We're thrilled in welcome Jo Ann Prompongsatorn Farrant and Saima Husain to gs staff!
Please also note that applications for Embodied Leadership in Durham, NC are due on March 19th.
Dear generative somatics (gs) community,
This new decade began with indescribable climate disasters and threats of global war. Many of us also entered 2020 in major life and work transitions, full of both grief and joy. As we face into all of it, we at gs extend wishes for ground and center, and hopes for a year that brings political power and liberatory victories.

Today, we have exciting news!

We are delighted to welcome Jo Ann Prompongsatorn Farrant as our Interim Executive Director, and Saima Husain as our Resource Development Manager. Jo Ann will be doing critical work with our staff and board, preparing us for our next permanent leader and phase. Saima will support the overall resourcing of gs, with specific focus on foundation fundraising.

Please read more about Jo Ann and Saima below and join us in welcoming them to gs.

With gratitude,

gs staff, senior leadership, & board
(Aja, Chanda, Chris, Danielle, Mahfam, Raquel, RJ, Staci, Yashna)

Welcome Jo Ann!
Welcome Saima!

Learning and practicing with gs has had a profound impact on my life, leadership, work, parenting, and relationships and I've seen it transform people and organizations I care about. I'm thrilled to be working with gs to ensure that more people have access to somatics for their individual healing and transformation and so our social justice organizations and movements can be more powerful and aligned with our values and so we win!

The application deadline for Embodied Leadership is March 19th. Please consider applying or pass these opportunities along to others who are a good fit.

Embodied Leadership in Durham, NC

generative somatics | www.generativesomatics.org