Episode #2How to Create a PR Strategy for Your Club-- Best Practices with Kathy Hernandez, SI Orlando

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What's in a Skål USA Podcast?

Hosted by your Skål USA President Burcin Turkkan check out our new communications medium so you can keep up with all things Skål, now even on the go!

Podcasts are "On Demand" audio recordings and can be listened to on your schedule - not when a Radio Station decides to air it. So, it's kind of like TiVo or Digital Video Recorders (DVR).

Each podcast typically has a website where past show episodes can be listened to or downloaded for future listening. With this type of media, you can either listen to it on your computer or take it with you by transferring it to a portable digital media player or using a podcast app on your phone.

For now we will be providing direct access through a link to play it on our podcast hosting website and posting new episodes on our website in the Skål USA Pressroom.
Episode Highlights

* Create and increase visibility with Skål USA Brand

* Crafting a PR Strategy-- how to create stronger relationships with local media

* Picking topics for press releases

* Tips, Tricks and Resources

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Phone: (202) 898-4690 |website: