Keeping patients healthy and pain-free without resorting to surgery or long-term medications.

Try New Things

Lace up your sneakers, come sweat with Coach Kate and Danielle as they open the doors to TAC Performance Center outside. No better way to spend Saturday than under the sun getting ripped and tan for FREE! Pre-registration preferred but not required. Meet you at Willits Rugby Field as we TACkle another W.O.D!

This Saturday, July 6th, 2019
8:30am - 10:00am
Willits Rugby Field

Please arrive early if you are new to TAC to fill out release waiver.

Did You Know
Float Therapy

We can't talk enough about float therapy at Fahrenheit Body SpasFloat therapy is floating in a floatation therapy tank that is filled 10 inches deep with an Epsom Salt solution set to skin temperature. The Epsom Salt is used to increase the density of the water, making it easy to float. The tank can be closed, which provides a cozy space that is warm, private, quiet and dark. Because the body is so comfortable floating and is without sensory distraction, very deep levels of relaxation can be attained.

They also have ozone and infrared saunas, cryotherapy, salt therapy, and massage! 

Supplement Corner

Feeling dehydrated? Friends or family visiting experiencing high altitude sickness? Maybe even a hangover? Get a high dose vitamin IV and help replenish those necessary vitamins and fluids!

In Aspen or Grand Junction, visit the Rescue Lounge
These nurses will hook you up and give you a fun experience.

In Glenwood Springs, 180 Wellness in Midland Fitness will 
be your guide to get you back on track.

Not the IV type? Try Dr. Hughes' Extreme Hydration Formula
a simple vitamin mix to stir into your water. 
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Aspen Integrative Medicine | 970-927-0308