
I woke up to this this morning. Snow in April is pretty unusual in Portland, Oregon, but I'm getting used to the weirding weather. So, happy 11th - and another edition of the 11 - something I've been doing since 2008! A monthly newsletter. Today I thought I'd share my Spring/Summer schedule with you in case you want to get out and join me for something fun that might take some planning. But first, how about a little action?

If you've been following along for the past couple of years you know I have my sights set on the end of gas-powered leaf blowers and gas-powered lawn tools, in general. I was sent this article recently and I'd like to ask you to take a look and then send a note to the following addresses. Our Schools and Parks are two places where leaf blowers are way overused and their impact is terrible on kids, especially so - action, action, we want action - FROM YOU!

Here is the contact information for our Parks Department where gas-powered leaf blowers are still being used. 


Contact Portland Public Schools - still using Gas-powered leaf blowers

Thanks! We're making progress on this issue nationwide, but to me, progress is still going way too slowly. Given the recent report by the IPCC, we should be moving to stop pollution of every kind aggressively. Leaf blowers are polluting beasts and no one should ever be using them for any reason.
OK, I promised the Summer line-up. But first I thought I'd share the process by which I am thinking about the time coming up. Usually, I wouldn't think too hard about what events I'd partake in each year, but it seems like the ones for this year are coming back after 2 years of quiet and their appearance has been like pea shoots in the garden. Oh, look at that - String Summit is happening again and for the last time at Horning's Hideout - ok, I must get tickets to that! And the events just keep popping up. But after 2 years of quiet and lots of solitude, I'm not sure I want a summer filled with big public events. Oh well, I can always decide not to go (I did a lot of that for the past 2 years - deciding something didn't feel safe enough - at the last minute). So, we'll see what I go do this year :) And I always say "this is the year I'll camp more and do big public events less" - this is probably not going to be the year for that :) Oh well, someone has to go and do these things! Please consider joining me for something on this list - they all are a lot more fun together!

At a Pizza/brew pub in Prineville, Oregon last week
OK, here goes.

4.13-26 - Visiting my family and the cabin in Pennsylvania (if you're out that way and want to hang out, please get in touch - I'll have lots of time - would love to visit the cabin with you!)
4.28-5.1 - Hoping to attend Puget Sound Guitar Workshop's Spring Retreat weekend. I think this is the first time PSGW has happened officially in person in a couple of years and it's one of my favorite music-making experiences. I say hoping as I am asking for scholarship funds and have not heard back yet. This is 4 days and nights (late nights) of playing music by a lake. Good food. Good people. Good times!
5.11 - Happy 61st birthday to me - I want to plan something fun as I wasn't able to have a bigger gathering last year.
6.16-19 - Hoping to get tickets to Summer Solstice at Breitenbush (would be my 27th year?)
6.21-26 - WDSX - The World Domination Summit (last one). There are still tickets to this floating around. I've been holding onto the one I bought a couple of years ago and am very much looking forward to being with this fun collection of people in Portland this year! This is the last one of these and it really is transformative.
6.30-7.3 - Songwriter Soiree Retreat. This is round 2 for this retreat and like everything else, it's been put off for a couple of years. I don't really consider myself a songwriter, but I do like playing music, and Sara Tone is going to be there offering drum classes, and Lewis Childs and Jonathan Brinkley, and Robin Jackson - so, you know - it's going to be lovely. Can't wait and there are probably a couple of slots still open.
7.6-7.11 - Oregon Country Fair. A fun fact about this event is that I've recently taken on a new role of being one of the admins for the 28K-large FB group for this event. That's introducing me to more people who are Fair Family than ever before. I'm grateful for this. If you've never been this is one of the most fun things that Oregon has to offer.
7.21-24 - String Summit (Strummit). The last one at Horning's Hideout and likely sold out (but there is a way if there is a will :)
8.12-15 - Singing Alive - likely tickets available for this still - very sweet singing event East of Salem.

This is what I know so far. There are some maybes - there's a chance I might cancel something. There's Burning Man. There's a chance you might invite me to go camping with you - purty please! I bring zee guitar and zee 1,000 songs! We sing into the night together!

Well, the day is moving along and I think it's time to send this missive out into the world. I hope you are doing well. I know it's challenging times - but keep working to keep your sanity and your spirits high! Light at the end of the tunnel. Snow melts. Spring comes. Subscribe to Heather Cox Richardson's newsletter if you haven't already. Robert Hubbell's, too.

And keep on keeping on - cause that's what we do, right?


Tips for Thriving During Quarantine

Here are some excellent coping strategies and mental health wellness tips posted by New York State doctoral-level clinical psychologist, Eileen Feliciano, Psy.D., based on her work with clients struggling with quarantine. 1. Stick to a routine....

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