Issue 52
November 2019
Mempho Fest Safe Tent: Outreach for Highest Risk
Age Group

For a second year, Memphis Says NO MORE volunteers and professional counselors from the Shelby County Crime Victims & Rape Crisis Center (SCCVRCC) mingled thru the 2019 Mempho music festival at Shelby Farms Park and staffed a “safe tent.”

Why? Because most festival goers are under 30 and, as the graphic here from RAINN shows, so are the majority of sexual assault victims.

Memphis Says NO MORE’s safe tent and volunteers offered messages about consent, speaking out and being equipped to intervene and offer assistance during the two days and nights of the festival. We also talked with festival security supervisors about what to watch for and ways to intervene and provided MSNM info cards and SCCVRCC tip sheets for their patrol staff.

The Women’s Council is grateful for the partnership and support from Leo Events and Freeman Enterprises.  
& Ready

Memphis Says NO MORE
Campaign Shares New Tools and Materials
The Memphis Says NO MORE campaign, a partnership between the Memphis Sexual Assault Kit Task Force and the Memphis Area Women’s Council, has supplies of new posters, new buttons, magnets and bumper stickers available for schools, businesses, workplaces, places of worship and more.

In addition, the MSNM website has been redesigned with updated information and access to campaign posters, handouts and videos. Check it out.

If you want MSNM supplies or a display of MSNM information at an event, please contact Deborah Clubb .
New NO MORE Campaign Highlights Verbal Abuse
The national NO MORE campaign is creating a new initiative during this year’s 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence.

It focuses on the pervasive violence of verbal abuse and will be featured across social media platforms Nov. 25 – Dec. 10 using the hashtag # nomoreverbalabuse. This 16-day period was identified by the Center for Women’s Global Leadership for global actions to increase awareness, galvanize advocacy efforts and share knowledge to prevent and end violence against women and girls.

Memphis Says NO MORE will participate in this campaign to raise awareness about the damage done by words, threats, humiliation and emotional assault.

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