November 10, 2020 | Issue #2
Helix Legal Academy will open with a 6th grade class in the 2021-22 school year in downtown Baton Rouge. The following year, the legal academy will add a 7th grade and will complete its expansion as a middle school in the 2023-24 school year.
Curriculum Spotlight: Eureka Math
According to Great Minds, Eureka Math is a complete PreK through 12 curriculum that carefully sequences the mathematical progressions into expertly crafted modules. Written by math teachers, Eureka Math provides educators with a comprehensive curriculum, in-depth professional development, books, and support materials. It focuses on conceptual understanding to help students understand the “why” behind the steps they follow in math.
At Helix Legal Academy,
We Set the BAR!!
Helix Legal Academy Tenets
We engage in authentic, real-world learning experiences, embracing that critical thinking is the precursor to innovation, a key to college and career readiness and more positive life outcomes.
We engage our time by embracing the premise that sharing resources and ideas is important because every student matters and every moment counts.
We engage in a joyful struggle where true learning occurs when we question, investigate, and evaluate ideas.
We empower students to practice fairness and justice everywhere, and that being a citizen of this community comes with the charge of service and responsibility.
We empathize with each other through courageous conversations and constant reflection, which is a catalyst for progress.
We want to share our Vision and Mission in every issue because they define our approach to education as well as describe our desired future outcome for our students.
Vision: Helix Legal Academy strives to develop resilient, self-motivated, civic-minded individuals, committed to excellence, and diligently engaged in their communities.
Mission: The mission of Helix Legal Academy is to empower students through advocacy, extensive analysis of the legal system, and a deep exploration of society driven by liberating and inclusive teaching practices.
Community Outreach Events
On October 31st, Helix Legal Academy, along with the entire Helix Community schools family, had the opportunity to engage community members with Boo! with the Krewe parade and festival sponsored by Phi Gamma Sigma Youth Sorority and Metro Councilwoman Chauna Banks. We truly enjoyed a socially distanced and safe way to get the word out about the amazing things we will have in store for rising 6th grade students.
Enrollment is OPEN!
You can sign your rising 6th grade student up at
- Transportation provided
- Open Enrollment
- Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner provided
- After school tutoring provided
- Exposure to law offices and courtroom proceedings
- Offering Robotics and Engineering
We want to share so much more with you!!!
Upcoming Information Sessions
Nov. 17, 2020, Tuesday, 6pm
Register by using the link:
During our Information Sessions, we will be sharing information with you about our school and all of its unique qualities. We also want to engage with you in hearing your ideas and perspectives on what a quality school should provide.
Upcoming Events
November 28, 2020
12 noon - 4 pm
Come See Us!
There will be an Information and Application Submission Table for our school.
Holiday Foods During COVID-19
The holiday season is one of the most exciting times of the year. It is an opportunity to share sacred time and create new memories with the people we love the most. As we enter the season during these uncertain times, please consider the safest ways possible to spread holiday cheer this year.
Consider Zoom Thanksgiving meals, grocery pickup for holiday treats, or festivities outside with small numbers of people and masks. We are all family, and as family, we must ensure we love each other by protecting our health.
Helix Legal Academy Upcoming Events
November 17, 2020 - HLA Information Session
November 28, 2020 - Christmas Marketplace Pop-Up Shop
Thank You
for subscribing to the
Helix Legal Academy Newsletter!
We hope you enjoyed it and look forward to seeing you on November 17, 2020 at the Information Session.
Check your email for the Zoom link if you have already registered using this link:
Make sure to follow us on social media platforms:
Looking for Enrollment Information?
Click Below . . .
Need to ask a question or speak to someone?
Click Below . . .