CDN Update

November has been packed full of events and activity, culminating in the College Awards on Thursday 21st November, at Radisson Blu in Glasgow. You can take a look at all the winners here , and their stories are detailed in our Shortlist Summaries booklet . We were also absolutely delighted to welcome Scotland’s National Chef, Gary Maclean, into the College Hall of Fame on the night.  

Looking ahead, I’m very pleased to announce that a suite of new online courses for college staff will be available soon, including Data Science in Colleges and a PDA in Teaching Practice and Supporting Student Carers. 

Finally, I’d like to invite you to get involved in helping us shape our future Strategic Framework, through this survey . It doesn’t take long to complete and your responses will be highly valued and vital in informing our work as we look ahead to 2020-2023.  

As ever, please don’t hesitate to contact me if you’d like to talk about any aspect of our work: jim.metcalfe@cdn.ac.uk
Jim Metcalfe, Chief Executive, College Development Network (CDN)
New online courses...coming soon

Our network and development teams have been working hard to bring you a range of new online courses for 2020. Courses include: Data Science in Colleges, Promoting Positive Behaviour, and Safeguarding Learners in College. Find out more about all of the courses here.
Tell us what you think...

The CDN team is developing a new Strategic Framework for 2020-23. We would like to hear how you think we can develop and improve our service to you, your college and the sector as a whole.

Take short survey here.
Scotland's National Chef inducted into the College Hall of Fame

Former Masterchef The Professionals winner Gary Maclean was inducted into the CDN College Hall of Fame at CDN's College Awards last Thursday. The 47-year-old chef studied Catering and Hospitality Management at Glasgow College of Food Technology, now known as City of Glasgow College. He described it as one of the highlights of his career. Read the full story here.
John Muir Award in
Scotland's colleges

Thanks to an increasing awareness on the importance of the natural environment, Scottish colleges have been using the John Muir Award to add value to a wide range of courses and subject areas. Each Award participant takes responsibility for wild places, making a positive difference to nature and local communities. Click here to see what colleges have been doing.
Adult Learner's Survey

Adult learners are being invited to complete the Adult Learning Survey, which is being conducted by The Scottish Government, in partnership with Education Scotland and CLD Standards Council. The information gathered will be used to develop an Adult Learning Strategy for Scotland.

Plan for 2020 with CDN's Leadership Programmes
If you're planning for 2020 and want to develop your leadership style then we recommend you check out CDN's Leadership courses. Our next Emerging Leadership Programme - aimed at practising or aspiring managers/ leaders, starts on 20 February . The next Strategic Leadership Programme - aimed at senior managers/ aspiring senior managers, starts on 27 February . Find out more here.
Christmas Webinar
If you're a librarian or library assistant working in a college then this Christmas webinar is for you! A Dash Through College Libraries: A Christmas Story is happening on Thursday 19 December at 3pm .

Find out more.
CeAG Winter Fayre
Join the CDN team and SQA at this  free festive day of presentations and workshops  which will highlight how digital technology can enhance learning and teaching in education. Workshops will cover: Developing Mobile Apps, Chatbots, Made On A Mobile and much more! Register here.
Weekly round-up of college news

Every Friday CDN issues an online
round-up of what’s been happening across the college sector. It’s free and very quick and easy to sign up. Do please let us know if there is anything that you would like us to add to the round-up too.

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