December 2020 - Updates from the Forever Parks Foundation
Hello Friends of the Forever Parks Foundation,

Happy Holidays to you, your family and friends. The Forever Parks Foundation has been busy this season helping make the time of year special and safe for everyone. We know that this holiday season may be challenging for some and look different for most of us, but we truly with the best for all of our Pearland neighbors during this time.

Give the Gift of Play - Support Pearland's First All Inclusive Playground
As most of you know, we have taken on the big goal of building Pearland's first All Inclusive playground within 18 - 24 months. To make that goal a reality, we will need help from all of our FPF friends, including you!

Mayor Cole kicked off the giving this season by announcing that he will be donating half of his mayoral salary to the Forever Parks Foundation in support of the All Inclusive Playground. We are thrilled to have his support and as a result, our project was featured in the Houston Chronicle. Thank you Mayor Cole!

Many of you already donated during our Giving Tuesday campaign, but as you are planning your own year end donations we ask that you keep us in mind. Join Mayor Cole and your Pearland neighbors in "Giving the Gift of Play" for all kids this season.
Tour De Lites - Awesome Holiday Fun!
The Forever Parks Foundation of Pearland hosted the 27th Annual Tour De Lites this past Saturday. It was a beautiful evening for touring the Christmas lights in Green Tee Terrace on two wheels! We had an amazing turnout for this beloved community event, with over 100 riders participating this year.  

We loved seeing all of the decorated bicycles and we want to congratulate the winners of our bicycle decorating contest!

1st place: Traci Roberts
2nd place: Joanne Cummings
3rd place: Honey Stone 

Tied for 1st place: Jace Petrillo and Sean Stone 
2nd place: Owen McGuire 

Thank you to Pearland Bicycles, who generously donated the prizes for our winners.  

We would also like to thank the Sponsors of our event. We are always deeply appreciative to those local businesses and individuals who continue to support our Mission, especially this year. Please support these local businesses that support our local community. 

The Joe Miller Family
Douglas Reed, Realtor 
Vaughan Interests, Inc.
Helen Todd
Garvis & Delores Fenwick
Bill & Linda Cowles
Tom & Kelly Moody
Constable Buck Stevens 
Texas Advantage Community Bank 
Tejas Imagery & Media Services 
Dream Dinners Pearland 
Pearland Bicycles 

We would also like to extend a special thank you to the City of Pearland, Parks and Recreation, and the Pearland Police Department for your continued support and partnership.  The money raised through this event will directly fund our projects such as the Educational Pond and the All Inclusive Playground. We look forward to seeing everyone again next year! 
Hometown Christmas - Go Check out Independence Park!
Powered by H-E-B, Parks and Recreation's Virtual Hometown Christmas Festival reached over 16,000 people online. The City recognized the new Mayor, City Council, the Parks, Recreation & Beautification Board, the Forever Parks Foundation of Pearland, and even had surprise appearances by H-E-Buddy and Santa Claus! The magical virtual evening featured a beautiful performance by Pearland High School, and can still be watched online. Be sure to enjoy the Hometown Christmas Lights at Independence Park between now at January 5th. Best times to go are between 5:30 PM-10 PM.

Continue to stay safe and stay well and we hope to see you on the trails soon!
Kelly Moody, FPF Board President
Interested in joining us to support this great cause?