April 29, 2022
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May 10 â€” Kings Board of Education Work Session, 5:30 p.m. Kings Education Center, Conf. Rm. 2.
May 17 â€” Kings Board of Education Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m. Kings Education Center, Conf. Rm. 2.
May 22 â€” KHS Graduation, 3:00 p.m., Cintas Center, Xavier University.
May 26 â€” Last Day of School for Students.

More event information can be found at:
Are you enjoying the new Peachjar Flyer Board? Don't forget to check it out for the latest events and opportunities for you and your child!
U.S. News & World Report Rankings
U.S. News & World Report released their 2022 edition of Best High Schools this week. Kings High School earned a high National, State, and local ranking!

The 2022 edition of Best High Schools includes nearly 18,000 public high schools nationwide and 874 in Ohio. KHS ranked #1,542 in the Nation, #53 in Ohio, and #13 in the Cincy Metro Area.

The methodology used for this year's ranking focused on six factors: college readiness, reading and math proficiency, reading and math performance, underserved student performance, college curriculum breadth, and graduation rates.
Kings Financial Update
Last week, we told you about the amount of funding that Kings receives from the State to fund each student. If you recall, the average State Foundation funding per student is $5,208.

In Warren, Butler, Clermont, and Hamilton Counties, the per-student State Foundation funding is $4,091. However, Kings only receives $2,089 in State Foundation funding per student.

In 2020-2021, Kings spent $12,426 per student. The state average spending per student is $13,166. The average amount spent per student in the four-county area was $12,915. As you can see, Kings Local spent less per student than our four-county area schools' average and the state average!

Kings Treasurer, Mike Morrow will continue to detail the District's financials in the upcoming Board of Education meetings on May 10 and May 17. Visit the Kings Treasurer page on the Kings website where you can find the most up-to-date financial information and financial stability discussions.
KHS Engineering Student Creates Prosthetic Hand
Kings High School Senior, Sam Aripov has designed, 3-D printed, and created his own Arduino-controlled prosthetic hand.

As a part of a senior thesis project in his KHS Engineering lll class taught by Jason Shields, Sam was challenged to create an Arduino-controlled prosthetic hand that would be affordable for people to create on their own if they had a 3-D printer and access to cheap servos and also run off a 9-volt battery.

The hope for this project is that it would allow for people who were in need of a prosthetic that is expensive, to build their own. He developed this in Solid Edge software and 3-D printed it. He also created all of the code. The hand is activated when muscles in the arm are contracted.

Competitive technologies for a prosthetic normally cost around $5000. Sam was able to make this for about $50. Now that they know that they can create this, they hope to be able to create one for someone who could benefit from it.  
Warm 98 Teacher of the Week
Congratulations J.F. Burns Elementary 3rd Grade Teacher, Skye Bogard for being named this week's Warm 98.5 Teacher of the Week!

Nominated by a current parent who said that Mrs. Bogard was their family's guardian angel, she was surprised in her classroom by Warm 98.5’s Amanda Orlando on Thursday, April 29.

She received a beautiful floral arrangement from HJ Benken Florist, a $50 gift card from Dewey's pizza and all of her students received a free cheese pizza.

Mrs. Bogard was featured on the radio program on Friday morning with a special shout-out from her students.

Watch below how surprised she was! Congratulations, Mrs. Bogard!
KHS Work Study Celebration
Kings High School Work Study students were celebrated on April 28 for their accomplishments this school year.
Students in the Multiple Disability classes at Kings High School participate in a work-study program. The work-study students perform tasks at Kings High School such as shredding, recycling, and therapy dog walking. The students also ran the "K-Night Dog Bones" business, which has become quite successful, and a Cricut crafting business.

Work-study students also work at community businesses and organizations, such as Rivers Crossing Community Church, the Loveland Food Pantry, and Le Peep Restaurant, and Marco's Pizza.

Each student received a certificate for their work and had refreshments after the ceremony. A special award was given to Jarret Coronado Quentin as Salesman of the Year for his success in selling dog bones. (Pictured above)
Watch this video that features the work-study students.
Congratulations on a job well done to Joshua Rose, Ethan Cook, Collin Hacker, Matthew Granat, Lucas Hanley, Olivia Tyra, Ella Kuehnle, Madonna Jusko, Brayden Bebout, Jarret Coronado Quentin, Mackenzie Garner, Grady Brandabur, Marshall Gardner, and JJ Barnes.
Career Day at Kings Preschool
For the last two weeks, students in Mrs. Frazier's preschool class at Kings Preschool have explored careers. They listened to books about community helpers, made marshmallow buildings like architects, and painted like artists! To culminate their studies, they celebrated Career Dress-Up Day on Thursday, April 28. Mrs. Frazier said, "The future of Kings sure does look bright!"
Mrs. Frazier's AM Preschool Class
Mrs. Frazier's PM Preschool Class
KJH Classes Hear From Ohio Innocence Project
On April 25, the Ohio Innocence Project visited Kings High School to present to the Kings High School Social Justice classes.  

The presenter, Robert McClendon, an Innocence Project client who served 17 years after being wrongly convicted of rape and kidnapping, spoke to the students about his story of being incarcerated and how the Innocence Project helped to prove his innocence and free him from prison.

The Innocence Project is a national nonprofit organization that works to both exonerate individuals wrongly convicted of crimes and to reform the criminal justice system in an effort to prevent future injustices.

Pictured is KHS Social Justice teacher, Jonathan Bitzer with Mr. McClendon.
Kings Schools Foundation Needs Volunteers
After a brief hiatus during Covid, the Kings Local Schools Foundation is back and ready to help the staff and students of the District.

The Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization comprised of parents, alumni, and members of the Kings community. It was established in 2018 with a mission to provide high-quality opportunities, facilities, technology, and experiences to the faculty and students of the Kings Local School District.

This volunteer organization is dedicated to promoting excellence in education and encouraging classroom innovation by providing grants in academics and the arts to teachers that enhance the education of all students in the Kings Local School District.

The Foundation is in need of volunteers to keep its mission going. Positions that need to be filled are Treasurer, Fundraising Chair, Grant Coordinator, Social Media Chair, and Community Liaison.

To date, the Foundation has gifted nearly $9,000 back to our schools and teachers. If you are interested in being a part of the Foundation, please contact Elizabeth Burge at

The Board will begin to meet monthly this summer and are very excited to get things going again.
Registration is Open for Kings Kids
Kings Kids Before & After School Childcare is now accepting registrations for the 2022-2023 School Year.

The Program provides before and after school childcare for children in grades Kindergarten through 6th in their home school buildings. Hours of operation are 6:30 - 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 - 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Kings Kids offers activities in large and small group, outdoor and indoor play, and arts and crafts. They also provide a light breakfast in the morning and a snack after school.

If you are interested click here.
COVID-19 Dashboard
The District is now reporting daily numbers of positive cases and quarantines of COVID-19. Those numbers will be reported by the end of the school day each day. You can find that information on our website. We will continue to report the weekly totals, as well.
Road Closings Within the Kings District
As a community service, we want to let you know of the upcoming road closings that can affect your commute around the District.

Grandin Road, between the Little Miami Scenic Trail and Striker Road, will be closed to through traffic beginning Monday, May 9 for two (2) weeks, weather permitting. It is anticipated that daytime lane closures, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., will follow the 2-week closure for approximately 4 weeks. Access to the Peter’s Cartridge Factory and to Cartridge Brewing will be maintained at all times, either from King Avenue or from Grandin Road. 

The detour for the closure will utilize King Avenue, Columbia Road, Mason-Morrow-Millgrove Road, and SR 48.

Additionally, the Little Miami Scenic Trail, approximately 1,000 ft in each direction of the Grandin Road intersection, will be closed to bike traffic and pedestrians beginning Monday, May 9 for the duration of the 2022 construction season in connection with the King Avenue Bridge Replacement Improvements Project.

Be safe out there!
Kings Kids Summer Camp Registration
Kings Preschool Registration
It's time to register for Kings Preschool for the 2022-2023 school year!

Visit the Kings Preschool webpage for more information.
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In case you missed it, J.F. Burns Elementary 3rd Graders performed their music program, "Hit Parade" this week.
Kings Athletic News

Check out Kings Athletics website! You can find out schedule information, upcoming events, news about teams, and even get directions to away venues. 
Summer Athletic Camp Information is Here!
We are excited to release the Kings Summer Athletic Camp offerings- click link --> Kings Athletic Camps. The registration for Summer Camps will open in the next couple of weeks online
Send Us the News You Want to See!

Contact Dawn Gould - Community Relations Coordinator at or phone: 513-459-2925.

Knight Nation News is a publication of the Kings Local School District Communications Department.
Kings Local School District
1797 King Ave
Kings Mills, Ohio 45034
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