Upcoming Events
We hope that you will be able to attend these events:
October 9, 2019
ECA Regular Membership Meeting
Maggiano's Banquets
111 W. Grand Avenue
Chicago, IL
October 10, 2019
YP of ECA event
Kaiser Tiger
Chicago, IL
October 16 - 17, 2019
NECA NextGen Fly-In
Washington, DC
October 17, 2019
Electric Association
Annual Awards Dinner
Carlisle Banquets
Lombard, IL
October 23, 2019
"Are You a Project Manager or a Project Witness?" First Level Seminar
Drake Oak Brook Hotel
Oak Brook, IL
November 13, 2019
ECA Regular Membership Meeting
Erie Cafe
Chicago, IL
November 20, 2019
"Next Level: Are You a Project Manager or a Project Witness?" Seminar
Drake Oak Brook Hotel
Oak Brook, IL
January 9 - 10, 2020
Electric Association Conference
Drury Lane Conference Center
Oakbrook Terrace, IL
Quick Links
ECA Website
(The collective bargaining agreements, industry statistics, among other industry information is available on the website.
No log-in is required.)
Young Professionals is on Linkedin:
Electrical Contractors' Association of City of Chicago --
Chicago & Cook County Chapter, NECA
Phone: 708-531-0022 Fax: 708-531-0071
Please review this month's LiveWire newsletter. We hope you enjoy the local and national industry updates.
As a reminder, we also invite to join us on Facebook and LinkedIn!
September Membership Meeting
--ComEd Presentation / Two New Members Added:
Dual Temp of
Illinois, Inc. and Avondale Electric, Inc.
The Electrical Contractors' Association of City of Chicago (ECA) held its September Membership Meeting on Wednesday, September 11, 2019. The session introduced two new members to the Association:
Dual Temp of
Illinois, Inc. and Belmont & Leavitt Corp. dba Avondale Electric, Inc., as well as featured a presentation from ComEd.
Pictured from left to right at the September Membership meeting are: Michael Norris, ComEd CIPA South Manager, Michael Mann, ComEd Regional Manager of New Business (NB) - - Commercial industrial, Public Authority (CIPA), Richard Jamerson, ECA President, Jamerson & Bauwens Electrical Contractors, Inc., Chris Siambekos, ComEd Director of Support
Young Professionals of ECA (YP of ECA)
The next YP of ECA event will be held on
October 10, 2019 at the Kaiser Tiger in Chicago. The Chicago Department of
Buildings Deputy Commissioner, Grant Ullrich, and Electrical Inspector, Bill Guinane, will be on hand to talk about how the new building codes affect our industry, as well as provide an update on future programs and initiatives in the works for the Department of Buildings and construction in Chicago. Registration began on September 1st. Please visit the ECA website at: www.ecachicago.com to register.
Market Share Survey Assistance (MCA, Inc.)
The Electrical Contractors' Association of City of Chicago (ECA) is participating with a joint labor-management market share study through MCA, Inc. ECA member firms have recently received the survey. Please complete the information requested as soon as possible. We thank you for your assistance with this important industry initiative.
ECA Member to Receive Industry Award
As a reminder, the Electrical Contractors' Association of City of Chicago (ECA) is proud to announce that member, Robert Fimbianti, Linear Electric, Inc. has been designated an Electric Association "Hall of Fame" Award inductee. The Electric Association's Membership Awards Dinner will be held on Thursday, October 17, 2019 at the Carlisle Banquets in Lombard, Illinois. Please contact the ECA at: 708) 531-0022 if you would like a spot at the ECA table. Again, congratulations, Bob!
Succession Planning Seminar
-- Upcoming Project Management Programs
The ECA Research and Education Committee continues its ambitious education schedule for the rest of 2019. A Succession Planning seminar was held on September 25, 2019 at the Drake Oak Brook Hotel, Oak Brook, Illinois.
You can register for the two remaining programs on-line at the ECA website at: www.ecachicago.com. Also, initial registrations for any seminar is limited to four per member firm; however, this was lifted for these last two programs as each session can hold up to 50 attendees. The programs are: "Are You a Project Manager or a Project Witness?" on Wednesday, October 23, 2019 at the Drake Oak Brook Hotel. The follow-up to the October program is called, "Next Level: Are You a Project Manager or a Project Witness?"
Please note: As of this writing, the registrations for the October 23rd session were near capacity.
We hope to see you at these sessions!
Pictured above is Craig Bodette, Mosley, Pfundt & Glick, Inc.,
as he started the seminar.
NECA Updates
NECA Convention & Trade Show
The NECA Convention & Trade Show was held September 14 - 17, 2019 in Las Vegas. The event featured many activities, including the many educational programs, the exciting backdrop of Las Vegas, the Governors Meeting, Green Energy Challenge, ELECTRI Council Meeting, Safety Roundtable, Academy of Electrical Contracting induction, Government Affairs Update, Women in NECA (WIN) and Future Leaders sessions, Project Excellence Award winners, Abraham Lincoln Award winner and other NECA Awards, special Chapter events, among so much more!
NECA Voice-Data-Video National Agreement (VDVNA) Review Program
Chicago and Cook County Chapter, NECA
presented a seminar, called,
"VDVNA Review - Know Before You Go."
The session was conducted by
Mr. David Ward, NECA Midwest Field Representative and held on
Thursday, September 26, 2019 at
Maggiano's Banquets in Oak Brook, Illinois.
Pictured above is David Ward, NECA Midwest Region Field Representative, as he answered a follow-up question form the seminar.
NECA Premier Partners
-- Federated Insurance
NECA's Premier Partner sponsorship program connects NECA members to the leading companies in the electrical construction industry. It represents the most comprehensive business-to-business marketing and sales opportunity ever presented to reach the $160 billion electrical construction industry. Premier Partners of NECA showcase their brands, products and services in the electrical construction industry through hundreds of NECA events, publications and digital platforms year-round, including the annual NECA Convention and Trade Show, the industry's premier trade show and gathering. The Chicago and Cook County Chapter, NECA will focus on each NECA Premier Partner over the coming months. This month's focus will be on Federated Insurance.
EJATT Graduation
The Electrical Joint Apprenticeship & Training Trust held an Apprentice Graduation Ceremony on September 21, 2019 at the IBEW-NECA Technical Institute (INTECH) in Alsip, Illinois.
Safety Update
--CSC October Schedule
For a listing of coursework available through the Construction Safety Council (CSC) for the month of October 2019, please click on the link:
Industry Statistics - July 2019
Stay on top of monthly data for our industry: number of contractors active, quantity of people employed and total hours worked.