Grace Notes Email Newsletter
Grace Lent Services:
 "Wilderness Wednesdays"
 This year, our Wednesday Lent themes will focus on what the Bible says about the Wilderness: what can it teach us? What was the importance of the wilderness for the Israelites, for other important Biblical people, and for Jesus?
We will explore stories from the Bible each week including:
  • The Israelites in the Desert
  • Hagar and Ishmael in the Wilderness
  • Isaiah's description of the beauty of the wilderness as a place where God heals us
  • Elijah hearing God's voice in the silence of a cave
  • John the Baptist in the wilderness, preparing the way for Jesus
Wilderness Wednesdays will be pre-recorded online services. They will use Holden Evening Prayer and include readings and skits from our confirmation students and families. While we will certainly miss gathering together in person, we hope you will take the time to encounter God through these services, and give some thought to what God may be doing in your life during this wilderness time. 

Click  View Here to watch our weekly Lenten Worship Services.
This Week's Message: "Following in Faith"
Abram and Sarai didn't just have their names changed by God- they had their entire lives turned upside down! But they followed God and trusted him because of faith. When Jesus told his disciples that he would have to suffer and be killed, and rise after three days- it was hard to believe. Jesus took that opportunity to stress that following God means being willing to face difficulties and losses- but we do this because we have faith in God 
Outdoor Fun Day Feb 28
Join us on Sunday, February 28 from 11-12 at Grace for our long-awaited Outdoor Fun Day!  It will be a great winter day to be outside and enjoying all the snow!  Bring a sled and any snowman building accessories.  We have plenty of snow to go around!  No need to RSVP, just show up for some winter fun.
Annual Meeting Summary
Over sixty Grace members met, in-person and online, for last Sunday's annual meeting. The pastors and council leaders shared reports on how our church has handled the COVID pandemic and our plans for moving forward in 2021, including resuming in-person worship.
New council leaders were elected. Kirstin Albiero will serve as president-elect, Scott Nielsen and treasurer, Brittany Lobner as the chair of the Fellowship Committee and Joe DelCamp to chair the Property Committee. The out-going council members, Mike Moran, Lynda Lalley, Sarah Brogni and Wendy Freeland were thanked for their service. The congregation also thanked Mark Barber for his leadership as council president this past year.
The proposed budget for 2021, which includes a lower annual mortgage, was presented and passed without any changes.
More Information on Returning to 
In-Person Worship
You will receive a special "Grace Notes" email tomorrow which contains a survey asking members if they plan to attend in-person worship when it starts in March. This will help our worship leaders gauge how many people want to do this. This email will also contain more information on how we will work to safely hold these services. Next week we will make a Sign Up Genius link available where people can sign up to attend worship.
Sunday School Offering 
Last call for students to drop off their Sunday School offering to support our sponsorship students in Nicaragua.  We usually collect a weekly offering during Sunday School, so this one-time offering is our way to continue our sponsorship of Carlos and Jesling during this most unusual year.  Thank you to the families that have already dropped off their offering!
March Family Faith Activity
Sunday School Families-Join us on Sunday, March 21 from 10-11 at Grace to help us create pebble art to re-tell the Easter story.  Each family will be assigned a few images to create out of rocks and other natural items.  You don't have to be an artist to participate!  We will share our "story" with the congregation at a later date.  This activity will take place both inside and outside of Grace.  Please register your family to attend here:

Thursday Morning Men's Group
On April 8, the Thursday Men's Group will begin discussion of a timely and highly recommended book. Each week until then, we will re-print what others say about this work. The book is titled Why Social Justice is Not Biblical Justice. The author is Scott David Allen. He is the president of Disciple Nations Alliance and has spent his entire career in Christian community development, poverty alleviation, and justice ministry.

The men of Grace meet at P.J. Pipers in Cedarburg each Thursday morning at 6:14 a.m. the sessions run until 7:00. Look for further comments regarding Scott Allen's book in the coming weeks, and you do not have to wait until April to join the early morning breakfast and discussion.
Lent Devotionals Available
Lent begins on Feb 17th. Stop by Grace to pick up a Lenten devotional to help you focus your heart and soul throughout this journey.  Devotionals are available for adults and children.  Pick one up by the Grace office whenever the office is open, or anytime in the "Family Faith" bin that sits outdoors under the portico by the worship center.
Holy Land Trip
Things are looking up for the Holy Land Trip to Israel!  We have 5 people booked and have space for 5-10 to more.  Israel is leading the world in vaccinating it's citizens and our travel agent feels pretty comfortable that the country will be open for tourists in the fall.  If you are interested in learning more please contact Sherry Bublitz at 414-899-4632 or
Flannel Sheets for Grace Quilters
A few of the quilters have been busy at home sewing quilts for the homeless, Lutheran World Relief and many other organizations. We have found this year the price of flannel that we use for a filler has doubled in price! We come to the people of Grace to help us out. If you have usable flannel sheets in twin flat, full flat, queen and king fitted, we would be most appreciative if you could send it our way. The sheets could be left in the entry way or in the office at church. Thanks in advance for helping us out.
Mt. Meru Coffee Available!
Mt. Meru coffee can be ordered directly through Jeanne Dries. Just call 262.375.0997 or email your order ( and it will be delivered directly to you with payment received upon delivery. Price remains $10/12 oz. bag or $8/box of 12 single-serve cups. Thank you for your support of this worthwhile project!
If you prefer to order online, please note that the price of coffee on the website has increased to $12.95/12 oz. bag. Additional funds will be used to cover increased costs and to add to programs in the Meru Diocese. There has not been a price increase since 2011. This coffee is less expensive than other online fair-trade premium coffee.

Thank you for your support of this worthwhile project!
You can stay up to date at the Facebook page
Grace Members That We Are Praying For:

Trudi Biefeld - Health & healing
Julie Bednarczyk - Health & healing 
Paul Bulgerin - Health & healing
Judy Hahn - Health & healing
Bobby Koppa - Love & support
Katy Koppa - Health & healing
Jeff Larson - Health & healing
Liz Lueck - Health & healing
Jim Scott - Health & healing
Don Westby - Health & healing

Feb 24, 2021

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