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Biomanufacturing Experts convene at InnovationXLab Summit
National Corn-to-Ethanol Research Center Executive Director John Caupert and Director of Research Dr. Yan Zhang attended the InnovationXLab Biomanufacturing Summit on January 28-29 at the California Memorial Stadium in Berkeley, California.

The exclusive event, hosted by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory , showcases how industry can leverage the world-leading bioscience assets and capabilities of the U.S. Department of Energy's national laboratories. The goal of the summit is to bridge the gap between research and commercialization and pave the way for a stronger bioeconomy, including the jobs and industries of tomorrow.

Featured speakers at the event included Emily LeProust, CEO of Twist Bioscience, Magalie Guilhabert, Head of Microbial Research at Bayer CropScience, Paul Dabbar, Under Secretary for Science with the U.S. Department of Energy, and others.

Panel discussions covered topics such as Leaping toward Profitability, Feeding the Future, Digitalizing Biology and Biomanufacturing, and Powering the Future.

"The Summit provides a great platform for NCERC to meet with our existing collaborators, to strengthen the discussion on current projects, and find new partners to evaluate how NCERC can help them with their biomanufacturing needs," said Zhang. "It was a great meeting to kick off 2020."
NCERC Director featured in employer panel at Regional Apprenticeship Meeting
NCERC Executive Director John Caupert participated in an employer panel at the Southwestern Illinois Regional Apprenticeship Meeting this month in Collinsville, IL.

Business leaders, training providers, workforce professionals and apprentices in the area attended the meeting to share the benefits of implementing work-based learning and apprenticeship opportunities in the region.

Celeste Linares, one of NCERC's very own apprentices, was selected to speak at the meeting and shared her own experiences with the program.

Linares is one of two apprentices participating in the Refinery Operator Apprenticeship at NCERC, which is hosting the apprentices as part of an effort with the Madison County Employment and Training Department , St. Clair County Intergovernmental Grants Department and Lewis and Clark Community College (LLCC). The apprenticeship is an 18-month, accelerated program designed to provide participants with the classroom skills and hands-on experience needed to succeed in a process operations industry, which includes biofuels and bioprocessing, petroleum refineries, food and beverage manufacturers, and chemical production industries.

Other speakers included Congressman Mike Bost (IL-12), Deputy Director of the Office of Employment and Training Julio Rodriguez and Mike Conley, Chairman of the Apprenticeship Committee for the Illinois Workforce Innovation Board.

State, federal, and regional workforce staff shared information about opportunities and funding available to start an apprenticeship program.

"When I think about the word diversity in the apprenticeship program, I don't think about the gender, race, or religion of the person. When I think about diversity, I think about the diversity of the background of the individual. From Celeste, a young mother of five children who had been working as a waitress in the food service industry, to Trudy, who has a background in diesel mechanics. Celeste and Trudy exemplify diverse backgrounds, which is what the apprenticeship program is all about," said Caupert.

Top left: Refinery Operator Apprentice Celeste Linares with Congressman Mike Bost (IL-12).

Bottom left: Celeste Linares sharing her apprenticeship experience at the meeting.

Bottom right: NCERC Executive Director John Caupert speaking to audience members about NCERC's role in the Refinery Operator Apprenticeship program.
NCERC hosts Illinois Corn Marketing Board and Illinois Corn Growers Association
Nearly 60 Illinois Corn board members and staff from across the state toured NCERC's facilities this month.

Board meetings for both the Illinois Corn Marketing Board and the Illinois Corn Growers Association were held at the Center from January 20-22.

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Chancellor Randall Pembrook and NCERC Executive Director John Caupert had the opportunity to address the boards and thank them for choosing NCERC as their meeting destination.

"A key highlight for the month of January was the opportunity to host board meetings of both the Illinois Corn Growers Association and Illinois Corn Marketing Board. The National Corn-to-Ethanol Research Center wouldn't exist had it not been for the vision of Illinois Corn Growers more than two decades ago," said Caupert. "A highlight of hosting both boards was discussing the many new bio-based products that are being developed, which can utilize sugar from corn starch as the feedstock. Every new bio-based product developed is a new opportunity for a new bushel of corn, therefore increasing both opportunity and revenue for Illinois Corn Farmers."

Above: NCERC Executive Director John Caupert addressing the Illinois Corn Growers Association and Illinois Corn Marketing Board at their joint meeting on Tuesday, January 21.

Below: NCERC staff leads board members on tours of the facilities.
Connections & Visits
St. Louis AgriBusiness Club Meeting at St. Louis Science Center
St. Louis, MO
January 14, 2020

NCERC presents in RFA DDGS Subcomittee Webinar
Ellisville, MO
January 15, 2020

Edwardsville CEO Group Visit
Edwardsville, IL
January 21, 2020

Regional Apprenticeship Meeting
Collinsville, IL
January 23, 2020

InnovationXLab Biomanufacturing Summit
Berkeley, CA
January 28-29, 2020

STL CAPS Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing Visit
Edwardsville, IL
January 30, 2020
Upcoming Meetings
Key Biscayne, FL
February 5-8, 2020

Honolulu, HI
February 9-12, 2020

Houston, TX
February 10-12, 2020
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National Corn-to-Ethanol Research Center (NCERC)
400 University Park Drive, Edwardsville, IL 62025
618-659-6737 |