WorkLife Connections:
December News
Spartans Taking Care and Connecting
MSU President Stanley wearing his MSU mask
With so much change to adapt to and so many new things on our plate, it is important to remember that we are worth investing in. Taking care of ourselves and staying connected to others is crucial as we navigate the winter months and our new unique set of circumstances at work and at home. In true Spartan spirit, here are some ways your fellow Spartans are investing in themselves and staying connected with others. You are not alone. 
Read ideas from your fellow Spartans
Help Stuff Libraries to Celebrate
Legacies of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
and the Honorable John Lewis 
Little girl looking at books on a library shelf
Imagine a world where all children can see themselves in the pages of a book. Imagine a world where books can be windows to learn about other cultures, critical contributors to our world, and movements that have helped to shape our nation. Now is your opportunity to make an impact by shopping, donating, or volunteering to record yourself reading to support the Stuff the Library event in conjunction with the Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration.
Pledge to Care for Our Community icon
of a Positive Work Environment

Person in wheelchair in front of a computer and talking on the phone
By John Girdwood, MSA, PhD: Research & Educational Program Coordinator
There are some abstract concepts when thinking about a positive work environment.  You want to strive for shared purpose, values, and trust.  However, there are practical ways you can start building a positive work environment immediately.
MSU Outstanding Supervisor Highlight:
Monte Pride 

Monte Pride and team members in safety vests
Monte Pride is a Project Delivery Supervisor with Infrastructure, Planning, and Facilities (IPF) in Planning, Design and Construction (PDC). As a supervisor, Pride leads PDC's Planning Team, a diverse group of subject matter experts. He leads with character, candor, foresight, and a willingness to listen. Pride is responsive to the needs of his staff and continually looks out for their interests, while simultaneously meeting the needs of Michigan State University. It's not one or the other. Pride does it all.
Learn Basic Home Improvement with IPF 
girl trying to fix her sink with a wrench
This year, many MSU employees moved offices from East Lansing to our homes.  Our first few weeks may have involved getting a new office chair, stocking pens and paper, and ensuring we had adequate internet to link us to the thousands of Zoom meetings this summer and fall.  We now enter the cold winter months and have other things to consider as we keep our home offices safe and healthy. 
Being an Emotionally Responsive Dad:
Good for your Kids, Good for You!
Father and son bike riding
Fatherhood Forum Resilient Fathers: Thriving in the Midst of a Pandemic
Presenter: Jon Novello, MSU Employee Assistance Program
Dads make a difference in the lives of their kids.  We know this is absolutely true, dads can contribute to providing the necessary structure and stability that kids need.  We also now know that when men are emotionally tuned in to their kids, children thrive!   And you know what else?  Being an emotionally responsive father is really, really good for the health of the dad, too!  Unfortunately, so many men have been discouraged from experiencing a full range of emotions, and as a result they may feel uncomfortable being emotionally open.  Join Jon Novello, counselor at MSU's Employee Assistance Program, as he shares the ways that dads are so critical to the development of their children, and outlines what it really means to be an emotionally responsive dad.
You are Not Alone: Childcare, Virtual Learning, and Creating Your Support Team
mother trying to work while kids run around where she is seated
Some parents are finding themselves in challenging situations as COVID-19 cases rise in some areas of Michigan. Schools that previously had in-person classes are switching to virtual, leaving parents scrambling to figure out how to oversee educational instruction and keep their children engaged during the day while they are working.
Upcoming Events
General Session
Work and Wellness Connect series - Monday at noon
A space sponsored by MSU WorkLife Office to connect with other faculty, staff, and post-doc Spartans with a focus on combating isolation, creating a community and sharing resources.
Respectful Workplace series - Friday at noon
We heard MSU employees speak clearly during our annual conference: Bullying is a significant issue at MSU.  In a sample poll, 94% of our attendees indicated they have witnessed/experienced workplace bullying on campus.  The WorkPlace Bullying Series is our response to support you.
Family Affinity Group - Thursday at noon
A place for Spartans to connect on family related topics with the goal of connecting, building community and share best practices regarding raising or caregiving for children and caregivers.
Watch for more events on our calendar. Watch the replay of past webinars.

  Follow us on Facebook for more information and upcoming events.
Join WorkLife Listservs

The WorkLife Office manages several popular listservs. These email lists are an effective way for MSU faculty and staff to communicate directly with a group of people just like you!  Join a Listserv  
Request a Workshop for Your Team

Do you have a request for a workshop not already on the calendar? Is there something specific you'd like to have presented or discussed with your team? We've now made it even easier to connect with us for those requests.

Request a Workshop or check out the "Request a Workshop" button on our homepage.   
request a workshop button image has More Than Babysitters for You
School holidays mean school is closed. Use for help.
Whether you need ongoing help taking care of your kids or parents, a back-up pet sitter, or even someone to help you set up a party or organize your garage, you can depend on!

 Check out
We're just like you. We're teachers, business executives, parents, retirees, name it. But the one thing we all have in common is our dedication to change. And the more volunteers we have, the bigger impact we can all make. Together. Learn More about what it means to be a volunteer.

Visit the WorkLife website!
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479 West Circle Drive, Linton Hall, Suite 116

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