In 2020, IIUSA launched the Investor Market Webinar Series so the industry stayed informed and empowered while precluded from traveling. The series was a resounding success, connecting over 25 sponsor organizations, as well as, investors and international service providers for 12 events with over 1,000+ live participants! 

While we hope to return to in-person events in 2021, we also know that virtual education, networking and business development are here to stay, at least for the time being, and we are proud to announce the first events in our 2021 Investor Market Webinar Series. We hope you will consider joining us for these important events in the year ahead!

Holiday & Multi-Event Discounts Are Available!

We are pleased to offer sponsorships for this proven business and marketing development platform. We are happy to work with sponsors on multi-event discount packages and we are currently offering limited time holiday discounts which could amount to up to 20% off!

To discuss available sponsorships and potential discounts please email or call (202) 795-9667.