Spontaneous SCHMETZ Snippet FBLive , March 26
Rita Farro, Rhonda Pierce, and Mary Mulari..
Did Rita just whisper that the Midwest YaYa’s Sisters - Rita and Mary –
may make a special appearance at the upcoming NZP Sewing Event? Stay tuned! 
Hooray! Rita Farro and I published the 99th issue of SCHMETZ Inspired to SEW (SITS). Just one more issue to go. Issue #100 is the complete index covering over eight years of stitch stories. What started as an idea for a quarterly e-zine quickly morphed into a monthly. Initially, the goal was to publish 12 issues. Then the goal was three years, then five. So, we just kept going. There will be no issue #101. Instead, a new celebration of stitches will launch later in the year, so stay tuned and continue to read this newsletter for announcements.

Meanwhile, Rita and I did a spontaneous SCHMETZ Snippet FBLive on Saturday. It’s only 10 minutes with laughs and our most frequent SITS talent and friend, Mary Mulari. If you missed it, click this link:
Sew SCHMETZ & Grabbit® Too!
SCHMETZ Inspired to Sew
Issue #99

Ninety-nine issues done. This is the last issue, except for the index in issue #100. In 2013, an idea for a quarterly publication took shape at a Creative Arts Business Summit (CABS) lead by Morna McEver Golletz in Washington DC, then bloomed into this monthly e-zine. At that time, print magazines were beginning to fade . . .

Share with your friends. 
Our Next FBLive is April 6!

Rhonda’s on vacation. From where will she broadcast? At this writing, even Rhonda doesn’t know. Stay tuned . . . . 
Wednesday, April 6, 2022
Noon CST

Orange Peel M.E.A.L.

Join Kate Toney of Tough Kitten Crafts as she hosts a 6-week Machine Embroider-A-Long to help you create a fun and easy tiling project! This Machine Embroider-A-Long (or M.E.A.L. as Kate likes to call it) is appropriate for every skill level from scared newbie to confident embroidery expert and will feature many ways to finish your project. The Orange Peel M.E.A.L. will have live events, guest hosts and over a dozen giveaways from beloved sewing brands like SCHMETZ!

Want your chance to win a SCHMETZ embroidery needle bundle? Follow @ToughKittenCrafts on Instagram. For more information on how to win and sign up for the M.E.A.L. click here:
Mark Your Calendar: 
May 12 – 14, 2022, Beaver Dam, WI

Have a favorite needle type and size? Are you a power stitcher? SCHMETZ bulk is a great way to keep your favorite needle readily available… especially at 2AM. (Save time and $$$.) When buying from, you receive authentic SCHMETZ needles, direct from the SCHMETZ factory. Our prices are usually lower than Amazon’s.

Did you see Joanne Banko’s interview with Rhonda? 
Click the Image to Watch the Replay.
Needle Point:
What Do Those Numbers Mean on the Needle Pack?
Have you "liked" SCHMETZneedles on Facebook and Instagram?
Where's Rhonda?
2022 Virtual Events & Shows
March 30 Jennifer Tryon Sewing 101 April 6 SCHMETZneedles FBLive; 14 FitNice System; 20 River Edge Antiques & Quilt Loft; 27-29 AQS Paducah May 4 SCHMETZneedles FBLive; 5 Minnesota Quilt Guild; 10 Mountain Piecemakers Quilt Guild; 12-14 Nancy Zieman Sewing Studio; 26 ASG-Salt Lake City June 1 SCHMETZneedles FBLive; 13 Lakeshore Sewing, Lighthouse Quilt Guild; 22-24 h+h Chicago July 6 SCHMETZneedles FBLive; 12-15 Bernina University; August 3 SCHMETZneedles FBLive; 4 Tulsa MQG; 18 Eastside Quilters Guild September 7 SCHMETZneedles FBLive; 13 Fraser Valley Quilters Guild; 19 Conejo Valley Quilters October 5 SCHMETZneedles FBLive November 2 SCHMETZneedles FBLive; 8 Four County Quilt Guild; 9 Sheboygan Quilt Guild December 7 SCHMETZneedles FBLive  
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