Bryson Broadcasting International Newsletter

Raising Radio and TV Revenues Worldwide! 
15 April, 2022

Why Should I Give You My Time?
You are the 10th salesperson who has called me today!
One of the hardest parts of our sales process is getting in the door the first time. Today, businesspeople are inundated by people wanting to sell them something. In-boxes are full, phones ring constantly, people walk in their door. That businessperson didn't get up in the morning saying, "Gee, I hope a radio or TV salesperson comes by today." Instead, they are trying to figure out how to run a profitable business in a business environment that is constantly changing. New problems arise daily. When we approach them, they are asking themselves, "Why should I give this person my time?"

"Hello, I'm salesperson X with XXXX station. I'd like to talk with you about your radio/TV advertising." Or, "I'd like to come by and learn a little bit about your business to see if I can sell you something." Or, "We've got this great new package I'd like to talk with you about."

Sound familiar? How are those opening lines working for you?

There are two worlds in every sales situation: Our world and the world of the client. Guess which world is most important? A prospect will welcome us into their world IF they perceive that doing so will make their world better, will solve problems for them. It's not about US: It's about THEM. We must answer, "Why"?

"Hello, my name is Salesperson and I'm with XXXX. I'm not sure if we have anything to talk about or not, but we've been working with businesspeople, such as yourself, to help them deal with some of the problems they are facing today. Some of our clients just can't find enough good people to work for them. We are helping them to locate staff. Some are experiencing supply chain problems. We are creating messages for them that help them create revenue streams for other parts of their business. Some recognize that since the cost of doing business is rising almost daily, the only way to protect their profit margin is to get more people in their stores. We have devised campaigns to increase their traffic. Which of these frustrations might you be experiencing? Well, would it make sense for you to invite me over for half an hour so we could discuss whether or not we might be able to help you? I'm available Tuesday at 2:00. "

Note that this .30 second commercial leads with how we have helped other business people to solve problems (3rd party reference.)The problems we mention (in bold) are the problems we are hearing from our current clients. These are almost universal today and will change as the business environment changes. You can insert new problems as they arise. Chances are your prospect has one or more of these challenges.

We craft our 30 second commercial to present what we do from the world of our clients: We help our clients to solve business problems. The vehicles we use to deliver messages from our clients to potential customers may be our radio stations, TV stations, digital programs, outdoor, direct mail. All of these are VEHICLES TO DELIVER MESSAGES. It's not about US: It's about THEM: Our clients. They don't want to buy advertising, but they DO want to solve business problems. If they believe we can help them do that, they will invite us in. They will give us their time. They will give us their money.
Happy Selling!
The Client's Corner
Alan Clepper, Williams Media, was named Personality of the Year by the Oklahoma Association of Broadcasters for the 10th consecutive year! Ten years! What is the magic that Alan uses to garner these accolades? We call it "care for his community." No matter what is going on in Enid, Oklahoma, Alan informs his listeners. He participates in his community. You can't go anywhere with Alan that someone doesn't stop him to talk. They consider him a friend. They have coffee with him each morning. He entertains, he informs, he provides companionship. He is the quintessential example of what a local morning show host should be. He cares, and it shows. We are all very proud of Alan. Congratulations to him for all his hard work. Care to bet that next year will be Number Eleven?
Words to Live By ....

“No man can become rich without himself enriching others.” Andrew Carnegie

Have you added this to your library yet?
What people are saying about this new book:
“In this time of a rapidly expanding media landscape with increasing layers of complexity, Pat Bryson reminds us that sales is still a people to people business built on personal relationships. The best relationships will endure long after disruptions such as COVID-19 have passed."
Peter Saxon
Managing Editor
Williams Media was a success at the OAB!
Bob Villones, General Manager, holding awards for Best of Show and Station Website at the Oklahoma Association of Broadcasters' convention
The Williams Media team at the Oklahoma Association of Broadcasters' Awards Banquet
We want to help your staff increase revenue!

We at Bryson Broadcasting International are available to help your sales staff achieve its next level of expertise. We customize our programs to meet your needs. As needed, we make use of interpreters and produce sales materials in your language. Our training options include online sessions done live for your staff.

If you would like to discuss your sales training needs, we may be reached at,

or call us at 918.810.3068. 

For more information about BBI, click here.

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