Tonight 7-8pm
Moon by Todd
by Todd Haughton
Come on a photo safari with landscape photographer Todd Haughton, as he takes you behind the scenes to some of his favorite photo destinations during the past 15-years. During this engaging presentation, Todd will illustrate what it takes to capture the perfect image in spectacular landscapes across North America, that are both on and off the beaten path. Many of his favorite images required waking up hours before sunrise, braving the weather, and/or hiking into a remote destination to capture a landscape under the perfect lighting conditions. For each photograph, he’ll show you the location, explain logistics & tips for photographing the area, and offer sneak peek into his “digital darkroom” used to achieve the final image. Hopefully you’ll be inspired to visit one of Todd’s favorite landscapes during your next photo safari!
This Sunday, February 10, 2019
February 10: Faith Development: Children's Sunday
9:30 Kid Led Experiential Spiritual Practices
11:15 Testimony, Large Group Artwork, and Q&A
Service Leader:  Katie Resendiz and the Children’s Ministry Team
What does it mean to be part of an intentional faith development community -- to have agency in your learning? How do we inspire exploration? Our congregation has the answers: the kids! Come hear how we as a whole community Grow UU Identity, Equip Our Kids, and step into our roles as religious educators for one another. 
Sunday, February 10 will be Membership
What does it mean to become a member of UUCP? Come find out if the Pathway to Membership is right for you!  
Conversations with the Board of Trustees –
Between services in the Johnson Room
The Board of Trustees will be available for the Board Chat time between services on the next two Sundays, February 10 and February 17, to respond to your questions and concerns about changes in the budget and staff. We value these opportunities to continue community conversation, in gratitude for the shared commitment to our vision and principles.

Sanctuary Art
Between services in the Sanctuary
The current Sanctuary Art features the Diversified Artist Collective of Arizona (DACAZ). Meet the Artists this Sunday, February 10, between services.

Poetry Coffeehouse
11:00 am in Annex H
All are welcome to read, encourage and appreciate poets and other writers. Together we celebrate the wonderful variety of writing by members and friends of the congregation.

Social Justice Opportunities
Sunday, February 10, at the back of the Sanctuary
Advancing Justice
UU Justice Arizona Day at the Legislature is coming right up! If you have the day off on Presidents' Day (Monday, Feb. 18), join other members from your district at the Capitol to meet your representatives face to face. The Legislature's actions have a huge impact on our daily lives. They are in session and many bills are in process, some progressive, some egregious. We need to speak out on both. Come to the justice table to sign up, find out who your legislators are and who else from your district will be attending, then attend a training here next Sunday, Feb. 17 after second service. Training is open to all, whether or not you can come to the Capitol on Feb. 18.
Maryland School Refugee Families
February 10 is the last Sunday we are collecting supplies of soaps and towels for Maryland School Refugee families.  Stop by the back table if you would like to make a cash donations, and we will make the purchases. 
recycle and repurpose
Green Sanctuary
All are invited to the semi-annual Green Sanctuary goal-setting session, February 10 after the second service, about 12:45, on Sunday, February 10 in Annex B – bring your lunch.  This will take the place of our regular meeting on Tuesday February 12. Come bring your energy and ideas! Mark your calendar for Environment Day at the Capitol, Wednesday, February 13, from 8:30am-2:00am. Sponsored by the Sierra Club; see for more information
Next Sunday, February 17
Relationship, Relationship…
Service Leader: Rev. Lisa McDaniel Hutchings
“The truth is this: If there is no justice, there will be no peace…If we cannot bring justice into the small circle of our own individual lives, we cannot hope to bring justice to the world.” How might we build relationships that bring justice to our localities and our state?
Inquirers - Living Our Vision Everyday
9:45 in Annex B
Anthony Johnson
Learn about UUCP's innovative, choice-based, radically inclusive approach to Faith Development
Support for departing staff
With the recent budget and staff reductions, the congregation is encouraged to support Janine Gelsinger and Geoff Anderla as these valued members of our community transition out of their positions. The Board has provided a modest severance package. Please consider donating to the staff transition fund for those who would like to provide a financial gift — please use the QR code or mark your check or cash donation as “staff transition,” and consider using your professional connections to help Janine and Geoff land new positions. The collection will end this Sunday.
Share the Plate with UU Justice Arizona Network (UUJAZ)
Sunday February 17
The mission of UUJAZ is to engage Arizona Unitarian Universalists in justice making through congregational social justice ministries, connecting UU activists and congregations across the state, partnering with justice organizations, and empowering UUs to work for socially just public policy. Members are 13 Arizona congregations, with Issue Action Teams on the issues of Immigration, Education, Economic Justice, and Water, and a new Racial Justice Action Team. Between services you can get an update on what the UUJAZ network is doing on key issues in Arizona.
Stewardship for Us
Saturday February 23, 1:00 - 2:30 pm
On Saturday February 23, our stewardship consultant, Barry Finkelstein, will provide an open facilitated workshop for congregational leaders and any other interested congregants who would like to support the vitality of UUCP into the future.

Neighborhood Connections
Neighborhood Groups gather members of UUCP where they live to make connections and get to know each other. Want to be a lead Connector? Look for the map in the Johnson Room and contact Cherie Stafford at . Each neighborhood group can choose its own activities—get to know your neighbors within this radically inclusive community.
UUA General Assembly
June 19-23, 2019
The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Phoenix will be represented by 8 delegates at General Assembly (GA) 2019 in Spokane, Washington. All members in good standing are encouraged to apply today. Send your application to Sarah Moore at , pick up a flyer with an application at the back table and drop off your application at the office by February 18 to become a credentialed delegate.
Community Night Thursday
February 14 at 6:00 pm

Join us in building a “Spiritual Community for our Time” every Thursday at 6:00pm in the Johnson Room January 17 - April 25, 2019.

Each week features the culinary talents of the members of our congregation: two entrees (one vegetarian), as well as sides, salad and bread. A donation of $6 per adult,
$3 per child under ten, or $12 per family, covers the cost of the meal (those experiencing financial hardship can receive a payment waiver).
In the spirit of Radical Inclusion, there are often vegan and gluten free options, and food served is labeled for the top nine common allergens. If you’d like to join but have additional dietary restrictions or preferences, you are welcome to bring your own meal.

This Week: 
Menu for February 14 —  A special Valentine’s day menu:
Cheese Fondue with Bread, Veggies and Fruit for dipping;
Gluten Free Pasta and Marinara Sauce   
Following the meal, Thursday evenings are an opportunity to deepen our knowledge of what it means to be Theologically Diverse, Radically Inclusive, and Justice Centered. 
Living Our Vision... Everyday
Some of the Events Coming Up Soon!
Radically Inclusive
“Transgender Inclusion in Congregations” webinar—watch it on your own at or join us in the Johnson Room, Wednesdays February 6th thru March 13th, 7:00-8:30 PM
Reflective Symposium  Sunday, February 24th 12:30-2:00 PM
Justice Centered
Racial Justice Collaborative with Anthony Johnson Monday,
February 4 6:30-8:30 PM in Annex B
Reflective Symposium  Thursday, February 14th 8:00-9:30 am

Theologically Diverse
Spiritual Practices with Anthony Johnson Thursday, February 14 6:45 PM – 8:30 PM in the Sanctuary
Reflective Symposium Thursday, February 21st 6:45-8:15 pm
Becoming a Safer Congregation
We are constantly reminded that the world is a dangerous and unpredictable place, and the new Safe Congregation Team at UUCP is updating our emergency response plans. Here are some ways you can be part of becoming a safer congregation
  • Engage newcomers. Make them feel welcome.
  •  Lock your car on our premises to avoid vandalism. Don’t leave valuable items in full view.
  •  Get involved in the Safety Team: Contact Lora Gustafson at

Check out emergency preparedness on;
know basic actions to take in an active shooter situation:

We look forward to creating a safer congregation with you!
Looking Ahead

UUCP All-Families Picnic
Sunday March 31, 2:00 pm at Railroad Park
Now is the time to put the picnic on your calendar-- All families, all ages, all fun. Sunday March 31, 2:00 pm at Railroad Park. Watch for details in the coming weeks!
UUCP | 602-840-8400| |