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From the Region President
Shalom Dear Friends;
This week’s Torah portion tells of one of the most crucial events in the history of the Jewish people – the revelation at Mount Sinai. However, before that, Parashat Yitro begins with Jethro (Yitro), Moses’ father-in-law, a priest of Midian, meeting up with the Israelites after they have passed through the Red Sea. Jethro brings Moses’ wife and sons to him and Moses tells Jethro about the miracle of the exodus. Jethro proclaims that the Israelite God is greater than all other gods, and he makes a sacrifice.
When Jethro observes how exhausted Moses is because he alone spends all day dealing with disputes among the Israelites, Jethro tells Moses you will “surely wear yourself out… the task is too heavy… you cannot do it alone.” Jethro advises Moses to “seek out from among all the people capable men who fear God, trustworthy men who abhor profit. Set these over them as chiefs of thousands, hundreds, fifties, and tens and let them judge the people at all times. Have them bring every major dispute to you, but let them decide every minor dispute themselves. Make it easier for yourself by letting them share the burden with you.” This model for leadership hierarchy and the principle of delegation is a fundamental practice used to this very day.
The Parasha continues with the description of the Israelites camping at the foot of Mount Sinai. After they have purified themselves for three days, the mountain fills with fire, smoke, thunder and the tremendous sound of the shofar and God delivers the Ten Commandments to His people. It is at Mount Sinai that the people enter into the covenant with God and commit themselves to His teachings and the Jewish way of life. But the Ten Commandments were not only given to the Israelites who left Egypt. They were given to all the generations of Jews who followed. Therefore, we could say that WE stood at Mount Sinai as well and metaphorically speaking are still standing at Mount Sinai today.
That is why the following poem by Trisha Arlin spoke so profoundly to me. I hope you are moved by it as well.
Shabbat Shalom,
Marilyn Cohen
Standing at Sinai
Gathered together at the foot of a mountain to meet God.
Why do we need a mountain?
Maybe it’s just a useful metaphor:
A mountain of the needy and the suffering
that we ignore every day?
Or a mountain of guilt, a mountain of debt?
Or maybe it’s all of the knowledge we’ve yet to learn?
Or a mountain of fear,
a mountain of the unknown,
a mountain of uncertainty and procrastination and failure.
A mountain to roll a stone up, a mountain of opposition,
Oy vey iz mere.
God is in the Law, in the right and the wrong of our choices,
This mountain is huge!
Or maybe it’s just a regular old earth mountain,
A very large pile of dirt and vegetation,
merely geology.
With trails to climb and
Rocks to stand on to take in the view.
Animals and bugs living in hidden places
Forming their own perfect worlds
with no reference to us whatsoever,
As long as we leave them alone.
Maybe this mountain is our earth, our world,
To cherish and take care of or
To abuse and ignore.
God is everywhere in nature and
We are only one small speck on the mountain.
Maybe this mountain is Mount Sinai
And we are waiting for revelation
Because God,
the actual God of Torah and Talmud and Tikkun Olam,
Is getting ready to show God’s self to us.
Maybe all the truth and love in the world
is actually making itself available to us,
For real, all at once.
We who have done nothing but cry and complain.
Poor, hungry, scared us!
And this is more special and holy than we can take in.
So we look away and cover our ears
And God is in the marvelous silence.
So let us step up to the metaphors!
Step up to the dirt and the revelations!
We are standing at Sinai
And it is all for us
However we experience it.
Baruch atah Adonai, Ruaḥ HaOlam
Blessed One-ness, Breath of the Universe
We are humble in this Presence
However manifest.
And let us say,
From “Place Yourself: Words of Prayer and Intention” by Trisha Arlin
March 9, 2022 @ 7:30 PM
“But They Were Good to Their Mothers: Jewish Gangsters in America”
INR presents Guest Speaker Helene Herman, a fascinating woman who is knowledgeable on a variety of historical and cultural topics. More information is available in the flyer in this newsletter. Register today!
TODAH RABAH to Linda Boxer our INR Torah Fund Vice President, for organizing, with her committee, an excellent program with Lisa Ellison on January 12th. Even though we had “technical difficulties”, the content of Lisa’s presentation was truly fascinating and we all learned so much. We thank Lisa for doing such extensive research on the amazing Canadian and American Jewish Women who were visionaries, activists, feminists and social action advocates in our respective countries.
The WLCJ Social Action initiative Project ‘Stock the Shelves’ continues with updated suggestions for each month. Your contributions will help reduce food insecurity among your neighbors. For example, the recommendation for January includes soup and crackers, hot or cold cereal/stable milk. These are just suggestions. It is best if you check with your local pantry. Contact Karen Block, WLCJ Social Action Co-chair at kblock@wlcj.org for resources, ideas or help to get started. Click here for the detailed flyer.
Temple Beth El, Ithaca NY
Kudos to Gail Zussman, Sisterhood President of Temple Beth El (TBE) in Ithaca NY. Her sisterhood/affiliate is concentrating on lifting their members’ spirits during these isolated times with light, social and participatory programs. For instance, they are just discussing amongst themselves a great book - “An Unorthodox Match” by Naomi Ragen. I would recommend this book to everyone, as well as its sequel, “An Observant Wife”.
TBE is also getting to together on zoom just to schmooze with coffee, tea, and hot chocolate on a Sunday morning.
Beth David Women, Toronto ON
Beth David Women is inviting anyone interested to join their program - “The Tailor Project”. See the flyer in this newsletter.
WLCJ Education Chairs – Julia Loeb and Ellen Kaner Bresnick are putting together a second booklet of Education programs that our sisterhood/affiliates can use in planning interesting programs. The first booklet was so well received that they decided to gather more suggestions for upcoming programs for the next 6-8 months to produce a second booklet. Please send your interesting program ideas and contact information to our Program/Education Vice President, Adele Weinstein (adelew@rogers.com) who will compile all the details to forward to Julia and Ellen.
Shabbat Shalom,
Marilyn Cohen, INR President
From our Torah Fund Vice President
Torah Fund – B’Yachad – Together
We have a new banner to mark our upcoming 80th anniversary. For nearly 80 years, donations have made a difference in the lives of students who will go on to become the rabbis, cantors, and educators in our communities.
Our region is doing so well towards our goals! The Torah Fund Office recently sent the following information: As of January 6, 2021, INR had contributed $12,411.82 to the B’Yachad Campaign. In comparison, as of January 13, 2022, INR has contributed $17,626.28 to this year’s Campaign. Ladies, that is just awesome!
We continue to make small donations to the Spaces campaign. In 2021, we had contributed $136.00, and thus far in 2022, we have made donations totaling $107.72.
Good for us! For all who have donated, Todah Rabah, thank you. All gifts, large or small, make a difference.
We give today to help educate our rabbis, cantors, and educators. We can plan a legacy gift as part of Torah Fund’s Legacy Society, to ensure the future at the five seminaries of the Conservative/Masorti Movement. You may learn more by clicking here: Torah Fund - Jewish Theological Seminary (jtsa.edu)
Once on that website, there are links to ecards, Legacy Society, the five seminaries, Women’s League and so much more. Be part of our history. Be part of our future. Your donations are very much appreciated.
On January 12th, we celebrated Torah Fund with our guest, Lisa Ellison, who is one of the educators we talk about helping. Lisa shared information about women whose actions spurred social justice. Sadly, we had some technical difficulties. Perhaps we can have Lisa return next year to continue teaching us about extraordinary women. Thank you to all who joined us that evening. A special note of appreciation to Marilyn Cohen, Adele Weinstein, and Toby Maser for all their help with the program.
Questions? Comments? Please contact me.
Linda Boxer, INR Torah Fund Vice President
The Book of Jeremiah: A Novel in Stories, by Julie Zuckerman examines the development of the character Jeremiah Gerstler. He is a first generation American of Polish immigrant parents who hold and practice Old World ideas. He emerges from being a childhood prankster to become a renowned Professor of International Political Economics.
In non-consecutive chapters we learn of the personalities of Jeremiah Gerstler, his wife and children between1938 through the early years of the millennium.
Zuckerman plays Jeremiah's character development against historical political issues, the world economy, wars (WW II and Vietnam), segregation/integration, and climbing the professional ladder. Intertwined are family matters and milestones. As a son, brother, father and husband, Jeremiah deals with understanding, pride, grief, daring, intermarriage and today's non-denominational grandchildren.
Jeremiah is precocious, impulsive, obstinate, resilient and more. Each family member brings challenges and unfailing support to Jeremiah.
You can draw your own conclusions in comparing this fictional Jeremiah with the Biblical prophet. This is an interesting read.
Submitted by
Ruth Borsky
INR Books Chair
Our Upcoming Region Programs:
Region Program March 9, 2022 @ 7:30 PM
But They Were Good to Their Mothers:
Jewish Gangsters in America
Wednesday March 9, 2022 @ 7:30 PM
This lecture addresses a seldom-covered aspect of the darker side of the immigrant experience, delving into the rise and fall of Jewish gangsters who dominated crime from the 1920’s until the end of WW2. Beyond exploring famous crime figures (e.g., Bugsy Siegel, Meyer Lansky) and organizations (e.g., Murder Inc., The Brownsville Boys), we will learn about some lesser known but quite fascinating characters.
Helene Herman recently retired as President of a 400+ member lifelong learning club. She is a lecturer for adult learning programs at multiple universities on a variety of historical and cultural topics. Helene has over 30 years of executive experience in global marketing, and holds a B.A. in Anthropology from NYU. She is the Sisterhood President at Temple Beth Torah Sha’aray Tzedek in Tamarac, Florida.
Helene generously offers her lectures to affiliates of Women’s League for no fee. All she asks in exchange is that we make donations to Torah Fund, the dedicated philanthropy of Women's League for Conservative Judaism. INR, as a region, will be making a donation in Helene's name. If you wish to voluntarily contribute as well: In the US, you can donate online here. In Canada please mail donations to: Jewish Theological Society, 100 Elder Street, Toronto, Ontario M3H 5G7. Be sure to include the name of your local affiliate for proper credit.
Beth David Women Present:
What: A Few Good People!
For: The INR Communications Team!
Requirements: Prior experience working with Constant Contact is a plus but not absolutely necessary if computer literate - training will be provided. Also, it would be helpful (but not absolutely necessary) if candidates have some experience writing and editing articles or reports in some capacity of work or volunteer experience.
If you are interested or know of someone who might be a good “fit”, please contact Joan Lowenstein at jmglowepp2021@gmail.com.
Thank You!
January 2022 | Tevet/Shevat 5782
For more information/registration, see the detailed fliers below.
Or - click anywhere on either calendar and it will take you to the WL Week where you can "click" on each individual program!
January/February 2022 | Shevat / Adar I 5782
Communications Committee Facebook Initiative
Jews in Film - Somewhere Over The Rainbow Series 1 of 3 Monday, January 24th @ 3 PM
Lois Silverman
WLCJ Communications Chair
Jews in Film, a Women's League education program; Somewhere over the Rainbow – The Jewish Connection to Movie Musicals of the 1930s.
Join Lois Silverman as she presents how Jews and their music have influenced American music and especially American musical theater. This truly American art form attracted the talents of the greatest songwriters of the pre-rock era who between them wrote the musical and lyrics for practically all the great musicals of the ’30s and ’40s.
Torah Fund Stands with Israel - Monday, January 24th
@ 8 PM ET
Please join Torah Fund to their second Torah Fund Stands With Israel virtual event Monday evening, January 24 at 8:00pm eastern time.
Please click this link to reserve:
Masorti Women Study, Reflect and Pray in Our Challenging Times - January 26th and February 13th @ 12 noon ET
Women’s Masorti Online Study Days
Day 1 / Central-Southern Region
Wednesday, January 26th
12:00 Noon - 2:55 PM ET
Lectures are available in Hebrew, English, Russian and French
Day 2 / Northern Region
Sunday, February 13th
12:00 Noon - 2:55 PM ET
Lectures are available in Hebrew, English, Russian and Spanish
Because the study days are on Zoom, you can choose to participate in sessions both days. In order to help the organizers, please reserve your choice of sessions now.
If the button feature doesn't redirect you,
below are the direct links to register. You can use either:
WL Reads - Thursday, January 27th @ 7 PM ET
Merle Carrus
WL Reads Co-Chair
Susan Farber
WL Reads Co-Chair
WL Reads co-chairs Merle Carrus and Susan Farber will be interviewing Elyssa Friendland, is the author of four novels. Her latest, Last Summer at the Golden Hotel, was a Good Morning America Buzz Pick, a Book of the Month selection, and a Skimm Must Read. It is currently in its fourth printing. Friedland teaches novel writing at Yale, from which she graduated. She also has a juris doctor degree from Columbia Law School. She lives in New York City with her husband and three children. Join the author and WL Reads co-chairs this January 27th.
Zoom link will be sent upon registering.
Joint Program of WLCJ and WOW: Who Owns the Western Wall? - Sunday, January 30 - 12 PM ET
Join Us!
January 24th
Questions? Contact:
Lori Snow
WLCJ Event Chair, WLCJ WOW Liaison
lllene Rubin
Chair, World Community Engagement
WOW Merchandise
All prices include regular shipping (with tracking, 2-4 weeks). Express shipping costs an extra $20 per item:
Challah Cover - same design as our Garden of Eden tallit - $72
Tefillin 101 - Week 2 - Sunday, February 13th
A Five-Week ‘Crash’ Course on Tefillin for the World Wide Wrap
Sunday, February 13th
Prepared by
Rabbi Ellen S. Wolintz-Fields,
WLCJ Executive Director
Tefillin 101 – Lesson One
Tefillin 101 – Week 2 – Terms related to Tefillin
In preparation for the World Wide Wrap on Sunday, February 13, 2022, week 2 of Tefillin 101 will focus on terms related to Tefillin. As mentioned in Tefillin 101: Week 1, each week we will focus on seven different facts, or seven questions, related to Tefillin.
World Wide Wrap 2022 Video
Importance of Tefillin- See many familiar faces
Consulting Services Workshop #2: Exploring Leadership - Tuesday February 22 @ 7 PM ET
Renee Ravich
Consulting Services Chair, Sisterhood Support Chair
Looking for new leadership for your Sisterhood affiliates but not sure what to do? Women’s League is offering two workshops presented by our Consulting Services team and open to all members. The first workshop took place on January 9th.
A Women's League training program to support all regions and Sisterhood affiliates by the Consulting Services of WLCJ.
2nd Workshop: Exploring Leadership -- Finding alternatives to the traditional leadership structure.
It will take place on Tuesday, February 22, 2022 at 7:00 - 8:30 PM ET.
Margie Miller, WLCJ Nominations Chair and Immediate Past International President, is teaching this workshop.
Programming Idea of the Week
Kathy Shapiro, CZT (Certified Zentangle Teacher
Submitted by
Grace Schessler, WL Programming Chair
Zentangle Mindfulness Drawing
Looking to take a break from the things that are weighing on your heart and mind? Zentangle is an easy-to-learn, fun way to create beautiful works of art using structured patterns. Create simple, straight-forward patterns using basic lines, curves and dots and orbs on small paper, called tiles. Designed to promote relaxation and creativity, Zentangling enhances focus, self-confidence, and calm. Lose yourself in a session of guided, meditative doodling. Does one need to be an artist? Definitely not! If you’ve ever doodled in the margins of a page, you can do this. Contact Zentangler extraordinaire, Kathy Shapiro, CZT (Certified Zentangle Teacher) to design a program for your Sisterhood Affiliate. Kathy will guide you through easy, strokes that will leave you feeling relaxed and filled with delight. If your group has never tried Zentangling, this is the perfect time! Kathy Shapiro has spent most of her career producing Broadway and off-Broadway theater and developing innovative arts programs to enhance community engagement. She is the founder of Magic Me, a celebrated intergenerational arts program in the UK.
submitted by
Rabbi Margie Cella
WLCJ Educator
Parashat Yitro Exodus 18:1-20:23
Haftarah Ashkenazim: Isaiah 6:1-7:6 and 9:5-6
Haftarah Sephardim: Isaiah 6:1-13 - January 22, 2022
Parashat Yitro is named for Moses' his father-in-law, who visited Israel in the desert, praising God and bringing a sacrifice when he heard about all that Hashem had done to redeem Israel from slavery. Seeing that Moses was overwhelmed by trying to judge all the matters brought to him by the people, Yitro suggested he set up a system of judges to be rulers over thousands, then hundreds, fifties and finally tens: the first judicial system! The Israelites then journeyed to Sinai, where they witnessed Moses going up to receive the 10 Commandments from Hashem, amidst clouds, thunder, lightning, and shofar blasts.
In Isaiah’s prophecy from the haftarah, dated approximately 724 BCE, he experiences a vision of God sitting on a throne, surrounded by angels who fly around singing God’s praises. Isaiah is instructed to foretell the doom of the nation, and, ultimately, the redeemer that will come to sit on the throne of David and rule in peace.
The parshah begins with the establishment of a system of justice and ends with the revelation at Sinai; the haftarah reverses the order, beginning with revelation and ending with the establishment of justice. In Exodus, God recounts carrying the people of Israel “on eagle’s wings” (10:4)”; in Isaiah’s vision, God is surrounded by angels that have 6 wings each (6:2). The angels declare God holy (6:3); God says that Israel will be a “holy nation” (Ex. 19:6). Both the people of Israel and Isaiah are afraid to look upon God; Mt. Sinai was עשן, filled with smoke (20:15); so was the Temple for Isaiah (6:4). Mt. Sinai trembled (19:18), as did the walls of the Temple in Isaiah’s vision (9:4). The people heard God’s voice at Sinai (19:9), as did Isaiah (19:8).
Isaiah received a personal revelation of God; and we are enjoined to envision ourselves personally standing at Sinai. The opportunity for each of us to have a personal encounter with Hashem is still offered to us today; we encounter the Divine daily through prayer and study.
Want to sing, teach, help with technology, and more during Daily Psalm Study, and Kaddish?
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday
12 PM Noon ET; 11 AM CT; 9 AM PT;
10 AM MT
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 630 830 287
Password: 875936
Dial by your location:
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York);
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose);
+1 647 558 0588 (Canada);
+972 55 330 1762 (Israel); or
find your local number:
*Makom B'Yachad will be at 11AM ET on 1/26.
The Rabbinical Assembly - Preorder
Coming soon from the Rabbinical Assembly: A new edition of Megillat Esther! Newly translated and interpreted for the 21st century, this Hebrew-English edition draws on traditional sources, contemporary scholarship, and deep insights from Conservative rabbis to bring the megillah to life.
The discount code is
Megillat Esther: The Book of Esther features:
The Hebrew text of the megillah
An expanded narrative translation (by Rabbi Martin S. Cohen) that evokes the playfulness and allusiveness of the megillah
A second, contextual translation (by Rabbi Pamela Barmash) that draws on contemporary scholarship in Biblical Hebrew to capture the literary style and linguistic connotations of the Hebrew text
Thoughtful essays on each chapter of the megillah that unfold its literary and religious meanings
Insightful comments on selected verses by a diverse group of Conservative rabbis, including Rachel Ain, Jacob Blumenthal, Neil F. Blumofe, Analia Bortz, Susan Leider, Zachary Silver, Amy S. Wallk, and Yonatan M. Warren
Blessings to be recited before and after the public reading of the megillah on Purim, as well as the accompanying evening (Arvit) service from Siddur Lev Shalem
By bringing multiple voices and interpretations to the Book of Esther, Megillat Esther reflects the rich diversity of people and approaches that characterizes Conservative Judaism. This innovative book will yield fresh insights and enhance your experience of Purim year after year.
Preview chapter 1 of the megillah here.
Megillat Esther: The Book of Esther, edited by Martin S. Cohen. List price $15.00, discounted price of $10.00 for RA/CA/USCJ or bulk orders of 50+
The cost for the weekly questions email and hard-cover book is currently $99. For more information and to receive a $10 discount click below:
Women's League for Conservative Judaism gets a donation by using the link.
Cory Schneider
Archives Chair & Consultant
Past International President
Administrator, Torah Fund Legacy Society
Your contribution will help reduce food insecurity among our neighbors. Check with your local pantry for other suggestions.
Debbie Bettan
Social Justice Project Chair
Karen Block
Social Justice Co-Chair
Ardis Wexler
Social Justice Co-Chair
We brought back the WLCJ App.
It's available for download on all devices (iPhone/iPad/Google Play/Android).
The Women's League website now is available in all languages.
Visit our website:
February 2022 Corrected Calendar Diary Pages
Upcoming Sisterhood Calendar Events & WL Groups to Join
Rosh Chodesh Healing Circle
Tuesday, Feb 1 - 6:30 PM ET
Email Sue for Zoom:
Tour Jewish Harlem on Zoom
Sunday, Feb 27 at 7PM ET
Admission is FREE
9th Annual Open a Book...
Open Your Mind for 2020-21.
NOW until April 2022
Admission is $18 per author
Previous WLCJ Programming
Weren't able to join us? Visit our Youtube Channel for more videos. View our past recordings.
Want to join WLCJNet?
Contact Sherry Lynn Rubin,
Sisterhood Net Chair
American Mothers of Olim GoogleGroup
Contact Ellie Kremer,
the WLCJ Israel Committee Chair by text or email:
Join the WL PrezNet
Toby Maser
PrezNet Moderator
#GivingTuesday Tribute Video
As a THANK YOU we promised to share a tribute video of all donors to #GivingTuesday.
Look for your name in the video. Last updated 1-10-22.
Tell us about YOUR Sisterhood
event coming up!
News from Seminaries WLCJ Supports
The Importance of Shame in Rabbinic Tradition; Judaism and Intimacy; Hasidism and Its Opponents; and More
Maven is a one-stop-shop that gives you access to the events and classes you love, plus more!
Schechter's Winter 2022 Hybrid and Zoom Courses
New Digital Torah Fund eCards Available NOW:
Send a greeting with ecards and support Torah Fund! Make your gift more meaningful by using our ecards for every occasion!
The Fuchsberg
Jerusalem Center
July 11-17, 2022
50th Anniversary Mission to Israel
This coming July, Fuchsberg Jerusalem Center welcomes you back to an open and thriving post-pandemic Israel for an educational, inspiring, and unforgettable week-long mission where we will put our Jewish identities FRONT AND CENTER.
At the peak of this year’s Kol Tefilla Shabbaton you’ll find a concert like no other. We’ve brought together some of the brightest lights in new Jewish music, all under one tent! These are the songs of 21st century sacred spaces, the stuff we hum at Hadar retreats and the new niggunim your cantor has been using at services. Whether you’re joining for the full Shabbaton, live outdoors (masked), or virtually on the Mandolin platform, this festive night of music will refill your soul.
Recruiting Jewish Athletes to Play Wheelchair Basketball
Apply at
Seeking Jewish Para-Athletes Join the USA Delegation
Israel, July 5-26, 2022*
Paralympic Swimming
Wheelchair Basketball
Wheelchair Table Tennis
Wheelchair Tennis
Yosef Kibita is at risk of deportation, after the Israeli Interior Ministry denied his application for Aliyah, as his visa expired on December 31, 2021. We are outraged at this decision and need to advocate for it to be overturned immediately.
To read more, click HERE.
Valley Beit Midrash - January/February 2022
Presented by
Lauren Cohen Fisher
From Flood to Rainbow
Friday, January 31, 2022
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm MST
Non-member: $18
Presented by Rabbi Avi Strausberg
How to Answer a Fool
February 3, 2022
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm MST
Non-member: $18
Presented by Professor Christine Hayes
INR of Women's League for Conservative Judaism