Since 1953  the Miramichi Salmon Association (MSA) has worked toward the preservation and enhancement of the wild Atlantic salmon. MSA continues to look to build its membership strength, so we encourage you, if not already a member, to please join our ranks.  Join us Now
Your monthly resource for MSA conservation updates, Miramichi Watershed Information, upcoming MSA Events and much much more.
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Vol. 27 January 2020
2019 DFO Salmon Counts
As a follow up to the MSA press release on January 22, the actual salmon numbers for 2019 for the Miramichi are shown below (especially, note the large salmon returns that contain most of the eggs.)  The table below shows the returns for the previous lowest return year of 2014 and for the past 2 years, 2018 and 2019. (DFO will release information to public after translation in April 2020)
The old salmon conservation target was 2.4 eggs/square meter of wetted habitat and was applied to all eastern Atlantic salmon rivers. That has now been changed to reflect the differences in individual rivers and a new reference point has been established at 1.52 eggs/m 2 for the SW Miramichi River and 1.76 eggs/m 2 for the NW Miramichi River. This Limit Reference Point (LRP) is defined by DFO as “the stock level below which productivity is sufficiently impaired to cause serious harm”. In 2019, the SW Miramichi only met 64% of the LRP (0.96 eggs/m2) and the NW Miramichi only 29% of the LRP (0.51 eggs/m 2 ), so this is a grim situation. Only 8 years earlier, in 2011, we saw 31,060 large salmon and 43,880 grilse, for a total return of 74,940 salmon, and the old spawning targets were over achieved.

What now?
There is a chance that numbers will rebound slightly this year, as was the case in 2015 after the poor return in 2014, but the trend is on a downward spiral and serious action needs to be taken to reverse this decline. We are preparing a detailed recovery plan (coming soon) that we believe can save many salmon in the Miramichi Watershed, and we hope the federal government and international conservation groups will take the lead in saving salmon in off-shore waters. 

Our ideas will be placed on our website, in the next issue of the Leaper and will be presented to government in the many upcoming meetings. We need to take real action to make a difference and it will take everyone moving toward the same goals, but we can make a difference. Stay tuned.
Conservation Update
by MSA Biologist Kelsey McGee
Winter has most definitely come to the Miramichi Salmon Conservation Center! Even though we are up to our ears in snow, there are still many exciting things happening at the hatchery.

The trout fry are hatching and will soon be moved from their incubation trays when they are ready to start feeding; they will be fed every hour throughout the day and will require plenty of care to grow big and strong. Our salmon eggs(photo) are still incubating and won’t hatch until spring, but they are starting to eye and will be able to be counted in February. The 2020 field programs are being planned and funding applications have been submitted. This spring, we are continuing our longstanding smolt tracking program in collaboration with ASF, and will also continue with our Smolt Estimate program that was revived in 2019. Click here to continue reading about MSA's 2020 field programs.
Grant Hendry To be Named 'Friend of the River'
This year at the 22nd annual Northumberland Salmon Protection Association/ Miramichi Salmon Association Dinner and we will be honouring local MSA member and active volunteer Grant Hendry. Grant's contributions to the Fish Friends Program in the local schools has been paramount to it's success over the last 3 years. Grant merged his passion for teaching and conservation once he retired and solidified himself as the local liason and lead volunteer for this program that provides a fun, hands-on program on Atlantic salmon and trout with a great curriculum guide for teachers. Students see young Atlantic salmon and brook trout hatch from eggs and grow to fry before being released into streams. It is a great hands-on experience with raising wild fish.
We will be recognizing this and more of Grant's ongoing conservation efforts on  Thursday April 9th at the Rodd Miramichi  and look forward to having all of MSA's supporters out to celebrate such a deserving local member. Tickets are just $50 and the evening includes a silent auction and live auction. (Photo: Grant Hendry) 
Brad Burns set to Host the
2nd Annual Auction to Benefit the MSA
Beginning at 12:00 noon Friday January 31, and running until 4:00 PM Sunday February 16, MSA -US Director Brad Burns will be holding the 2nd Annual Auction to benefit the MSA on his website BradBurnsFishing.Com . There are more than 40 items ranging from fishing equipment from top manufacturers like Sage and Orvis, to books and artwork, several great fishing trips to destinations including Country Haven, Black Brook Salmon Club, Wilson’s, Ted William’s White Birch Lodge, Doctor’s Island, tons of incredible flies, and more. If you or your business have goods or services that you'd like to donate for this auction to help the MSA fight for our salmon, please contact Brad at to discuss. 

The AUCTION ONLY is open to Canadian residents, however, please remember that all prices are in US dollars. All shipping is free to the lower 48 U.S. States and the Canadian Maritimes.
Icebreaker Weekend/Science Day/AGM
Always a fun and informative weekend to kick off the start of another fishing season! Plan now to attend one or more of the following activities being help during the 24th Annual Ice Breaker weekend;

Science Day 2020- 10:00AM-3:00PM, Friday, May 1st at the Woodsmen Museum in Boiestown, NB: Come hear and ask questions about what’s happening on the River. Speakers will include River program updates, CAST representation and much more. Keep your eyes peeled for updates on this event.

67th Annual General Meeting – 1:00PM, Saturday, May 2nd at the Upper Miramichi Rural Community Center, Boiestown, NB : All MSA members are welcome to attend this always informative Annual General Meeting of the organization. An MSA Board of Directors meeting will follow.

24th Annual Icebreaker Dinner & Auction – 4:30PM – 9:30PM, Saturday, May 2nd at the Woodsmen Museum in Boiestown, NB. Contact the MSA to reserve your $60 ticket for this always popular event.
Curling Tournament
Our annual MSA/Outfitter curling in Doaktown is set for March 6th & 7th. The limit is 16 teams so be sure to let us know as soon as possible if you’ll be joining in the fun! Registration is $100.00 per team paid to Doaktown Curling Rink.
 Each team is asked to bring four items for prizes which should be supplied by your sponsor.
Contact Kate at 506-622-4000 or via e-mail at  to register your team.
Upcoming MSA Events You Don't Want to Miss
Still not a member of the Miramichi Salmon Association?
  Membership in the MSA is the perfect way to express your passion and support for the Miramichi River, for the Atlantic salmon who make it their home, and for the vital work being done by the MSA to protect and conserve both for today and tomorrow!
Miramichi Salmon Association | 506-622-4000 | |