March 10, 2022
2022 FAR/AIM Limited Printing
ASA has been publishing and producing quality aviation training products for more than 80 years. We have endured some challenging times, but never before have operated through a pandemic. The aviation landscape has been hit hard by COVID, making recovery slow and less predictable. In the past 6 months, ASA has experienced such a high demand for the 2022 FAR/AIM that we have completely SOLD OUT. Due to widespread supply chain issues, we are unable to obtain the printing materials we used for the first printing of the FAR/AIM books.
While we cannot reprint the 2022 FAR/AIM as originally released, we have decided to publish a one-time, limited printing of the same book using different materials. The content, SKU, and ISBN will remain the same as in the original printing of the 2022 FAR/AIM, however, the dimensions of the book will be slightly different. This limited printing is not available for purchase as a Profit or Skid Pack.

The materials for the 2023 FAR/AIM series are already reserved, ensuring a return to the standard 6x9-inch format for the upcoming FAR/AIM edition released later this year.

Softcover, 5.375 x 8.375 inches, 1216 pages. Cover returns will not be accepted for this limited printing.
Order Now! Shipping Late April
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ISBN 978-1-64425-093-8
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Header Image: 1942 Grumman Widgeon owned by Jim Moriarty, photo by Burke Mees, author of
Notes of a Seaplane Instructor and Notes on the Tailwheel Checkout and an Introduction to Ski Flying