Update on Board of Trustees Meeting
Regular Board Meeting: Thursday, July 8, 2021
Dr. Alejandro Guerrero assumes the role of Interim Senior Dean, Counseling Services and Student Success effective July 21, 2021.
Board Approves Interim Senior Dean, Counseling Services and Student Success
Dr. Alejandro Guerrero has been a counseling faculty member in the EOPS program at NVC since 2007. In addition, he also teaches physical education courses in the Kinesiology Department. Growing up in Napa, he attended NVC right out of high school, then transferred to UC Davis and pursued a degree in cultural anthropology. He later went to Sacramento State University and earned a masters in social work. At NVC, he coordinated the Puente Program, which inspired him to go back to school and focus his studies on equity and social justice. In 2017, he received his doctorate in educational leadership focused on community college leadership and social justice from SFSU, where his dissertation focused on transformative teaching practices in community colleges and their positive impacts on Chicanx/Latinx students and other students of color.
Board Approves Interim Vice President, Information Technology
Roger Clague has more than 25 years of controller and vice president level experience in the private, nonprofit and education sectors. He spent two years as vice chancellor of education & infrastructure technology at Yosemite Community College District; two years as chief technology officer at Yuba Community College District;
two years as chief technology officer at Solano Community College District; and two years as vice president of business and educational partnerships at PossibilityU,
Roger Clague joins Napa Valley College as Interim Vice President, Information Technology on August 2, 2021.
Mr. Roberts joins Napa Valley College as the Interim Vice President, Business and Finance on August 15, 2021.
Board Approves Interim Vice President, Business and Finance
Douglas Roberts has more than 25 years experience in business services, finance and administration at single-college and multi-college districts within the California Community College system. He spent 18 months as interim vice chancellor, business services at Chabot/Las Positas Community College; 10 years as vice president, business services at Santa Rosa Junior College; and 14 years with the Contra Costa Community College District, first as comptroller/assistant chief fiscal officer, then interim vice chancellor, and then assoc. vice chancellor/chief financial officer.
Board Approves New Staff
Danielle Savage, Executive Assistant to the Associate Vice President, Human Resources, Training & Development (7/9/21)
Sarah Kurtoic, Chemistry Instructor (start date: 8/11/21)
Board Approves COVID Requirements and Guidance for Fall 2021
The Board of Trustees approved protocols for students attending in-person classes at NVC in fall 2021. Staff (Dr. Ron Kraft, Nancy Tamarisk, Amber Wade, Annie Chindavong, Dr. Sara Parker and Oscar De Haro) provided an overview of the work that the NVC Emergency Operations team has done, including closely following local, state and federal guidance, reviewing local data, engaging in conversations with campus constituencies, and observing what some of our fellow colleges are doing. Ultimately, the team recommended and the board approved that NVC will require vaccinations in selected sections in which students are expected to have either close contact, increased respiration, or both. The Office of Academic Affairs will share a list of those classes that are affected and work closely with other departments to communicate with students and faculty.
Board Approves Authorization of Lease with Amendments
The Board of Trustees, in closed session, approved modifications to the UVC lease, including specifying 9,419 square ft of space being leased and the total monthly lease amount after offsets of $18,838. The board also approved the following modification:
The Parties expressly acknowledge that at the expiration or earlier termination of the lease, the District intends to restore the premises for educational purposes. If requested, the tenant shall bear the expense of restoration of premises not to exceed $80,000.
Board Approves 2021-2024 Faculty Association Agreement
The Board of Trustees approved the 2021-2024 Napa Valley Community College District and Napa Valley College Faculty Association/CCA/CTA/NEA Agreement. The agreement includes enhancements to regular/contract faculty and full-time, temporary faculty salaries and part-time, hourly credit and CDCP noncredit faculty compensation for 2021-2022 through 2023-2024, with salary schedule increases based on property tax increases and other compensation agreements.
Board Approves CCC Resolution to join CCCFA
The Board of Trustees approved a resolution to join California Community College Financing Authority (CCCFA). The Napa Valley Community College District is in the process of negotiating a ground lease agreement for the development, construction and operation of a student housing facility and related facilities at Napa Valley College. It is anticipated that the development and construction of this project will be financed through the sale of bonds by the California Community College Financing Authority, a Joint Powers Authority (JPA) administered by the California Community College League. In order to issue bonds and proceed with financing, the Authority requires that the District become a non-voting member.
Board Approves Resolution to Enter into Ground Lease and Coordination Agreement
The Board of Trustees approved a resolution to support the District's intent to enter into a ground lease and coordination agreement for a student campus housing project under the joint occupancy provisions of the Education Code. Agreements will be brought to the August board meeting for approval.
Board Approves Student Activities Fee Increase
The Board of Trustees approved an increase of the student activities fee from $5 to $12 per semester. ASNVC president Markus Tescon shared that the increase is intended to increase student engagement, make Student IDs free, and promote student-led events.
Second Reading of Board Policies
The Napa Valley College District is in the process of updating and revising its Board Policy Manual with the assistance of the Community College of California (CCLC) Policy and Procedure Service. This Board of Trustees approved these policies:
BP 5110 Counseling: (New) draft developed by Counseling faculty and staff and recommended for adoption by the Council of Presidents.
BP 7336 Tuberculosis: (New) draft developed by Human Resources department and recommended for adoption by the Council of Presidents.
Board Approves Agreement to Identify Grant Opportunities to Develop Mt. Veeder Plan
The Board of Trustees approved a contract with Blake Jopling Landscape Architecture to identify initial grant/partner resources to fund improvements to make educational use of the district's Mt. Veeder properties. The members of the Real Property committee of the board had a presentation and reviewed the agreement on June 9, 2021 and voted to recommend that the full board approve the contract.
The Board of Trustees approved agreements with:
Mentis: to provide on-campus bilingual mental health services two days a week to NVC students.
West Oakland Job Resource Center (WOJRC): to create a Regional Transportation, Distribution, Logistics (TDL) Workforce Equity System, where Napa Valley College will become the North Bay lead agency partner and receive $100,000 to support TDL workforce training.
Financial Audit
Controller Eresa Puch provided a brief update on the 2019-2020 financial audit, which will be brought to the August board meeting for adoption.
Dr. Kraft provided a brief overview of the reorganization of Administrative Services: the new hire for IT will be a Vice President and instead of Administrative Services, a vice president for business and finance will be hired (both interim hires were approved this evening). As part of the President's Report, the following individuals provided updates:
Dr. Jim McGowan provided an update on the accreditation process.
- Holly Dawson, director, public affairs & communications, provided an update on "Get Vaccinated" campaign and the progress with the new website.
Next Board of Trustees Meeting: 8/12/21