Third Sunday after Epiphany - January 26, 2020
From the Vicar

Greetings from Midtown Atlanta! As part of the Pre-Conference for Rooted in Jesus , Presiding Bishop Michael Curry addressed questions regarding Evangelism in The Episcopal Church. After attending workshops about intergenerational worship and formation and about confirmation as baptismal renewal (very practical, applicable topics), it strengthened my heart and spirit to hear about Curry's experience of falling in love with Jesus again as if for the first time when he was leading someone else in their formation. Of course he brought out the "Amen's" and the laughter, but he also pulled us into a place of stillness and listening, especially when the hard questions arose later in the forum.

Evangelism isn't about increasing the numbers in church on Sunday. Evangelism is about sharing Jesus, who is our Good News. Evangelism is about knowing our stories and experiences and how God has liberated us through God's love--through Jesus. When we know those stories well enough and believe in their power, we want to share them with others. When we are so full of love and joy and excitement that we can't contain it anymore or keep it to ourselves, we can't help but share our Good News with others: that's evangelism. Maybe others will hear our stories and want to know more. Maybe not. Our work as disciples is to continue to follow Jesus, to proclaim the Good News, and to continue in the fellowship.

We gotta know our story and practice telling one another when we've experienced Jesus in our lives. Maybe that's something you can share with your prayer buddy, when you're ready. I'd love to hear your story, too. Thank you for your prayers for safe travels (also for Joe Delacruz, MaryBeth Miller, Mandy Stiglets, and Jackie Bromley as they join me at the conference) and for all the birthday wishes for Avery. You are very gracious. I look forward to being back with you this weekend. Peace be with you!
Bishop Visit January 26th

We hope you can be with us this weekend as we confirm Christopher Smiley and MaryBeth Miller at the 11am service. Bishop Benfield will deliver the sermon, celebrate Holy Eucharist, and remain with us for fellowship before the 1pm service.
Christian Education

Adults continue to meet at 10am in the classroom to enjoy Dr. Amy Jill-Levine sharing her insight into the ancient Israelites as we journey through the Old Testament. Bring your coffee with you for the lecture and enjoy the discussion and conversation that follows. 

Youth and adults are invited to the Parish Hall after service (around 12:15pm) for a Q&A with Bishop Benfield.
Treasurer's Report

Thanks to everyone who attended the Annual Meeting. While a couple of things are still uncertain at this time regarding our budget, what we have planned for right now is outlined in our budget and is posted on the bulletin board at the church. Based on expenses, we would like to see our pledges match, and we are not flush yet. It's never too late to pledge, and it's always a good time to give! If you have questions, please reach out to John Jones, [email protected] .
Theology Pub

We will begin a new book at our next meeting on January 27, That All Shall Be Saved by David Bentley Hart. Let's start off with the first sixty pages. See you soon!  

New members always welcome! Join us at  Taziki's Grill for good food and conversation!
Funeral for Rene Rolle - Tuesday, January 28th at 10am

The congregation is invited to the Burial of Rene Rolle this coming Tuesday. A long-time Episcopalian, Rene knew before she moved to Colorado a year ago that her final resting place would be in Northwest Arkansas. While she wasn't able to be active in All Saints' the last few years of her life, she held our church dear to her heart and stayed connected through our bulletins and emails. Your presence would honor her memory and be welcomed by her beloved family.

We welcome our newest Vestry members: MaryBeth Miller, Deborah Linville, Christopher Smiley, Carlos Morales, Maili Bledsoe, and Julia Bailey. They will be welcomed at the first vestry meeting of the year on Tuesday, January 28th, at 6:30pm in the classroom. As always, vestry meetings are open to all, and if we need a bigger space, we can always move to the Parish Hall.
"Soup-er Sunday" - February 2

The All Saints' ECW group will have soup for sale after the service on February 2nd. We will have several varieties available. $7.00 per quart. This is a great time to stock up!
Winterstar March 2020 - Registration Now Open

Winterstar  is the Episcopal Diocese of Arkansas' annual Spring Retreat for youth in the 6th-12th grade. The weekend begins at  Camp Mitchell  Friday March 13th, 2020 at 7pm with registration and ends Sunday, March 15th at 11:00am. The weekend includes games, music, worship services, hiking, sports, hammocking and even more Camp goodnesss.  Registration is now open online
Episcopal Youth Event 2020

The national Episcopal Youth Event (EYE) will take place  July 7-11, 2020 , at the University of Maryland in College Park. EYE2020 is open to youth who are presently in the 9th-12th grade and who are active in an Episcopal church or affiliated ministry in Arkansas. The total cost of the trip is $600, and assistance may be available. Apply and get more information at .
Noon Bible Study Cancelled for Tuesday

Due to the funeral of Rene Rolle the noon bible study will not be held on Tuesday. We will resume on February 4. 

Need a little more Bible engagement? The Good Book Club selection this year for Epiphany is the Gospel according to John.
Diocesan Convention
All Saints' Directory

Ever need to look up a number or email or maybe even an address to mail a card? We have an online church directory through .
  • Log in using the email address on file (probably the one this newsletter goes to!)
  • Set your password
  • Once logged in, scroll down to find your name and check your information
  • If corrections/updates/photo are needed → "Edit my Family"
  • Make corrections/upload photo → Submit Edits
If you have any problems or have questions--or can't find who you're looking for--please contact Sandi Lynn. Once we are confident of the accuracy of information and have more photos uploaded, we will make print copies available. Your help is greatly appreciated!
Choir Practice Resumes 

Join us on Wednesdays at 6:30pm and lift up your voice in song. New members always welcome! Contact Jayme Amonsen if you have any questions!.
Essentials Outreach

February 15th  is the next distribution day. All contributions are helpful! Thanks to all who contribute to our neighbors. Lost your list? Here are items requested: Check out our Facebook page!

Toilet Paper
Soap Shaving Cream Dish Detergent Laundry Soap

Disposable Razors Deodorant

Food Pantry and Feast of Grace 

The Food Pantry at Christ the King Lutheran Church has a great need for paper towels, toilet paper, larger size children's diapers, and feminine products. A basket has been set up in the vestibule for donations.  This is a great opportunity to connect with others and help out locally. If you are able to help in any way it will be truly appreciated! You can simply drop in on Wednesday afternoon or contact Vikki for more information.

Food Pantry - January 15
49 people, 13 families
The Giving Tree Will Be Up Through January 26th

There is still time to add mittens, scarves, gloves, etc. to the giving tree! Donations will be taken to Christ the King for distribution at the food pantry. Thank you!

Prayer Requests

Please keep these people, organizations and causes in your prayers. If you have a prayer request, you can send a detailed email to Mother Sara . As you pray, please remember:

Linda those who are expecting: Tori, Ana, Marissa
Max Ethan Lynda and David
Dee Wanda Sally Becky Mark & Ann
William Anne Snelgrove family
Morris family all those with flu and illness

We pray for the departed: Traci Yates. May she rest in peace and rise in glory.

Do you know of others ? Please join your prayers with ours. Thank you.
Readings, Lay Ministers and Hospitality for January 26

Flowers -  sign up online or contact Brenda Zedlitz

Matthew 4:12-23

Lay Ministers for Saturday
Chalice: Deb
Lector: Catherine

Lay Ministers for Sunday 
Chalice: John R, Susan
Old Testament/Psalm: Brenda
Epistle/Prayers: Paul

Hospitality Guild Schedule - new members always welcome!
January 26 - St. Drogo
February 2 - Saints of Today
February 9 - St. Jude/St. Bernard
February 16 - St. Francis
ministryMinistry Leaders 

It takes many people to support the ministries of All Saints'. Here are email links for leaders of lay ministries. If you have any questions or would like to help, please reach out. There is a place for you. Your participation is much needed and appreciated!

Acolytes - Lou Honderich
Altar Guild - Jennifer Stoner
Bread Guild - Justin Snopko
Chalice Bearers and Lectors - Lou Honderich  (Sunday) Marj Bernhardt (Saturday)
Diversity Representative - Julie Collins
ECW - Sandi Lynn, all women of the church are encouraged to attend!
Facebook - Belinda Ostrowski, pictures are always appreciated!
Flower Guild - Brenda Zedlitz or sign up online
Hospitality - Geraldine Madsen and Sandi Lynn
Interfaith representative - to be filled
Music -  Jayme Amonsen
Newsletter - Sandi Lynn, feedback and suggestions are always welcome!
Rides to church - Tom Morris
Theology Pub - Sandy Wylie
Vestry - Debby Nye , Senior Warden
Regularly Scheduled Events

Choir Rehearsal - Wednesdays at 6:30pm

ECW - 2nd Thursday monthly, 11:00am - 1:00pm

Noon Bible Study - Tuesdays, 12:00 noon - 1:00pm

Theology Pub - every other Monday, 6:30pm

Time to Breathe - Thursdays, 6:00-6:30pm

Vestry Meeting - 3rd Tuesday monthly, 6:30pm

linksQuick Links

LGBTQ+ Alliance Facebook
LGBTQ+ Alliance Instagram
All Saints' Instagram
All Saints'/Todos Los Santos calendar
Arkansas 211 Resource Guide - updated list of where to get help
Diocese of Arkansas
Episcopal News Service
Past Sermons - Mtr. Sara's blog
Church Phone Numbers and Office Hours

Church phone: 479.802.0302
Office hours: Tues - Friday from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. and other times by appointment.