December 2020
Debbie Dadey's 139th newsletter

Like so many, I suffered the greatest tragedy my family has ever known this past year. I lost my youngest son and my heart will never recover. If I can do anything for you this year to ease your suffering, please let me know and I will pray for you. Alex never liked me posting his picture, so I won't here, but above are his boots by the fire pit he helped build.

If you need autographed bookplates for your class, send me the list and an address. I'll get them out as soon as possible.
Hope one of these holiday books, makes life a bit more fun.

I thought I'd have some good news to share with you as I certainly need some good news, but not quite yet. I couldn't share the picture of the good news, but below is the tiniest of hints. Can you guess? More in January.
Need a stocking stuffer? Here's one for a mermaid mystery lover.

I made a mini trailer for this book using the free version of WeVideo. It's fun to use!
A fabulous fan told me about Written Out Loud, a writing program for kids that looks super.

World Read Aloud Day is Feb. 3, 2021
Here is a list of authors who are participating in virtual readings, including myself.

If you are reading this and are not signed up for my monthly newsletter, here's the link to sign up. Your email is solely for the purpose of the monthly newsletter. Thanks for signing up!

Here's a free holiday story to give your kids.
I hope your holiday season is filled with many, many blessings.