July 5


A few years back my husband and I took a trip to Alaska. It was beautiful, as you would have expected, and one of our field trips was to go to the Alaska Raptor Center, in Sitka, Alaska; a sanctuary for wounded Eagles. It covers 17 acres of wooded terrain, adorned by trees of great magnitude (some sheltered by nets for training recovering eagles) and a walkway that meanders through the forest. In addition there are covered buildings, which house the eagles who have been wounded and are unable to fly due to wing damage and blindness.  

It was an amazing sight to see these majestic beautiful birds up close. They were being cared for and rehabilitated and such a blessing for them to be able to survive in a safe environment when their natural abilities have been impaired.  The experience is one I will always remember. As Independence Day is upon us and as Fourth of July festivities abound, I am reminded that the eagle being the symbol of this great country is also a significant symbolic message for us as Christians.

It is used in the bible 34 times and throughout God likens Himself and His children to an Eagle. Eagles are considered an international symbol of strength, stamina, power, majesty, authority, and freedom. You can't fly as an Eagle unless you stay strong.The wings of the eagles represent our faith and belief in God.The wind thermals the eagles fly on represent the Holy Spirit. “Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit,” says the Lord. (Zechariah 4:6) 

So many times we try to get through situations by handling them ourselves and trying to control an outcome which does not lie in our hands but in God’s. He abides in the highest place and oversees all that we encounter in this fallen world. He monitors outcomes and allows things to happen in our lives for purposes we probably will never understand. And just as the eagle lives in high places…so are we called to live in high places where God reigns and we are not to be consumed by worldly values or insignificant goals.  And from those high places from which we are perched God has called us to be fearless in our faith.  To not overthink or try to control situations that are before us but rather soar with His wind thermals and know confidently that God will not let us fall. Our faith must overcome our fear for us to be free to fly as we tap into HIS strength. 

“But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:31)

Eagles are focused and patient. We are called to wait on the Lord because his ways are greater than our ways and he, from the heights of his heavens and his infinite wisdom, will lead us and guide us to answers that are best for us.

Eagles are tenacious, Watch an eagle when a storm comes. When other birds fly away from the storm with fear, an eagle spreads its mighty wings and uses the current to soar to greater heights. We are called to do that as well. To use challenges to grow us and mature us and to strengthen our faith, and to find safety and security in Christ and his mighty power. 

Eagles have two eyes…one set for when they are perched, another when they are flying high.  The second set protects the first set when in flight.  We too have two sets of eyes, perspective wise, one that naturally comes with worldly views, the other from Godly ones. The godly perspective is what guides our decisions, our attitudes and our walk and protects us for the dangers of lies, uncertainty, insecurity etc.

Eagles feed only on fresh prey, never eating dead things. Vultures eat dead animals, but eagles will not. Be careful about what you feed your eyes and ears with, especially on the Internet, phones, movies, or TV.

Eagles make the base of their nests with thorns and brush and then top it with the comfort of leaves and softer natural nesting.  They do this for the protection of their young from unexpected predators coming from below but also for when it is time for the eaglets to fly, the nest is ruffled up so that they are no longer can remain in their comfort zone. Out of frustration and discomfort are now willing and sometimes pushed out of their nests and forced to learn to fly. God does that to us, he ruffles our comfort zones, and pushes us out of our familiar nests sometimes forcing us to move on, because he has greater plans for us than where we are.

These were just some of my favorite traits of this majestic bird. But one of the last ones is…The eagle is a ferocious fighter, he protects those who are his just as God loves and protects his own.  Know your identity, stand firm on who you are as a child of God and don’t be swayed by winds of culture and thinking that does not line up with Christian principles.  Stay focused on truth, faith, and the fulfillment of God’s continued promises. They last for an eternity. Eagles don’t always have a soft and easy life, nor will we. But just as eagles illustrate, God is calling us to wait on Him and learn to soar higher, above the cares, trials, and trivial pursuits of life.

Happy Fourth and May God bless the USA and you as you navigate life and the wind thermals that are offered and the blessings that come with flight.    

Praise God wherever you are, or whatever situation He has allowed you to be in....His glory will shine through!
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