We would like to welcome our newest member, Susquehanna Valley Limousine, to PBA! 

Susquehanna Valley Limousine provides quality, luxury transportation for business or pleasure. Their large and diversified fleet of town cars, limousines, and buses can accommodate any special occasion or important event.

Contact:  Chris Peifer, President | |
(570) 473-8833
Leadership Breakfast Session Announced:
Marijuana in the Workplace
Recently announced, we will host a  Leadership Breakfast & LearningMonday, March 23rd 9:00AM-11:30AM  at Wyndham York. This is the day before the PBA Annual Marketplace. We hope you will find this to be a convenient time for you as many members will be in town for the Marketplace.  Register Online or Download the Registration Form and email/mail.

Note, the eastern and western PA dates are March 31th and April 6th, respectively. Registration and venue TBA.
80/20 Principle for Tourism Pros   
February 11, 2020

Travel Supplier Professional Development  @ Marketplace
March 23, 2020

Leadership Breakfast and Learning @ Marketplace 
March 23, 2020

March 23-24, 2020
York Expo Center Arena
Deadline February 15th. 

Annual Meeting
June 21-24, 2020
Wind Creek, Bethlehem
Distinctive Driver and Safe Employee Award Nominations Open
The  Driver and Employee of Distinction Awards Program nominations are open!  This program is supported by our operator members to honor a special driver or employee who has performed exceptionally well and deemed worthy of recognition.  

The award presentation will take place during our March 23rd reception at the Wyndham York Hotel, the evening before the PBA Marketplace.  

Submit an online nomination  or you can  download and email/mail  the form.   Deadline for submission is March 1st .
PA Turnpike Tolls Increase in 2020 
Starting on Jan. 5, 2020, Pennsylvania Turnpike tolls went up for the 12th consecutive year, making it more costly than ever to cross the state.

Under the new fares, it will cost $53.50 to travel from Neshaminy Falls - the easternmost start of the mainline - to Warrendale - the final toll plaza in the west. 

That's an increase of about 6 percent or $3.10, from the 2019 rates, while E-Z Pass rates remain significantly lower, costing $38.40 to cross the state.
Annual Random Controlled Substances Testing Percentage Rate for 2020 
The FMCSA announces that it is increasing the minimum annual percentage rate for random controlled substances testing for drivers of commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) requiring a commercial driver's license (CDL) from the current rate of 25 percent of the average number of driver positions to 50 percent of the average number of driver positions, effective in calendar year 2020.
Meet Yassmin Gramian, Acting PennDot Secretary 
"I have walked the halls of PennDOT for many years, but it has truly been an amazing experience to join the agency. And now that I'm here, I am passionately pursuing workforce development and retention enhancements because it's critical that we attract and keep talented individuals."
2020 National School Bus Safety Week Poster Contest 
School districts across the Commonwealth and throughout the country will be observing National School Bus Safety Week October 19th -23rd, 2020.  Please help us share the word on this great National School Bus Safety Week Poster contest!

Are you looking to stand-out to reach more tour planners and groups leaders to boost your group sales? After registering for Marketplace, why not choose a sponsorship/advertising opportunity that works for you? Our Marketplace directory reaches over 1,000 planners between group leaders and bus operators.   Link to Sponsorship Form .  

We would like to thank our Members who have signed up for a sponsorship:
Gold Sponsors:  

  Silver Sponsors:  
  • January 15, 2020 - Cancellation of a purchased booth for partial refund.
  • February 15, 2020 - Sponsorship and booth deadline for guaranteed placement in Marketplace Directory.
  • February 23, 2020 - Designated hotel room deadline (Wyndham - York)
  • February 27, 2020 - Penn State Expo Services starts accepting booth shipments.

The 80/20 Principle for Tourism Pros Webinar with Sally Davis Berry 
The 80/20 Rule is a little-known law of nature that is the secret to being more efficient at work and happier at home. This principle shows us that 20% of our efforts bring us 80% of our results, and vice versa.

Date:   February 11, 2020 11:00AM (EST)
Cost:  PBA Member fee is $29.00 per person.
           Non-PBA Member fee is $49.00 per person.

Do You Have News  to Share?
We would love to hear from you.  S hare your news via email to .
Trans-Bridge Lines, Wolf's Bus Lines, Fullington Trailways &  Krapf Transportation  have coaches and other items for sale now! 

The Motorcoach PAC allows the Pennsylvania Bus Association to support legislators who work with us to promote, change or defeat legislation that impacts our industry. Contributing to Motorcoach PAC gives us a stronger voice in Harrisburg. Please consider giving $200, $300 or more.

Personal checks may be made payable and sent to:

Motorcoach PAC
200 North Third Street, Suite 1500
Harrisburg, PA 17101
Corporate funds are not permitted in any form. Unincorporated business checks are acceptable providing no owner or partner of the business is a corporation. Please contact Milliron & Goodman if you have any questions at (717) 232-5322. Political Action Committee donations are not tax deductible.

Download the solicitation form for more information.  

Download our logo above to display proudly on your website.