We hope you'll join us for our special 4th of July service this Sunday:

10:00 a.m. | Holy Eucharist, 1790 First American Prayer Book

Preacher for this Sunday: The Rev. Duane Nettles

You can tune in to our live-streamed 10:00 a.m. service via YouTube!

Be sure to download your bulletin before every live service;
bulletins are posted by Friday before services on Sunday at ghtc.org/bulletin

One Service + Picnic July 4
Let’s celebrate! This Sunday our Rector the Rev. Duane Nettles will lead one service at 10:00 a.m. followed by a picnic in Monroe Park featuring Lee’s chicken and hotdogs. If you forgot to sign up or your plans have changed, please RSVP by noon on Friday, July 2.

The service of Holy Communion will be led from the 1790 First American Prayer Book, harkening to the new nation (the United States of America) and the newly formed Episcopal Church.
With COVID restrictions easing, wine is returning to communion this Sunday. Our summer choir will be joined by a special soloist, Cvana Clarkson, a rising senior at VCU, who will sing “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands” and “Lift Every Voice and Sing.”

Be sure to bring a blanket or a portable chair so you can sit in Monroe Park and fellowship with your church friends over the meal. The weather forecast calls for sunshine and cooler temps. 

July 5
The church office will be closed on Monday, July 5.

Welcome Our New Staff Members!

Welcome Kate and Kyle to the GHTC staff!
Two new full-time Christian formation staff members, focusing on children and youth, are joining Grace & Holy Trinity this month:
Kate Given, Children and Young Families Minister
Kate has worked as both a teacher (at the New E3 School) and in family ministries (at Christ & St. Luke’s Episcopal Church) in Norfolk. Kate and her husband Theo are originally from southeastern Virginia; they moved to RVA in 2018 so Kate could pursue her recently completed graduate degree at VCU. In addition to her work with children and families, she is a theatre artist who specializes in dramatic literature and remains active in Richmond’s theatre community. In her spare time, she loves to sew, cook, and read. Kate is very much looking forward to getting to know the children, families, and the greater GHTC congregation.
Kyle Bomar, Youth and Adult Formation Minister
Kyle grew up in Roanoke VA, studied at Emory & Henry college, and received his MDiv from Memphis theological seminary. As a youth pastor, Kyle has experience with lock-ins, drama, and passion. In addition to his work as a senior pastor, Kyle has served as an associate pastor in Christian education, sharing the joy of lifelong learning with people of all ages and backgrounds.

Kyle, his wife Caitlin, and their two daughters Anna and Mary Clare come to us from serving Methodist churches in west TN and more recently the Shenandoah Valley. It's with great joy that the Bomar family comes to GHTC to follow Jesus together with you!

Upcoming Events

7/4 | In-person service and live-streamed service - Holy Communion, 1790 First American Prayer Book @ 10:00 a.m.
7/4 | Parish Picnic in Monroe Park @ 10:00 a.m. Please RSVP.
7/11 | Blood Drive. Please Sign-up.

Worship & Music

Samples from Sunday
Did you hear the organ postlude from our June 27 worship service? It is a jazz style composition by Marianne Kim. It is based on the hymn tune “Beach Spring” which is from the “Sacred Harp” (1844) hymn collection. You can watch it on the GHTC YouTube Music channel, which is ten years old with more than 30,000 views. Be sure to subscribe (on the choir’s YouTube page) to be notified of new music videos, which is separate from the church’s YouTube channel.

Parish Life

July 18 Celebrating Judy Bowman
Back when gasoline was $1.14 per gallon and a stamp cost 25 cents, Judy Bowman joined the staff at GHTC. Please join us after the 10:00 a.m. service for punch and cupcakes to mark Judy’s thirty years of service at the church.

August 1 Senior Sunday
On this special day our seniors (70+) can join Rev. Duane Nettles for brunch in the parish hall after the 10:00 a.m. service. Our talented breakfast team will prepare delicious food so make plans to attend the worship service and brunch.

July 11 blood drive
The Red Door, GHTC’s ministry of healing, hospitality, and wholeness, is hosting a blood drive at the church on Sunday, July 11 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The American Red Cross is testing all blood, platelet and plasma donations for COVID-19 antibodies. As part of that effort, plasma from whole blood donations that test positive for COVID-19 antibodies may now help current coronavirus patients in need of convalescent plasma transfusion. Sign up today and donate your blood to help others in need.