The Egret Corner
March 2022 | Issue 21
Description: Students entering Area B of the Ecological Reserve for the start of their tour, and a few photos taken during the tour. For more photos of our first field trip check out our Instagram/Facebook page.
Dear Ballona Wetlands Advocates,

Thank you for checking out the Egret Corner this month! Our schedule has been packed full of events since our last newsletter, such as our collaboration on the recent BCR creek cleanup, our nature bike tour, and our first student field trip to the reserve in 2 years. This newsletter will also feature a new Indigenous Science curriculum offered to some LAUSD high schoolers and a letter to the Argonaut editor.

Project Updates:

  • We covered transportation for 50 3rd/4th graders to visit Area B of the reserve on a fun and educational tour of the wetlands. Lisa, Sofia, Gabrielle, and Walter from the Land Trust assisted the fantastic docents of the Los Angeles Audubon Society in guiding the students.

  • We have resumed tabling at local events. Check our social media, and subscribe to our emails to see where we'll be next.

  • We offer all educational classes in-person or virtually.

If you know of a class or group that would be interested in any of our educational opportunities, please feel free to contact or fill out this form.

Enjoy the rest of the newsletter. For previous issues, please visit our newsletter archive. If you have any questions or concerns email Lastly, please give us feedback by completing our newsletter survey.

Thank you for your ongoing support.


The Ballona Wetlands Land Trust Team
Ballona Creek Cleanup
On February 26th, 2022 we partnered with Ballona Creek Renaissance and Linwood E Howe Elementary for a cleanup of the Ballona Creek. Not only did we clean up, but we also tabled at this event providing our bird & fish books, indigenous education, microscope observations, and water-quality education. The next cleanup by BCR is April 23, 2022, for more info click the link below.

A Nature Bike Tour of the Ballona Creek and Wetlands
On March 12th, 2022 we organized a nature bike tour that covered the fauna and flora along the Ballona Creek Bike Path, which included a short walk through Area A of the Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve. The tour was led by President and volunteer Walter Lamb. Find out more details about this tour and future bike tours by clicking the link below.

Local News
Letter re: Ecological Gem Editor
"Our organization was pleased to see an article on the Ballona Wetlands (Ecological Gem, January 27) that recognizes this natural resource to be the “ecological gem” that it is, and which included beautiful photos from Jonathan Coffin. [...] However, [...] likely left readers confused on several important points raised in the article..."

The Land Trust aims to add perspective to an ongoing discussion about the management policies of the Ballona Wetlands.

Students learning indigenous science to fight climate change
"LOS ANGELES — Dozens of high school students in Los Angeles are learning ancient land practices as well as ways to combat climate change with old and new science. The Indigenous Science program is a new curriculum at Anahuacalmecac International University Preparatory of North America, an LAUSD charter school that is also the only school for Indigenous people in LA County..."

Bird of the Month: Yellow-crowned Night-Heron

Interesting Facts
The Yellow-crowned Night-Heron typically inhabits the eastern United States and southern Atlantic Coasts, so it's an uncommon bird in Los Angeles County, but has been more frequent in the last few years. All of the students had an opportunity to see this bird during our recent field trip. Check out our Instagram for the photo.
Habitat: in and around wetlands in the southeast United States and southern Atlantic coast

Diet: primarily freshwater and saltwater crustaceans occasionally other smaller invertebrates, frogs, birds, and/or fish

Nesting: nests are in trees, can be as high as 60 feet or more, near or above water, alone or in colonies; nests are a platform of sticks and lined with leaves, vines, or moss
*Birds featured here have been seen at the Ballona Reserve or in the surrounding area.
Facts from
Photo: Jonathan Coffin
Your Contributions Further Our Efforts!
Contributions collected are used to advance our efforts to advocate for the greater Ballona Wetlands ecosystem. Any contributions are greatly appreciated.
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The Ballona Wetlands Land Trust is a non-profit community organization
dedicated to advocating for the greater Ballona Wetlands ecosystem and to facilitating access to this ecosystem for education, stewardship, and public outreach.