Our vision is to have a community where no kittens are born wild on the street, no cat  capable of living in a home is lacking one, and no feral cats are wanting for food, water,  and appropriate care and concern.

An Investment Decision

When the pandemic hit and clinics closed one by one, we knew it was going to be a bad year - in more ways than one! With SAHS and Brooks closed on 3/16, ADL on 3/18 and then  ACS on 3/28, s pay/neuter possibilities were looking grim. Unchecked reproduction with community cats could undo all of our progress in just one spring. Then,  SNAP stepped up to do their 50-cat Wednesdays, SnipSA offered to fix ferals for our Trapper Team and HCAL continued to do ferals with only a brief 1-week closure. We are  so grateful to these clinics who stayed open and kept going despite the risk, setting up precautions, showing it was possible to trap safely during this crisis. We are also grateful to all  of the trappers who were able to stop the reproduction and suffering in their neighborhoods. 

We worked with anyone who would do feral surgeries, even private vets. This came at a cost, but
factoring in the cost to fix every litter born on down the line if no cats were fixed, it was determined to be a good investment. Also, w ith people staying home, more sick and injured cats and kittens were discovered, leading to an increased use of our Cat Crisis Fund. 

As a result, A pril was a very expensive month for us. Our expenses reached $51,388
$29,057 was paid in spay/neuter fees.  Our Adoption Program stayed busy rescuing as many kittens and friendly  strays as possible at a cost of $12,308. The SAFCC Trapper Team continued to trap through the pandemic costing $7,601. Our Helpline received an increased number of calls for  sick or injured cats and was able to facilitate care for many. For those who could not afford a vet bill (many had been furloughed), our Cat Crisis Fund was able to help with medical fees amounting to $2,422.

The month of May saw some of our partner clinics reopen but there is still a need for feral spay/neuter slots. We wanted to share this information with you, our supporters and volunteers, with our thanks  for your contributions of time and money, that allow us to continue to fulfill our mission, against all odds. Be well and please stay safe.

Big Give Emergency Relief site closing today

Thanks to our supporters who donated cat food for our colony caretakers or made donations via the Big Give Emergency Relief Platform! This small program of ours is one that is always in great need but especially so during COVID-19. To put this need in perspective, during the month of March, SAFCC spent $1,575 from our Feral Food funds! The Big Give Relief website will close at 11:59 pm tonight as they take the summer to re-launch the Big Give 2020 on it's re-scheduled date of Thursday, September 10. You can still make a donation through our emergency relief page today. Your donations go directly to our Feral Food program, which supports colony caretakers who are unable to pay for food for all the cats in their colony. Thank you to all of the 167 donors who have given an amazing  $11,107 so far!.

Donate your car to SAFCC

We'd like to send a "thank you honk(or beep)" to Gregory of 78250 who donated his 1994 Ford 250 truck to Vehicles for Charity and named us as the charity! We received a check for $280 for this donation. Thank you, Gregory!

If you have a car that you'd like to consider donating to SAFCC, please call 1-866-628-2277 or fill out the form HERE. Donating your old vehicle to San Antonio Feral Cat Coalition is convenient, easy, and may qualify you for a tax deduction. And best of all, your donation of a used car or truck will make a big difference in supporting San Antonio Feral Cat Coalition.

Update on TNR Classes

May 3rd, we resumed our TNR Classes after cancelling all classes in April due to safety concerns from COVID-19. However, kitten season was not cancelled and their is still a big need for our TNR classes! Thanks to volunteers Yvonne and Kay, we were able to present a class with limited attendance, social distancing, and everyone wore masks. measures in place. We will continue these measures for the foreseeable future.

Sunday, June 7th, will be our first online class via Facebook. We have almost 40 people registered so far! They will be receiving an email with a link and instructions. This is a "test class" that will be live and we are very excited! You can  sign up for upcoming classes HERE. Thank you for caring about outside cats during this concerning time for all of us.  

Injured cat at apartment complex now in recovery thanks to SAFCC

We received a donation and email from Sherry who had contacted us previously to help with a wounded cat at her apartment complex. The email gave us an update on Max, the cat.

"I have made a donation to the [San Antonio] Feral Cat Coalition. You helped get treatment for a stray cat who was wounded by some animal and appeared to be dying. I live in an apartment complex and we have many feral cats. This one, Max, appeared about three weeks ago. He is a long-haired tuxedo cat with four white boots and green eyes. He is in recovery with me now. Janet Dumas has helped me trap and seek care for Max. Thank you for all the work you do!"

Thank you to our volunteer Janet for helping trap Max so he could get the care he needed, and most of all, thanks to you Sherry for looking out for Max. We are happy to hear he is doing well! We receive many calls for help with injured or ill cats. Please consider a donation to our Cat Crisis Fund HERE so we can help other cats like Max!

SAFCC Cat of the Month: Miss Kitty

Meet Miss Kitty, a beautiful 8-year-old snow white female. In October last year, Miss Kitty was hit by a car. Her pelvis was fractured and her right hind leg had to be amputated to save her life. Despite this bad luck, if Miss Kitty could speak, she would say, '' Don't feel sorry for me! I can do anything!'' If you are looking for a wonderful companion, it's Miss Kitty! She loves to be wherever you are, loves to be held, and loves tummy rubs! Miss Kitty is a healthy, happy cat and would love to meet her forever human. If you are interested in Miss Kitty, call/text her foster mom Shirley at 210-449-4468 or email HERE.  The adoption fee of $85.00 includes spay, rabies & FVRCP shots, feline leukemia and FIV tests and a microchip. 
Help us continue to do this important work for our city! Please donate  HERE .
Helpful Links:

San Antonio Feral Cat Coalition | (210) 877-9067 |