Decemer 2, 2020
A Reconciling in Christ synod
ELCA joins ecumenical partners in Advent message:
Churches Beyond Borders
Advent Call to Address Racism and White Supremacy
John the baptizer appeared in the wilderness, proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins (Mark 1:4).

In the wilderness and in the river, on the margins of society, John the Baptizer offered faithful witness to the ongoing work of God. People went beyond the borders of their familiar lives to hear the words of a prophet, to seek renewed faith, to begin new journeys and to be transformed through baptism.

What does it mean to offer faithful witness today? As we ponder this question together as national church leaders, we experience shared challenges, new insights, mutual encouragement, deeper faith and common callings. Our common witness is bound not by ecclesiastical or national borders but by our common baptism. As leaders of four churches on a shared continent, and with shared complicity in the legacies of the Doctrine of Discovery, the enslavement of Black people and the mistreatment of all people of color, we hear the prophets and the Spirit speaking clearly when we listen together.  
This Advent, we feel called to name the truth that the sin of racism and white supremacy is ongoing. People continue to be subjected to and oppressed by these systemic evils, even within our own churches and the ecumenical movement.     
For the sake of our common mission and witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ, we share a commitment to dismantling racism and combating white supremacy, and we actively seek opportunities to engage more deeply. We bind ourselves together in this work, even as we are bound together by a common history of complicity with evil. We look forward to meeting with members from the Black, Indigenous and other communities of color within and beyond our churches to help us develop specific goals and actions. We know this will not be easy, but it is essential. It happens only by moving beyond the borders of the familiar, encountering the truth, trusting God’s grace and being transformed. We have much to learn from and with each other.   
The birth of Christ to dwell among us holds the hope for our own rebirth. Our faith is in God’s ongoing work that establishes God’s kin-dom of equity, equality, justice and liberty for all. Our calling is to prepare the way of the Lord by embracing truth, promoting healing and acting in love.  
As you make your Advent preparation this year, what do you need most? Forgiveness, repentance, healing, renewal of baptismal vocation, time in the wilderness or a word from a prophet? We are confident that God will grant us all that we need to be transformed for faithful witness.  
Let us pray 
God of all, form us into churches beyond borders.  
When we feel stuck, amplify the prophet’s word. 
When we are distracted by privilege, put us in the wilderness. 
When we need a new way, dunk us in the river.  
When we are wrong, move us down the path of truth-telling and repentance.  
When we need healing, sustain us with your love and hope.  
When we cannot see beyond ourselves, move us beyond arbitrary borders.  
Bless us with the Holy Spirit, that the good news may be for us a beginning.  

Archbishop and Primate Linda Nicholls
Anglican Church of Canada 
Presiding Bishop Michael B. Curry
The Episcopal Church 
National Bishop Susan C. Johnson
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada 
Presiding Bishop Elizabeth A. Eaton
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Save the Date for ZOOMfest!
January 8 - 10, 2021
Mark your calendars for a weekend of ZOOM fun--including an all-synod worship! (yes, we hope you will join the synod-wide worship instead of planning congregational worship!)

In a community gripped by fear, the magi step on in, and there they find themselves overwhelmed with joy! It's there that they open their gifts before the infant Jesus, not for their own benefit but in the joy of being in the presence of Christ. In this time when fear has its grip on so much of our life together, how can we step into the middle of it and therein find our joy as we celebrate who we are and who we are being created to be in Christ?

More info and schedule at
Invite your friends, send them to !
eConnection Spotlight:
RMS in the GLOCAL Neighborhood
a Collaborative Advent Pandemic Adventure!
We love the creativity emerging in the midst of the pandemic! Shout out to Abiding Hope, Bethany, Evergreen, and Christ for their collaborative ministry!
RMS & ELCA News and Events
2021 ELCA World Hunger Leadership Gathering
January 20-23, 2021
The ELCA World Hunger Leadership Gathering brings together ELCA World Hunger leaders, congregations and ministry partners every 18 months for a time of networking, idea sharing and planning for our shared work.

The Rocky Mountain Synod’s Hunger Network invites YOU to participate in this unique gathering. We will cover all registration fees!

Please join us if you are interested in learning more about the work of ELCA World Hunger. Send your name, email address and preferred phone number to the Hunger Team Chair, Carol McDivitt: no later than December 10th!
In the first-ever event of its kind, ELCA World Hunger presents an online Christmas benefit concert featuring Peter Mayer, a longtime Lutheran and the lead guitarist for Jimmy Buffett.

Although we are in the midst of a difficult winter due to COVID-19, we know that, through God’s abundance, you have shown incredible generosity by supporting the necessary work of the church. This concert is a gift to you this Advent season. It is a way for us to say thank you and provide a place for you to gather online with the church community as we prepare for the birth of our Savior.

The concert is free and will premiere on the ELCA Facebook page, with a live chat so you can engage with the audience, ELCA staff and Peter Mayer himself. Donations to ELCA World Hunger are encouraged and will support our church’s work to respond to hunger and poverty in more than 60 countries around the world.
2020 Annual Report covers available
Your 2020 Annual Report covers are now available for download in two versions. One is individual pages. The other is a two-page spread across 11x17 paper. Both can be downloaded at Stewardship resources:, or below.

Rocky Mountain Synod
Annual Report And Stewardship Resources
The RMS insert for your annual reports is now available along with other resources to share about our life together as church:

Mission Support Intent Resources:

Advent Devotional Video Series
from Sky Ranch and CSU Campus Ministry
Sky Ranch is partnering with CSU Campus Ministry and the Fort Collins/Loveland congregations to provide a Daily Advent Devotional Video Series featuring the Great Songs of Christmas.

This devotion uses traditional Christmas melodies, the ones we yearn to sing and experience. But since this is Advent, not Christmas, each Christmas melody will usually have a new Advent text. These new texts are written by pastors Pamela Gonzalez, Carolyn Winfrey-Gillett, or other lyricists. Each video will include a musical tidbit on the history of each melody or song as well. We close each devotional with a prayer to guide us in our journey this Advent season.

Our devotional series will be accessible and free to anyone via our social media platforms as well as at Want more information or access for your congregation, please contact the Sky Ranch office (970-493-5258) or A printed version of the material in the videos will also be available.
For Your Bulletin
RMS Prayer Cycle


- Week of December 6 -

Ascension - Ogden, UT
Debra Jimenez

Ascension St. Matthew’s - Price, UT
Rebecca Aardahl

Elim - Ogden, UT
Bruce Kolasch

Join us in daily prayer
Download ELCA Prayer Ventures for daily guides to prayer for the global, social and outreach ministries of the ELCA, as well as for the needs and circumstances of our neighbors, communities and world.
Sunday, December 6
Second Sunday of Advent

Prayer of the Day
Stir up our hearts, Lord God, to prepare the way of your only Son. By his coming strengthen us to serve you with purified lives; through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.

In God's Hands:
Ecumenical Prayer Cycle from the World Council of Churches
06 - 12 December : Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam - Intercessions and Prayers
Around the Synod
Carols & Cheer with Luther House
Sunday, December 6 at 2:00 p.m.
Join Luther House for our third annual Carols & Cheer, an afternoon of Christmas and holiday music! Since we want everyone to be safe, this will be an online-only event and everyone is invited to attend. Visit the Luther House website to register via Zoom.

Since our cheer will be enjoyed in our own homes, we hope you can make a cup of coffee or tea and warm up with us. If you make a donation to Luther House, you can receive a Luther House mug and a chance to get some piñon coffee! The form to get a mug is also on our website!

Our musicians will again be Pauleta Hendrickson, director of music at St. Luke Lutheran Church, and Clara Byom, director of music at St. Tim's Lutheran Church. Any questions? Reach out to Pastor Bre at
Happy Days for String Trio - Virtual World Premiere
Tuesday, December 8, 2020, 7:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Augustana Arts is pleased to present the world premiere performance of Happy Days for String Trio composed just a month ago by renowned composer Emma Lou Diemer. Diemer is an American composer, best known for her works for organ and choir. Dedicatee Philip Ficsor has released two recordings with Diemer at the keyboard and describes Happy Days as “breath-taking in its beauty and emotional power. It’s a light-hearted series of movements belie their compositional sophistication.” Ms. Diemer will share her insights about each, and will join us for the premier via Zoom from her home in Santa Barbara, California!

This event is presented in collaboration with Groupmuse, a virtual performance platform. The full program will feature Dvorak’s Terzetto after intermission and Q&A with the composer. Preregistration through Groupmuse is required and the entry cost to Groupmuse is $3. Visit for more information and to register.
At Home with the Rutherfords
* Concert and Culinary Experience *
Sunday, December 20, 2020 at 5:30 p.m.
Christmas is all about memories and celebrating with one another. We love to share our memories of the things we’ve done, important gatherings and experiences, the food we ate, and best of all, the great music we love. Join Stratus Chamber Orchestra’s Music Director David Rutherford and his wife Pearl for “At Home with the Rutherfords.” Throughout the evening, members of Stratus Chamber Orchestra will provide heartfelt performances of unforgettable Christmas and Holiday favorites.

Registration is required and a “shopping list” and menu will be available to download approx. two weeks prior to the event.. Join with your friends virtually as we also invite your comments, photos, and more throughout the culinary concert and holiday season. There is no admission fee, however, a suggested donation of $50 for two is appreciated in support of Stratus Chamber Orchestra and Augustana Arts. Go
Conversations for Connection: Supporting Mental Health
Thursdays via Zoom, 7:00 - 8:00 p.m.

“Why Is It So Hard to Talk About Suicide?”
Thursday, December 3, 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
The experience of having suicidal thoughts is far more common than many people realize. Because of the stigma attached to suicide in our society, however, many people who have these thoughts are afraid to reach out for help and feel terribly isolated. If we're having suicidal thoughts, where can we turn for help? How can we recognize when someone we know might be thinking of suicide, and when they are, how can we help?
Our presenter is Jay Winstead, a licensed clinical social worker at Mental Health Partners (MHP). From 2010-2019 he was part of the MHP crisis intervention team, where he worked with hundreds of people having suicidal thoughts. Since 2019, he's been a trainer and suicide prevention project lead at MHP.

Hosted by Atonement Lutheran Church, Boulder and the Interfaith Network on Mental Illness ( Join Zoom Meeting at
“Diving into the Creative Well:
Tapping into the Healing Metaphors of Dreams”
Thursday, December 10, 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Discover the tools you need to safely explore the meanings of your dreams in small groups. If you want a chance of having a dream fragment explored, bring a snippet of a dream. A single scene or symbol is good for this introductory work, and it can be recent or from decades ago. With twenty years of experience, Laura is happy to help you explore your dreams.
Laura K. Deal is a certified Facilitator in Group Projective Dream Work through Jeremy Taylor’s Marin Institute for Projective Dream Work. Laura is the author of The Newcomer’s Guide to the Invisible Realm: A Journey Through Dreams, Metaphor, and Imagination. Learn more at
Our Life Together
Remember to support Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp on COLORADO GIVES DAY- Tuesday, December 8
Colorado Gives Day is an annual day of giving to non-profit organizations all across Colorado. Whether you live in Colorado or not, you can donate to Rainbow Trail on December 8. Your contributions make a huge difference to their ministry.

The gifts received on this day help RTLC to provide great staff, excellent facilities, and life-changing experiences for their campers. Each donation helps Rainbow Trail receive additional funds as part of $1.5 million from Community First Foundation that is divided among all participating non-profit organizations.

You can even pre-schedule your CO Gives Day gift NOW so you won't forget to donate! This feature, for a one-time donation on Colorado Gives Day will qualify for a boost from the FirstBank Incentive Fund. To pre-schedule, go here (link) to Rainbow Trail's Colorado Gives webpage, then simply click the “donate” button and in the "Donation frequency" section choose the radio button that says “Colorado Gives Day.” Support non-profits like Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp on Colorado Gives Day.

Ignite the Church Conference 2021 
Adapting to a New Reality:
Living into a Fresh Vision for God's Church 
We Have Gone Online! Join us in 2021 for Adapting to a New Reality: Living into a Fresh Vision for God’s Church. Monthly webinars focus on key areas:  

  • January – Encouragement Beyond Fatigue  
  • February – Justice and the Common Good  
  • March – Hybrid Community: Virtual & In-Person  
  • April – Creative Expressions of Church  
The Ignite the Church Conference movement continues to grow as leaders are encouraged and ministry is transformed!  From attendees of the 2020 Conference:  
“Best church conference I’ve ever attended!”  
Please go to to see the outstanding line up of speakers and panel leaders and to get more information on how you can join the movement.  
All conference proceeds are donated to the ELCA Fund for Leaders. Last year's gift to future leaders totaled $6000.  
We hope to see you virtually! #ignitethechurch  
Resource Corner
check back each week for a new or featured resource for your congregation
Views from the Rockies for November 2020
Views from the Rockies is produced by the Rocky Mountain Synodical Women's Organization (RMSWO). It provides information about current programs, projects, and more. Here women share their ideas, their thoughts, their concerns, and their joys. The Views from the Rockies seeks to provide the news that all women in the Rocky Mountain Synod need! Get your copy here.
Reframing Darkness, Winter Solstice 2020
Coming Dec. 15 -- Our Winter edition premieres one week before the Winter Solstice. It will include religious and ecological perspectives on the theme, Re-framing Darkness. We have often paired darkness with fear and evil. In the natural world, however, and in our human existence, darkness is essential and sacred. As we approach 12/21/20 -- the longest night in the Northern hemisphere and the shortest in the Southern, our contributors explore the power and beauty of night.

Visit to read our next edition, Re-framing Darkness, which publishes on December 15 and features a keynote from Rev. Kwame Pitts (ELCA) and fresh content from our team. was founded by Chris Searles of and Rev. Tom VandeStadt of the Congregational Church of Austin, UCC. It is currently edited by Pastor Carmen Retzlaff (ELCA), and is produced quarterly, at the times of the equinoxes and solstices - times that have been noted and held sacred by humans from many traditions in all times and places.
Employment Opportunities
Community Connection Ministry
St. John's Lutheran Church - Thornton, CO
St. John's Lutheran Church in Thornton, Colorado is seeking a bi-lingual candidate for our Community Connection ministry to develop relationships in our local community through our Early Learning Center and technology ministries. We're a welcoming and inclusive community that fosters connection to God, each other and the community.
This part-time (20-25 hrs/wk) position reports to the Pastor and works with the Office Manager, ELC Director and Technology Team to support the congregation’s ministry.

Job description here. For more info, write to:
Office of the Bishop This Week
 Bishop Jim Gonia
  • Lutheran Family Services Board Meeting
  • Candidacy Committee
  • New Mexico Conference of Churches
  • Region 2 Consultation and Mobility Conference

Pastor Dana Peterson
  • RMS Campaign Meeting
  • Holy Cross, Albuquerque, NM
  • Region 2 Consultation and Mobility Conference

Kurt Rager
  • New Mexico First Hunger/Poverty Group
  • Holy Cross Episcopal
  • New Mexico Ethics Commission
  • New Mexico Conference of Churches

Peter Severson
  • Lutheran Family Services Board Meeting
  • Zion's Trinidad, CO
  • Region 2 Consultation

Tina Kvitek
  • Next Faithful Step Campaign
  • 1-1 Appointments
Pastor Sarah Moening
  • Congregational Transition
  • Excellence in Leadership

Pastor Kent Mueller (1/2 time)
  • RMS Campaign
  • Lutheran Center Administration

Deacon Erin Power
  • Synod Assembly Planning
  • RMS Communications
  • Region 2 Consultation

Pastor Leslie O'Callaghan
  • Candidacy Committee
  • Region 2 Consultation and Mobility Conference
Quick Links
Share the News
Erin Power,  Assistant to the Bishop
Feel free to contact Andrew Nakatani, Communications Assistant, with your questions and comments about eConnection and our website!

Rocky Mountain Synod 
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
800-525-0462 / 303-777-6700 / fax 303-733-0750