Sunday Eucharist takes place in a beautiful chapel built by the Sisters of St. Joseph, at Windermere on the Mount, 1486 Richmond St. (the corner of Richmond Street and Windermere), only a 15-minute walk north of campus. Masses are at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. The 11 a.m. Mass is live-streamed to our Facebook page and YouTube channel. The 5 p.m. Mass has resumed on Sundays, followed by a community meal (served outdoors, COVID and weather permitting). For capacity and contact tracing purposes, we kindly ask that you register for Mass in advance. Go to the back of the building and follow the signs. We hope to see you there!

Daily Mass is offered in the Christ the King Chapel in Wemple Building on Wednesdays and Fridays at noon. Seating is extremely limited. You can pre-register by contacting Lisa Caeiro or 519-963-1477. 

MIDDAY PRAYER: Midday Prayer is every Thursday at noon virtually on our Facebook page.

ST. JOSEPH'S HOSPITALITY CENTRE: Our community returns to the St. Joseph's Hospitality Centre on March 5 from 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Please drop off any pre-packaged non-refrigerated donations such as juice boxes, granola bars, fruit cups, apple sauce, etc. in the basket in the Christ the King Chapel, Wemple building by March 4. You can drop perishable items such as sandwiches, or cheese at the back door of the hospitality centre between 11 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. on Saturday, March 5. We also need volunteers on March 12. If you have any questions or would like to participate please contact Annette Donovan Panchaud

ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICE: We will be offering Ash Wednesday service on March 2 at noon in the Vitali Lounge, Wemple building and at 7 p.m. at the Chapel at Windermere on the Mount. Please contact Lisa Caeiro to register for the noon service or register here for the 7 p.m. service.

Busy Persons Retreat: Campus Ministry is offering a Lenten Busy Persons Retreat from Sunday, March 6 to Wednesday, March 9. The theme of the retreat is "Desert not deserted" and is made on the participant's own time and pace. You will receive materials for individual reflection on your own time. In addition, you are invited to take part in one-hour online sessions on the Monday and Tuesday evenings to pray and reflect as a group (and smaller breakout groups, if necessary). We are very happy to welcome Dr. Anne Walsh, DMin, Lay Redemptorist Missionary, who will facilitate these sessions, and Fr. Santo Arrigo, C.Ss.R. who will be presider and homilist at Masses on March 6 and 9. Take a pause out of your busy life this Lent to reflect on how you are loved and give yourself the gift of spiritual renewal. Please see the full schedule.
To register, go to the event page or contact Campus Ministry at 519-963-1477 or