant expense. When he graduated from nursing school at the end of 2012, Jesse felt better equipped to afford yoga. So at the beginning of 2013, he started coming to O2.

By then, Jesse’s body had largely recovered but he was still searching for something – and he felt driven to find it. He started with Sandra Lannan’s noon Basics class, but was soon taking 10 classes per week – a pace he kept up for the next three years. Jesse was especially drawn to the difficulty of Elliott’s Ashtanga classes, and he often pushed himself too far. “I was trying to do the poses at any cost, at the cost of pain,” he explains. “And I’m not blaming the teachers for that. They’re constantly saying, ‘Listen to your body.’” Like many of us, Jesse was humbled by his own limits. “You bring all your shit to practice,” he says, “and the practice, if you have a good teacher, will modify those things. It’s a trick to teach you to soften.”

Jesse, who now runs O2’s Work Study program and practices two to three times per week, says that his initial approach was ego-driven, a way to “try to find bliss rather than total understanding.” But he’s learning. “This has been part of the slowing down, wising up process for me,” Jesse says. He understands now that being human means being present – to every happiness, and to all the angst.

And for Jesse, it means being okay with being a seeker. 
 O2 Yoga provides students a place to grow in their practice, to be challenged, to work towards goals, and to be part of a community. Our Astanga-inspired, athletic, vinyasa classes all build on a theme — every month, a specific focus inspires our teachers' unique sequences — which gives students the chance to learn more about a posture or major tenet of the practice. Every teacher at our studio has gone through Mimi’s 200-Hour Yoga Alliance Certified Teacher Training Program , so the O2 style shines through in every class. Can't get enough O2? Visit for more information on the studio, and always feel free to email us with questions at
O2 Yoga Somerville
288 Highland Avenue
Porter/Davis Square