Dear Meher Center Family & Friends,
A loving Jai Baba to all. We hope this letter finds you well in your corner of Baba’s pandemic world.
We want to let everyone know that the Center’s board of trustees has voted to allow a certain amount of live streaming coming from the Center. We are going to begin this evening, June 19th, to live stream from the Lagoon Cabin from 7 PM to 9 PM EST. Moving forward, live streaming will take place every evening at that time, and from 9 AM to 9 PM EST on Sundays. To access it, click on the photo below.
As so many have expressed how much they miss coming to His home, this is a way, during this pandemic time, for all who wish to connect with the Center in ‘real time.’
Later on, we will be announcing times for a view of Long Lake.
In Baba’s love and service,
Buz Connor
For Meher Center board and staff