Hello to all our friends!     
This past week I received a call from a former patient concerned about COVID-19 and their knee pain and instability. They had been waiting to get into their physician to come in to see us for physical therapy. They had felt their knee giving out, and they are especially worried about addressing stairs. They just called to find out what they can do. This person is worried, feeling alone, and lost about how to deal with their difficulty walking and staying fit and strong as each day passes.
This is not the first call we have received over the last 2-3 months. So many people are feeling lost and in pain with their back, neck, knee, hip, etc. They understand the COVID-19 situation. They understand why their physicians are more concerned with those sick and presenting with certain symptoms similar to COVID-19. They realize these patients are a priority. However, all they know is that they are home, not moving, losing strength and function. They are having a harder time getting out of bed, getting out of a chair, walking up and down stairs. They are beginning to worry about their overall health, life to come, and future.
Please know we are here for you right now! We realize most patients have little knowledge of physical therapy. We definitely know that most people are still unaware of the law passed in Indiana in July of 2013 which allows patients to see their physical therapist without a physician referral. This means, any patient can walk into a physical therapy clinic to get help with their back, neck, shoulder, etc. without going into their physician’s office. This law was improved, to help patients even further, by allowing them to see physical therapists for up to 42 days before they would need to see their physician.
With this law in effect, which few people know about, any patient can now come in and see one of our physical therapists at any time. Any patient can get examined and treated for up to 42 days. As a result of this law, which is 7 years old, patients who are injured can be seen immediately by one of our physical therapists. They can still set up an appointment to see their physician, when this COVID-19 clears up and physicians’ schedules open up, but they no longer have to wait to address their immediate, acute injuries.
We will always send your examination results to your physician of choice because they are the key gatekeepers to your overall health. They need to have your complete medical history at all times. If we think you are in need of seeing your physician, we will call them and help to get you in as soon as possible. We will be your advocate along the way.
We have had the luxury of treating patients from many of the physicians in this area for over 30 years. There is no other clinic that can boast such a claim. We are an independent clinic and take great pride in the fact that we are not owned by physicians or any corporate company. McDonald Physical Therapy has been blessed in having close relationships with most physicians in our community. As a result, we will work closely with them to help you overcome your pain and weakness which may be hindering you from experiencing the lifestyle you were having before COVID-19.
We are here for you. We are here to help you stay safe and healthy during this unique and challenging time.
Fran McDonald, PT, DPT
The Psychological Side of Sports Injuries: How Physical Therapists Can Help

It’s likely that you or someone you know has been injured in a sports activity, whether it’s from participation in a team sport or just routine exercise. Not only does this affect you physically, but there may also be some mental health consequences.

Not being able to participate in a sport or recreational activity you love can impact mental health and sometimes create a lack of identity, depending on the severity of the injury and the time it will take to recover.

Research has shown that psychological interventions are associated with reductions in injury rates. Physical therapists (PTs) are instrumental in the physical recovery of an athlete, and help with mental support as well.

Psychological Response

The psychological response to a sports injury can negatively impact recovery or reintroduction, known as return-to-play, to the sport even after an athlete has physically recovered. The fear of not being able to play again or at the level before injury, and feeling isolated prior to and upon return to sport, are just some mental health factors that contribute to recovery.

Working with health care professionals who communicate and set goals goes a long way to a better and more effective recovery.

The Role of Physical Therapy

PTs play an integral role in the recovery of the athlete in the following ways:
  • Treat your pain via movement, hands-on care, and patient education.
  • Motivate you to think positively and keep perspective about your injury and recovery.
  • Monitor your return-to-play and the psychological aspects to ensure both pieces are working toward your recovery.
  • Discuss exercises and the rehabilitation process with you in advance to reduce fear and anxiety.
  • Set goals and help you remain focused on your rehabilitation program.
  • Develop strategies for you to remain involved with your sport while injured, so you remain a contributor to the team.

What You Should Do

If you’re injured, be realistic about your injury and recovery—the severity of the injury and the demands of the sport will affect rehabilitation time. And don’t discount your mental health; seek a mental health expert if you feel it’s needed.

Authored by the Ohio Physical Therapy Association.
Reviewed by Jill Thein-Nissenbaum, PT, MPT, ATC, DSc, board-certified clinical specialist in sports physical therapy.

MPT Happenings

We are open
Monday-Thursday 8 am-6 pm & Friday 8 am- 4pm. If you need to reach us, please call us 574-233-5754. We are here for you and want you to get better whether you feel comfortable leaving your home or not. Please don’t hesitate to call us !

McDonald Physical Therapy
(574) 233-5754