Fairfax Update
News From Around Town...
March 7,2022
Highlights of the March 2nd Town Council Meeting

Here are some highlights from the March 2nd Town Council

  • New Town Manager Heather Abrams was welcomed and took the oath of office. Interim Town Manager Politzer and Interim Public Works Director Goldman were thanked and presented with proclamations for their service.
  • The Council received a presentation on rent control that generated extensive public comment. The Council will take the information gathered and consider it for future discussion. 
  • The Council adopted a resolution denying the application for a commercial medical cannabis business permit, design review permit, and sign exception permit. They then dismissed as moot an appeal of a Planning Commission denial regarding the same medical cannabis storefront retail/adult use retail delivery-only business.
  • The discussion about a framework for long-term outdoor dining structures was moved to the Council’s April 6th meeting, together with the resolution extending the current terms of the permits for these existing temporary structures. 

Electric Vehicle (EV) Marin Events 

Join Ride and Drive Clean at their upcoming webinar to learn about EVs and visit their in-person EV and e-bike road shows to take a test drive/ride. 

Zoom Webinars
EV 101 Marin: Tuesday, March 8th at 7PM

EV 102: New EV Owner Workshop: March 9th at 5PM

Please visit for a full list of events. 
Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority (MWPA) Update

Fire has always been a part of the natural history of Marin County. MWPA is working with local fire agencies to build resiliency to wildfire into our communities. Join the meeting this Thursday, March 10th at 6pm to learn more about one of MWPA’s projects, the Greater Ross Valley Shaded Fuel Break project, which would be a continuous shaded fuel break, implemented to protect the communities of central Marin.

Upcoming Meetings & Events
Parks & Recreation Meeting
March 14 - 7pm

Climate Action Committee Meeting
March 15 - 7pm

Open Space Committee Meeting
March 22 - 7pm

Planning Commission Meeting
March 24 - 7pm

To view the agendas visit our Public Meetings page.

Marin Water Community Workshop
March 9th from 5 - 7pm
Virtual workshops to educate the community about the launched Water Supply Strategic Assessment.
Learn more and join the Zoom meeting - link listed below.

MWPA Public Meeting: Greater Ross Valley Shaded
Fuel Break Project
March 10 - 6pm

West Marin Little League Parade
March 12 - 9:30am
Downtown Fairfax

Electric Vehicle Rally
March 12 - Noon - 12:30pm
The Rally of electric vehicles will be passing through downtown Fairfax - come down and cheer them on!

Gathering Stories / Weaving Resistance: Climate Justice and Justice Across Borders
March 5 - April 2
Fairfax Library during open hours
Community Room Gallery
Reception will be held on Saturday March 26, 2-4pm
Fairfax Recreation
Spring Break Skate Camp
Fairfax Skate Park

Grades K-8 (limit of 8 kids)
Week of April 4th
Monday – Friday 

Fairfax Recreation is offering Mini Skate Camp during Spring Winter Break at the Fairfax Skate Park! Campers will be instructed in the basic fundamentals of skateboarding. 

Toddler Music with Dani Levy
Women’s Club outside patio
Ages 0-6 years
Wednesdays, March 2-30

Chi Gong with Susan Ezra
10am -11am 
Bolinas Park

Other Town and County News
Town of Fairfax is Hiring a Neighborhood Response Group Coordinator

The Fairfax Neighborhood Response Group (NRG) Coordinator works with Fairfax Neighborhood Response Groups (NRGs), which are volunteer neighborhood initiatives that help residents prepare for, respond to, and recover from major disasters like earthquakes and floods, and wildfires. The NRG Coordinator's primary role is to aid in developing new NRGs and providing support to existing NRGs (such as current FireWise neighborhoods).

Housing Element Update

Be Part of the Solution: Add Housing to your Property
  • More than 10 Fairfaxians have already indicated their interest in learning more about the process for adding housing units to their property. You can add your name and learn more by filling out the Property Owner Interest Form.
  • Your contribution could help the Town meet its housing goal for the Housing Element Update.

Make Public Comments on Important Documents
  • The Housing Element Update process is starting to move into drafting important sections of the Housing Element policy document. 
  • Check out the Public Comments page where Fairfaxians can review the latest drafts of important documents, voice their suggestions, and ask questions. 
Other Ways to Voice your Vision for Future Housing
  • Visit the Fairfax Speaks Sites Inventory page to see and provide input on the potential sites being considered for additional housing. 
  • Make sure to register on the Fairfax Speaks website for future updates throughout this year-long planning process.
Want to Get Involved? Join a Board or Commission!

Do you want to make a real difference in 2022? Consider joining a board or commission for the Town of Fairfax. There are openings on several boards and commissions. Click here to see the current vacancies.

Marin Humane Society Dog Licensing Late Fees Waived Through March

A license could be your dog’s lucky charm! Did you know that a license is the first thing we look for when a stray dog comes to the shelter? If your pup ever goes missing, a license is the quickest way for us to reunite you – meaning you won’t have to go searching at the end of the rainbow.

Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority (MWPA) Grants

This is the perfect time of year to do yard work and clear brush to be as fire safe as possible.

Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority (MWPA) offers two grants opportunities to help residents with expenses related to creating defensible space and home hardening.

Contact: 415-539-6972
Marin Water Update
Marin Water is holding a series of virtual workshops to educate the community about the launched Water Supply Strategic Assessment. This five-month assessment will evaluate various water supply projects that could supplement the district’s water needs in times of future shortages. It builds on extensive previous planning efforts and will also explore potential new water supply options.

Participate in the first Community Workshop on March 9th from 5 - 7 pm to:

• Learn more about Marin Water's Strategic Water Supply Assessment and its purpose.
• Preview the potential water supply projects the assessment will evaluate and hear more about the decision-making process the district will use following the assessment.
• Ask Marin Water staff and consultant subject matter experts your questions about the process.
Join the Workshop:

By computer or smart device, go to:
By telephone, dial 1-669-900-6833 and enter the webinar ID 899 5111 9458
Water is a precious resource year round. Please continue to monitor usage and take steps to save water.

More data regarding our water supply, reservoir levels, and recent rainfall can always be found at
Spread the Word

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You can also share the link on your social media which will reach your whole network. Together, we can help keep everyone informed about upcoming meetings, events and more!
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