Spring 2021, Prof. Lisa Voigt (Dept. of Spanish & Portuguese) will be teaching MEDREN 2618: Travel and Exploration. The class will meet online Wednesday and Friday from 11:10 AM-12:30 PM.
Course Description: The European “Age of Discovery,” initiated by Portuguese conquests in North Africa and exploration of the Atlantic islands in the 1400s, involved a revolution in navigational and geographic knowledge and contact with other cultures that ushered in the first era of globalization. In this course we will explore narratives of travel and intercultural contact—not only victorious accounts of discovery and conquest, but also tales of failed expeditions, shipwreck, and captivity—produced by the Portuguese and their main competitors in European imperial expansion, particularly the Spanish, English, and French. Through the study of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century texts as well as films based on those texts, we will examine how such narratives shaped Europeans’ perceptions of their own and other cultures, generated and perpetuated stereotypes, and reflected and/or challenged imperial, colonial, and nationalist discourses.
If you have any questions, please contact Prof. Lisa Voigt at voigt.25@osu.edu.