Late-March 2020

Well ... things are not improving much recently around the country and the world. Seems like China has passed the peak of the situation, and is slowly getting better, but they are almost 3 weeks ahead of the rest of us.

Diane and I are using the mandated stay at home time to dig into projects that have been on our "back burner". I am sorting through old 35mm slides that I've taken over the years of clients ... thousands covering nearly 25 years, before digital made it so much easier. I will be sending them off to a company that specializes in scanning slides to digital format. I've occasionally discussed with clients the process of transferring slides, pictures, negatives, film ... even vhs. This company, Scan Cafe (, is the best at doing this, and I recommend them.

Presently, I am still scheduled to return to SoCal on April 7th (4/7-4/11) I've spoken to Alec (Gods & Heros owner), and he still has no idea what will happen down the road ... he is still under order to stay closed until the end of March. but, he has not heard anything about whether that will be extended, or not. He's guessing that it may be extended to perhaps mid-April.

My plan is to return to SoCal just as soon as allowed. Either to continue as scheduled on April 7-11 ... or ... we will bump the scheduled forward depending on how long the salons are mandated closed. So ... if I can get back on April 14th or 21st ... then we will start with the same schedule that is presently booked ... just move it forward accordingly. Of course, Sarah and I understand that moving the schedule forward may not work for everyone. However the best place to start is with the assumption that the present bookings (moved forward) will work. Once we find out when the salon will reopen, please contact either myself or Sarah, so we can start working on making necessary adjustments. There will also be the option of working on Mondays if necessary to help clients.

Let's hope that my present "published" schedule WILL work. If so, then I'll be back right as planned, 5 weeks after my last trip.

If we have to bump everything forward, then some clients may start feeling that their gray hair (roots) is starting to get out of control. One (1) additional week should not be a difficult challenge, for most clients ... but 2-3 weeks additional may be harder to deal with. I have a suggestion for those clients ... try one of the products below to HOLD YOU OVER. They really do work, and I recommend them.

(the image is of my basement "media room" that has turned into a sorting area.)
Root Cover-Up
A Temporary Solutions Available From Amazon

Here are two products which do a decent job of covering those roots when you can't get into the salon for color. Both are far more convenient than doing a standard color re-touch yourself at home. No, they don't cover the gray quite as well ... but considering the alternatives, I think they are worth using.

I prefer the spray, because it is so easy to use ... goes on fast and covers pretty well. The brush system is great for small areas (temples, forehead), but is a little more involved to apply. ***Check them out by clicking the product pictures below ... you will be taken to "How To" videos, and Amazon links for an easy purchase if you prefer.

Available in 7 colors: Black, Dark Brown, Medium Brown, Light Brown, Light Golden Brown, Dark Blonde, Red

Available in 7 colors: Black, Dark Brown, Medium Brown, Light Brown, Dark Blonde, Blonde, Platinum, Red
If you are interested in purchasing either of these products, check out the videos to see how easy they are to use ..., and then click either product picture above the videos to be taken to the AMAZON.
Please contact me directly if you have more questions about these products ... or have questions about how the possible re-scheduling adjustments may occur.
I will get back to you super fast!!
Next Scheduled Trip ... April 7-11
My next visit to SoCal is still pending ...
708 S Tejon Street, Colorado Springs CO 80903
(949) 842-8284
2991 Randolph Ave, Costa Mesa CA 92626