The latest news and updates from Cary Presbyterian Church

News & Updates from Your CPC Family
Sending this week's newsletter was delayed due to a power outage at CPC caused by inclement weather on Thursday afternoon, February 6
Life In The Spirit by Emily Sailor
Worship Service and Communion 
5th Sunday after Epiphany
Sunday, February 9, 2020
Worship Service: 8:30 a.m.
Sunday School: 9:29 a.m.
Worship Service : 10:30 a.m.

Service Participants - 8:30 a.m.
Minister: Rev. Duane Hix, Rev. Mitzi Lesher-Thomas
Director of Music: Ed Yasick
Lay Reader: Tom Bolick
Sound: Hunter Piermont
Ushers:  Tom Bolick and Henry Gibbs
Counters: Kim Markham and Heidi Everett

Service Participants - 10:30 a.m.
Minister: Rev. Duane Hix, Rev. Mitzi Lesher-Thomas
Director of Music: Ed Yasick
Choir: Chancel Choir
Lay Reader: Peggy Viser
Children in Worship: Barbara Harvey
Sound: Craig Anderson Bus Driver: Christie Foppiano
Ushers:  Rick Boswell, Ellen Govert, LeNelle Patrick, and Katie Stuart
Counters: Kim Markham and Heidi Everett

Message: The Purpose of Preaching , Rev. Duane Hix
Scripture Readings: Psalm 15; I Corinthians 1:18-25 

Joys and Concerns for this week may be found   at this link .

Pastor Nominating Committee minutes and reports 
are available at this link

The 2019 Annual Report is available for review at this link.

Coffee Fellowship is back this coming Sunday, Feb. 9!
  • We're focusing on 2nd Sundays and All Together Sundays.
  • Different folk will coordinate each month.
If you expressed interest on your Time and Talent form don't be surprised if you get a call! Interested now? Reach out to one of the coordinators!

February - Duncan & Sandy Hutchinson; March - Meredith McGill & Jerry Slaymaker; April - Rhonda Hinnant; May - Audrey Saussman

This Week's YAF Youth News

Each week Alan sends out the YAF newsletter. 
There's a lot of great information 
about what's going on (and what's upcoming) 
with CPC youth. 
You can find the latest newsletter at this link.   

High School Class of 2020
At this year's Youth Sunday service on February 23, 
we will offer up prayers  of thanksgiving and words of encouragement 
for this year's class of graduating seniors. 

We hope you will join us as we celebrate the following graduates:
Emma Anderson, Betsy Bowdish, Jake Bryant, 
Ella Burton, Valerie Campbell, Laylani Callaway, Carter Hancock, 
CJ Hofmeister, Anna Kelly, Mackenzie Lesher-Thomas, Bailey Rathbone, 
Jackson Spencer, Ella Troiano, Corrine Walker

Thank You from Lori

As I tried to describe the over-the-top goodbye lunch to my clergy colleague in another state she  remarked, "I've never heard of a minister's farewell including a country song, bales of hay and brisket!"  That was before I told her about your generous offerings!
CPC unique and wonderful all the way around! 

Your words---verbal and written, your affections, our shared laughter and tears,
the recalling of so many significant moments. 
It truly was an amazing afternoon as has been the time and ministry shared. Thank you.

To those who planned, prepared, cooked and cleaned up; who spoke overly gracious words; who offered  gentle condolences midst the gratitudes....again and again, again and again: THANK YOU!

Ever in my heart you will be!

Christian Faith Formation
for Sunday, February 9

Faith Together ,an intergenerational class for adults and all children in elementary school, meets upstairs in the Sunday School building art room. Come up the ramp and go to the classroom straight ahead.  We're continuing with the unit called "Snuggle Up with God."  In this session we'll learn how Jesus helped and loved the unlovable. We'll think about who the unlovable might be in our communities and what we can do to help them.

Adult Classes
Adult I:   meets in the parlor

Bible & Beyond
We'll be using The Bible & the Christian Life by John Stott on the authority, interpretation, and use of scripture in developing a Christian mind and making an impact on society. Stott is a former pastor and respected author. Meets in the Faith Hall of Fame - the former computer lab at the parking lot end of the hallway.

Faith Today Rm. 100
We'll be discussing Revolutionary Kingdom: Following the Rebel Jesus by Mike Slaughter. Starting with the deceptively simple question 'what is a disciple' this study quickly shifts to reflecting on how to live the missional call in the contemporary world.

Faith & Family Rm. 102
We'll be reflecting on Short stories by Jesus from Amy Jill-Levine and reading Jesus most popular parables with an eye to better understanding their original audience and context in order to shape our hearing for our time.

Children in Worship:
The story this week is the parable of the Leaven. The people of God had been hearing Jesus talk about the Kingdom of Heaven, but they didn't understand what it was like, so they simply had to ask him. Together we'll wonder what the leaven might really be and why the person put the leaven in the loaf. 
Leader: Barbara Harvey

Anyone is welcome to join us at any time for listening to the stories, responding to the stories and learning them by retelling. Would you like to be a leader? Children in Worship begins at the same time as sanctuary worship does. We finish up during the hymn following the sermon and return to 'big church' to join the rest of the congregation. Please contact Jen Pierce if you are interested.

Art Project, February 9
It is time for the Art Project! We will meet in the Fellowship Hall at 6:00 p.m. this Sunday, February 9. If you would like to join the youth for dinner (it's taco night!) please send Jen Pierce an email RSVP by Saturday so we can have enough food.
All the supplies will be set up so if you're not eating with us, you can get started right away. There will be watercolors, colored pencils, collage materials, etc, but you are welcome to bring your own if you have a particular medium you like to work with. Your creativity is not limited to what we have to work with! Since we are re-using the mats and frames, we have specific sizes that the finished artwork needs to be.
If you would like to contribute, but aren't available that evening, we will have paper (and supplies if needed) ready to "check out" after 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. worship in the Narthex. Finished artwork is due by February 23.

Financial Update from the Finance Manager

We report with great joy and thanksgiving the following gifts received during the fourth quarter of 2019:          
  • Christmas Eve loose plate offerings of $2,090 designated for ASP.
  • ASP gift in honor of Jody and Kim Zeugner.
  • Gifts to Music & Worship in memory of Si Garber and Thelma Wood, Peggy Viser's mother.
  • Gifts of $1,570 to Youth Ministry.
  • Joy Gift special offerings of $1,104.
  • Gifts of $2,403 to Capital Improvements for various exterior lighting improvements, including the sign.
  • Generous love offering gifts in honor of Medora's retirement, Mandy's farewell, and staff Christmas gifts.
As we ended 2019 and celebrated Lori's four years of ministry among us, it seems very fitting and appropriate to share that we finished 2019 with a surplus of $66,000. We received over 100% of our planned giving commitments, and loose plate far exceeded its budget, thanks to two large, unexpected gifts. Most teams spent their 2019, including all of the mission gifts.

It is very important to note that we have a tremendous giving response to missions outside of our operating budget such as: ASP stock gifts, Guatemala missions (wall o'missions), Guatemala student scholarships (27 students representing over $18,000), One Great hour of Sharing, Joy Gift, and others. Plus two huge intergenerational missions with a lot of volunteers: Neighborhood Summer Program and Be the Hands. In 2019, this giving was in excess of $44,000.

The year end surplus of $66,000 will be added to Capital Improvements and Vehicle Replacement reserve, and Budget & Finance and Session will determine the allocation. We will take into account the significant capital costs on the horizon, including, but not limited to, eleven remaining HVAC units, roof repairs and replacements, Christian Education building flooring replacements, and other expenses consistent with a 20+ year old building.

Please note the following reserve balances as of December 31, 2019 (before allocation of the surplus):
  • Capital Improvements reserve - $65,000
  • Vehicle Replacement reserve - $31,000
  • Undesignated Fund Balance (general reserves) - $195,000
And, remember, we have been mortgage and debt free since December 31, 2015.

The 2020 operating budget is completely balanced through Planned Giving Commitments, loose plate offerings, and a small amount of other income. We did use any designated balances or carryover reserves to balance the budget.

Final 2020 giving numbers include planned giving commitments of $671,900 from 193 family units. This includes six new givers, and the total is one less pledger than last year. The average pledge was $3,481; a slight increase over last year. 2020 is the second year in a row we've seen a leveling and small increase in the total amount pledged. A very encouraging trend, especially during our interim period.

Please refer to the balance sheet, income statement and operating budget in the annual report.

If you have any questions please contact Barbara Carew, a member of Budget & Finance, or a member of Session.

As always, we are extremely grateful for God's generous people. All of your gifts are truly appreciated.

Triple F Group News

Triple F Group will enjoy Brunch at IHOP on Monday, February 10, at 9:30 a.m.  Come join us!  We will resume meetings at the church in March.  Details to be announced.   

Kitchen Katz Annual Kitchen Cleanup, February 22
The Kitchen Katz are holding their annual deep cleaning (and a bit of reorganizing) of the church kitchen and are yowling for your help. 
They plan to be on the job from 10:00 a.m. until noon on Saturday, February 22.  
If you're available and can spare a bit of your time and energy, we will be most grateful.

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner, February 25
Our Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner will be held on February 25 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Tickets are available at the door that evening: $4.00 for adults, $2.00 for children ages 2 to 12, under 2 free, $15 max per family. 

Proceeds and donations will go towards the CPC's mission work in Guatemala.  Volunteers are needed to help with set-up, cooking, serving, and clean-up.  If you can help, please sign up using SignUp Genius.  Here is the link
Please join us for an enjoyable family evening!

Resilience Event: Sunday, March 8, Noon to 2:00 p.m.
Mark your calendar!  On Sunday, March 8, the CPC Social Justice Ministry Team, along with the Resilience Ministry Team from St. Paul's Episcopal Church, will offer a program from Noon to 2:00 p.m. that examines the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). Research shows that all communities experience ACEs. We are no exception. 
You are invited to join us for the first part of the program in the CPC sanctuary to learn about ACEs and their effect on physical and mental health. The program will include a short video that summarizes much of the information in the hour-long documentary Resilience  shown on PBS in November. This will be followed by lunch in Fellowship Hall and a discussion about using Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs) to help counteract the negative impacts of ACEs.   
Educating ourselves about ACEs and PCEs can help us build resiliency - especially in our children and youth. The program is free but registration via Eve ntbrite (which will begin next week) is required for lunch and the discussion which follows.   

Cool Books Club News

The Cool Books Club will meet on Tuesday, March 3, at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Peg Giesbrecht.  Our book this month is
Educated by Tara Westover. Her memoir reveals her lifelong struggles to overcome her harsh upbringing and her desire to be free to live her own life and still be accepted by her Mormon birth family.
Born to survivalists in the mountains of Idaho, Tara Westover was seventeen the first time she set foot in a classroom. Her family was so isolated from mainstream society that there was no one to ensure the children received an education, and no one to intervene when one of Tara's older brothers became violent. When another brother got himself into college, Tara decided to try a new kind of life. Her quest for knowledge transformed her, taking her over oceans and across continents, to Harvard and to Cambridge University. Only then would she wonder if she'd traveled too far, if there was still a way home.
If you would like to join our discussion, or need more information, please contact Peg Giesbrecht at 919-859-3951 or Ellen Cline at 919-469-1456.

Session News in a NutShell - February 2020
Session met on February 3, 2002. During that meeting they:
  1. Recommitted to the CPC Mission Statement and Session Covenant. It states:
CPC MISSION STATEMENT : We are God's Family through the common bond of faith in Jesus Christ. In gratitude for God's love and grace, and empowered by the Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in God's love, to worship God faithfully, to nurture one another, to share the Gospel, and to help those in need.
We commit to God, to the members of Cary Presbyterian Church, to church staff and to each other to show the love of God by
      • bringing our best always,
      • being faithful and intentional in our work,
      • welcoming differing opinions,
      • loving, respecting and trusting one another,
      • recognizing our individual spiritual gifts,
      • creating intentional Christian community,
      • providing support and accountability to ourselves and each ministry area,
      • discerning and responding to the spiritual needs of the congregation,
      • creating safe and sacred space, and
      • nurturing, supporting and encouraging each other with love and grace.
Our call as members of Session is to work together to advance the health and harmony of the whole body, Cary Presbyterian Church, to the glory of God, following Jesus as head of the church.
  1. Approved a motion to host an event on March 8 at 12:00 noon that focuses on child brain trauma and the movie Resilience. Look for more information from the Social Justice Ministry team about this event.
  1. Approved a called Congregational Meeting on February 23, at the start of worship to approve the 2020 Nominating Team.
  1. Approved a motion to appoint the 2020 Officers of the Corporation. In accordance with the Bylaws, the session is required to elect the officers of the corporation each year. Besides being necessary for incorporation, the officers sign bank documents, and anything else having to do with financial matters (loans, lines of credit, etc), and transactions involving the real property (sale of land, easements, zoning, etc.). The elected officers are:Belinda Weinbrecht - President, Peg Giesbrecht - Vice President, Cathy Williams - Secretary, Barbara Carew - Treasurer.
          Cathy Williams, Clerk of Session

2020 Envelope Boxes available now

2020 envelope boxes are now available for pickup in the Narthex. If you would like envelopes and don't see your name, please email

Send Your News and Announcements
Bulletin and e-Link announcements 
for an upcoming newsletter or bulletin
need to be received in office email 
by 12:00 noon on Wednesday 
prior to the first day they need to run. 
Please send to Phil Melton at

CPC Website Calendar 
If you're interested in the dates of services and events at CPC or need  to know what rooms are available at the church at specific times on specific days, you can find that information on the CPC website calendar at this link(When you go to the CPC website, find a link at the top of the home page.
The CPC Online Directory is linked at the top of the home page as well.) 

 The CPC Church Directory is Online
Remember - the CPC Directory
is linked on the church website!
You can access our directory by clicking the Member Directory link at the top of our website home page. Correct your info, add pictures, etc. online by following that link.
For instructions about using the directory , go to this link .
If you have not accessed the directory yet, an invitation will have to be sent to you by Servant Keeper. If you need this new invitation, email with your name and an invitation will be requested for you. All invitations are good for only two weeks.

Wear your name tag!
Need a name tag?  Need a new name tag?  You can do one of these things:
  • Write "Need a name tag" next to your name in the Welcome Book
  • OR sign up for a name tag at the table by the TV in the Narthex. As soon as yours is ready it will be on that same table. (Keep it where most convenient on one of the name tag racks.) 


CPC Church Service Podcasts
CPC Service podcasts are added weekly to Soundcloud and for posting to the website on this page. They appear with the most recent service featured at the top of the page, with the illustration from that week's bulletin as an identifier (as shown above).

(The services for August 12 and September 2, 2018 are not available due to recording difficulties those Sundays. December 9, 2018 service was cancelled due to inclement weather. You can find a copy of Mitzi's message 'Expectation Vs. Reality' for August 12 at this link.)

The public CPC Facebook page is a great continuing source of information about what is upcoming and what has happened at CPC. Visit it frequently for news and pictures you won't see elsewhere, and share the posts with your friends and on your own Facebook page! 

Follow the links to the public page and the CPC family page below: 

CPC Calendar for  February 9 through February 16

Did You Know?

Cary Presbyterian Church is a part of a larger family of churches comprising the New Hope Presbytery. 
From Efland to the Outer Banks, spanning 33 counties, with 122 congregations representing 28,314 members, we are a Mid-Council of the Presbyterian Church (USA) serving eastern North Carolina. 

To learn more about what is going on within our New Hope Presbytery, click here to sign up for the Presbytery of New Hope e-newsletter