The Heart of Every Lover:
Weekly Offerings

June 19, 2020
" My center is the heart of every lover. 
Every lover with a heart that loves Baba is a center. "

Meher Baba 
At Meher Center, 1956
Dear Meher Center Family & Friends,

A loving Jai Baba to all. We hope this letter finds you well in your corner of Baba’s pandemic world.

We want to let everyone know that the Center’s board of trustees has voted to allow a certain amount of live streaming coming from the Center. We are going to begin this evening, June 19th, to live stream from the Lagoon Cabin from 7 PM to 9 PM EST. Moving forward, live streaming will take place every evening at that time, and from 9 AM to 9 PM EST on Sundays. To access it, click on the photo below.

As so many have expressed how much they miss coming to His home, this is a way, during this pandemic time, for all who wish to connect with the Center in ‘real time.’

Later on, we will be announcing times for a view of Long Lake.

In Baba’s love and service,

Buz Connor
For Meher Center board and staff
Live Streaming of the Lagoon Cabin
Click the photo below
Lovers' Offerings
Cathy Riley
Tom Riley
John Mijac

"We held on to His hands, for dear life"
Fred and Ella Winterfeldt (fondly called “Fredella” by Meher Baba) came to the United States from Germany and learned of Baba in 1948. In 1971, they moved to the Meher Center and touched the hearts of many with their love. In this audio recording, Fred talks of his deep search for God, and their first meeting with Baba in 1952 at the Meher Center, when Ella ran into Baba's arms and Baba invited them into His intimate family. This intimacy is revealed in Baba's coming over to their home in New York to watch television, playing marbles with Fred in Meherabad, and many more profound and simple details of their lives.

Audio, 1:10:25
Meher Center, October 1974
From the Meher Spiritual Center, Inc. Archives
"He is such a compassionate Beloved"
Bhau Kalchuri was one of Meher Baba's close Eastern Mandali. Among many roles that he played, he was Baba's night watchman, a prolific poet, and author of many works including Meher Baba's biography,  Lord Meher. In this humorous and inspiring talk, Bhau relates numerous instances of how Baba works with His lovers, both by breaking down our egos and by giving His love.

Video, 1:07:31
Meher Center Meeting Place, June 6, 1990
From the Meher Spiritual Center, Inc. Archives