News & Updates
January 27th, 2021
The Escondido Chamber of Commerce is Working For You & Your Business!
Chamber News and Updates
Do You Shop At The Westfield North County Mall?
With the importance of vaccinations and the timely announcement just now from Supervisor Desmond's office regarding a much needed vaccination Super Station here in North County I'm devoting the column this week to his email
notification on the details of a North County vaccination Super Station opening this Saturday at Cal State San Marcos.


James Rowten (JR)

A vaccine Super Station is coming to North County in San Marcos!

Starting Sunday, January 31, North County’s Vaccination Super Station will open on the Cal State San Marcos campus, with the capabilities of vaccinating up to 5,000 individuals a day. (Appointments Only)

Please check the site on Saturday (around noon) for appointments to open. We know that appointments have been filling up quickly, but this Super Station will allow many more to become vaccinated. More information to follow, but keep an eye out at

Everyone should first try to coordinate with their healthcare provider, as they have their own allotment of vaccines.

Also, you can still register to get vaccinated at the Oceanside POD. The Oceanside location can administer 500 vaccines a day. You can register at:

TIP: Try and make an appointment around noon - new appointments become available mid-day for three days out.

Last Week's Poll Results: "Do You Use Escondido Eats When Making Your Local
Dining Choices?"

YES = 47%
NO = 53%
Chamber Events & Programs
February Government
Affairs Meeting
Tuesday, February 2nd
@ 9:00am
Speakers: Escondido New City Council Members Tina Inscoe
and Joe Garcia

Topics: Running for Office, District Priorities & 2021 Goals
February Education Meeting
Monday, February 8th
@ 9:00am

Speaker: Superintendent Dr. Luis Rankins-Ibarra

Topic: Current EUSD Phase and 2021 Outlook For In-Person Learning & Classes
February Economic Development Meeting
Thursday, February 11th
@ 9:00am

Speaker: Amber Tarrac, Deputy Director of Economic Development - City of Escondido

Topic: 2021 City of Escondido Updates & More!
Escondido Magazine Advertising
The Chamber is preparaing the next issue of the Escondido Magazine, and we're looking for businesses that want to advertise. Get your business in front of thousands of readers, and support the Chamber at the same time.

This upcoming issue will also have two special advertising features, "Escondido Favorite Home Services" and "Escondido Favorite Auto Services". Advertisers will also receive a free digital marking promotion on the Escondido Chamber of Commerce Facebook page!
Business Resources
Escondido News & Happenings
City News & Updates
The health and safety of our community remains our top priority. The City of Escondido is actively taking measures to keep our community safe and to slow the spread of COVID-19.

We are committed to following the Governor’s and the County Public Health Officer’s orders in a combined effort to keep our population healthy and safe while providing essential services to our residents.
Palomar Heights Project - Public Hearing Wednesday 1/27/21
Member News & More
The Classical Academies Host New Student Open House for 2021-2022 Enrollment
The Classical Academies will be hosting Virtual Open Houses for those interested in 2021-2022 enrollment. Families can meet the principal, review program options, and learn more about how The Classical Academies partners with families.

Feb. 2nd - 4th & Feb. 10th - 11th
Budgeting In Time Of Crisis
California’s high cost of living, crumbling infrastructure, rising crime and constant threat of natural disasters always present challenges. The COVID-19 pandemic has made matters worse by stressing ICU capacity, causing tragic loss of life, damaging our economy and robbing many students of a year’s education.

During the upcoming budget discussions...
Assemblymember Marie Waldron
Scene Near Escondido: Snow On Palomar Mountain