Our vision is to have a community where no kittens are born wild on the street, no cat  capable of living in a home is lacking one, and no feral cats are wanting for food, water,  and appropriate care and concern.

A happy ending for one kitty thanks to our supporters   

This happy cat with her human is Esme. Esme came in to SAFCC's Community Cat Adoption Program with a litter of babies and several of her siblings. All of the cats were sick and infested with fleas, but with proper care provided by our CCAP fosters, they all recovered. 

Unfortunately, Esme was the sickest of the bunch and was already blind when she was rescued. Esme's only hope for a pain-free future was an expensive enucleation surgery to remove both infected eyes. Thanks to those who donated to our our GivingGrid fundraiser, Esme was able to undergo a double enucleation and has since been adopted into a forever family! Thank you to our donors and supporters!

Thanks for the food donations!

Many thanks to Betty Y. for the pictured food items donated from our Amazon Wishlist. This food will go to supplement our Feral Food Program which provides cat food for colony caretakers that are unable to afford feeding their cats. If you'd  like to support this program, please consider ordering via our Amazon Wishlist or donate directly HERE to provide food. 

Share the word about TNR at your neighborhood National Night Out event  

National Night Out is October 1st this year, why not participate in your neighborhood's NNO event by setting up a table to talk about TNR in your community. SAFCC will provide literature and posters (if available) for you to pass out. 

Please email us at for more info. 

Trapper Team rescue at local restaurant 
SAFCC's Trapper Team was trapping cats at the Fujiya Restaurant on Wurzbach and one wily female refused to be caught. The owners, who fed and cared for their feral cats, called us concerned because she had kittens and the restaurant was closing for remodeling. 

Our Community Cat Adoption Program foster rescued the family and they will all find good homes! Thanks to all who helped this family survive!

SAFCC Cat of the Month: Gaia

Gaia is a six-year-old tuxedo female. After living outside as a stray for years, suffering from cruel abuse at the hands of those who worked in the area, and giving birth to the last of an unknown number of litters, she was finally picked up by a kind woman who helped her get into foster care with her babies. Despite her past, Gaia is a very sweet and affectionate girl. She wants to trust and be loved by people, but she still has some PTSD that makes her shy away from touch and startle easily at sudden movements. She has improved significantly over the past year and a half in her foster home. Gaia has learned to play with toys and loves to perch in high places. She still needs some help remembering she is safe. She is looking for an understanding and gentle family to adopt her and be her forever home so she will never have to be afraid or hurt again. 

If you are interested in learning more about Gaia, please email her foster mom at 
Trap loan volunteer needed in SW San Antonio

Have you thought about volunteering? SAFCC needs a Trap Loan Volunteer to serve the southwest side of San Antonio. This volunteer opportunity is a great way to help those in your local area who are doing TNR! 


        -  Have a car that holds several traps.  

        -  Have a garage or storage place that can store up to 20 traps. 

        -  Be able to submit a monthly report of trap data. 

If you would like to know more, please call Marte at (210) 370-7370.
Help us continue to do this important work for our city! Please donate  HERE .
Helpful Links:

San Antonio Feral Cat Coalition | (210) 877-9067 |