January 2020
Mel King Institute Director's Corner
Happy New Year! 

This year at MKI we are riding the wave from our 10th Anniversary Celebration last year, into our next decade. This winter at MKI we will continue to provide trainings in our core learning areas of Affordable Housing, Economic Development, Community Organizing & Planning, Nonprofit Governance, and Racial Equity. We are committed to supporting the community development work that is happening across the state so look for our workshops and trainings this season in Springfield, Lawrence, and Worcester. You can access our winter training calendar here

We are excited to launch our new Business Development Certificate Program with Cambridge College, Mass Growth Capitol Corporation, and Lawyers for Civil Rights for Small Business technical assistance providers this month. The Alliance for Racial Equity , in partnership with CHAPA, will begin the next cycle of the Community Development Mentoring Program later this spring. The Public Housing Program , and our growing roster of peer trainers, will continue to offer trainings for Board members and Resident Leaders across the state. 

Lastly, we will continue to host our field and community building efforts such as the Innovation Forum , Community Meditation Night , Undoing Racism Regroup sessions and the Racial Equity Facilitators (REFs) Network.
It is going to be a busy year (and decade) and we are excited to get started!
Shirronda Almeida
Mel King Institute Director
Join us on Thursday for this Innovation Forum. The presenters will showcase some exciting business models for Community Developers to think about and provide a place for discussing their efficacy and whether/how they can be replicated, adapted and/or scaled.

Presenters will include:
Registration for Approaches to Supervision is still open!
~ Instructor ~
Laurie Jo Wallace, Health Resources in Action

This training focuses on supervision and program management for adult staff. It addresses the roles and responsibilities of supervisors, communication, work relationships, program management, and the specific supervision of staff.

Applications now open
The Mel King Institute Certificate offers a new way to engage with our programming through a more comprehensive experience. By taking a range of existing MKI courses, this program provides an overview of the basic skills, knowledge, and values that underlie the work of community development in Massachusetts. 

Featured Event
Clark University
950 Main Street
Lurie Conference Room (in Higgins University Center)
Worcester, MA 01610

~ Instructor ~
Joe Kriesberg, MACDC President
This course will provide an overview of contemporary community development including its values, goals, theory of change and strategies. 

Participants will explore:
  • How the field has evolved since its birth in the 1960s and 1970s.
  • How the field is currently organized, including the role of different players 
  • The core values and goals of the community development field
  • and The core community economic development issues and strategies

Upcoming MKI Events
Start Date:
~ Wednesday, January 22, 2020 ~

This program is a comprehensive examination of establishing and operating a small business in today’s dynamic business environment. It provides the knowledge and business technical skills needed in order to deliver high quality business consultation and technical assistance to small businesses including women, immigrant, veteran, and minority owned businesses. 

Brought to you by Cambridge College, Lawyers for Civil Rights, Mel King Institute, and Massachusetts Growth Capital Corporation ( MGCC)

Contact Fehintola Abioye at for more details or with any questions.
Public Housing Training Program 

This training helps participants handle challenges unique to their particular role as both a resident and a Board Member of a public housing authority. Participants learn about the role of the Board Member, take an in-depth look at budgets and capital improvement plans, and receive a free resource binder. 

Upcoming Training Opportunities:

This training builds on the Public Housing Training Program’s Resident Leader training to help participants work more closely and effectively in their communities. It is being offered in partnership with trainer George Luse as part of the Resident Leader curriculum update process. 

Upcoming Training Opportunities:
Partner Events
Community Organizing & Planning

Nonprofit Governance

Racial Equity

Real Estate Development


Application Deadlines

Share Your Programming with Us!
Do you have a training, conference, or program application you'd like us to promote in our next Newsletter? Send it our way to .
In the subject line please include: MKI Newsletter Programming
Featured Resources

This toolkit focuses on the broader goal of identifying universal themes and values that tie together a range of issues. This will guide organizations in building a more cohesive story about their mission through smaller campaigns.
by Tema Okun, dRworks

This is a list of characteristics of white supremacy culture that show up in our organizations. It is important for us to know them, name them, learn to understand them, and dismantle them.
Mass Union of Public Housing Tenants (Mass Union) and Mass Law Reform Institute (MLRI) have produced a Bill of Rights for public housing developments that are being redeveloped with private partners.
In Case You Missed It
Mr. Mel King was recently honored with a beautiful mural at Madison Park High School by artist Genaro Ortega. We are privileged to carry his name and be inspired by him everyday to build community in Boston as he has done and continues to do! #teamworkmakesthedreamwork

pc: Lew Finfer