Welcome, New Members!

We would like to welcome our newest members, Clarion Inn Frederick Event Center  and the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra , to PBA! 

The Clarion Inn Frederick Event Center is  located in Frederick, MD off major highways and offers 
ample motorcoach parking. Amenities:  complimentary hot breakfast, wireless internet, heated indoor pool & recreation/fitness center, Long Shot's Bar & Grille with off-track betting and full-service conference facilities with onsite catering. 

Contact:  Christine Peacock, Sales Manager,
(301) 694-7500

The Baltimore Symphony Orchestra offers exclusive
group discounts, flexible reservations, complimentary tickets and value-add enhancements for 10+.  The Baltimore Symphony Orchestra is internationally recognized among the world's most important orchestras - experience our premier symphony orchestra on your next Baltimore trip!

Contact:  Adeline Sutter, Director of Audience Engagement,  
(410) 783-8170
80/20 Principle for Tourism Pros   
February 11, 2020

Travel Supplier Professional Development  @ Marketplace
March 23, 2020

Leadership Breakfast and Learning @ Marketplace 
March 23, 2020

March 23-24, 2020
York Expo Center Arena
Deadline February 15th. 

Annual Meeting
June 21-24, 2020
Wind Creek, Bethlehem
Trans-Bridge Lines, Wolf's Bus Lines, Fullington Trailways &  Krapf Transportation 
have coaches and other items for sale now! 
Distinctive Driver and Safe Employee Award Nominations Open
Honor a special driver or employee who  has performed exceptionally well and deemed worthy of recognition by nominating them for thDriver and Employee of Distinction Awards Program.  This program is supported by our operator members.

The award presentation will take place during our March 23rd reception at the Wyndham York Hotel, the evening before the PBA Marketplace.  

Submit an online nomination  or you can  download and email/mail  the form.   Deadline for submission is March 1st .
Anderson Coach Driver Named ABA Motorcoach Driver of the Year
Tom McGlynn and Doug Anderson
A long-time Anderson Coach & Travel driver earned national recognition for his skills. 

Tom "TJ" McGlynn of Hubbard, OH, was selected out of more than 70 nominees from across the country as the 2020 American Bus Association Motorcoach Driver of the Year. 

McGlynn is only the second person to receive the award, which was created last year to recognize drivers who go above and beyond their duties providing safe travels to passengers across the nation.  Congratulations!    Read the full press release.
Leadership Breakfast Session-Marijuana in the Workplace
At the Central PA Leadership session, the hot topic of Medical Marijuana in the Workplace will be facilitated by expert Denise Elliott.  Join us for breakfast, and some networking before the session at the York Wyndam Garden Hotel, the day before Marketplace!

Monday, March 23, 2020
9:00 am - 10:00 am 
Breakfast, Networking & PBA Updates
10:00 am - 11:30 am  
Marijuana in the Workplace

NPS Not Implementing 2020 Charter & Tour Fees
The National Park Service has dropped plans to impose controversial admission fees and new commercial use authorization regulations for 2020.  

While awaiting formal confirmation, a coalition of travel organizations has been apprised that David Vela, deputy director exercising the authority of director for the National Park Service, has stated the new commercial use authorization (CUA) requirements planned for 2020 will not be implemented.  Read more...
PA 60-Day Pre-Enforcement Period Started
The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) and the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission (PTC) announced that the required 60-day pre-enforcement period for the statewide Automated Work Zone Speed Enforcement (AWZSE) program has begun and will last until March 4, 2020. Pennsylvania's AWZSE program uses vehicle-mounted systems to detect and record motorists exceeding posted work zone speed limits using electronic speed timing devices.    Read more...
California's Meal and Rest Break Rules
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Acting Administrator Jim Mullen announced that FMCSA has granted ABA's petition stating that California's Meal and Rest Break rules are preempted under 49 U.S.C. 31141 as applied to passenger-carrying commercial motor vehicle drivers subject to FMCSA's hours of service regulations.    Read more...
Legislation Passed to Increase Limousine Safety
The NY state Senate Transportation Committee approved a package of bills intended to increase limousine safety in the wake of the 2018 Schoharie limo crash that killed 20 people, including one that allows the state to impound unsafe vehicles.  Read more...

Are you looking to stand-out to reach more tour planners and groups leaders to boost your group sales? After registering for Marketplace, why not choose a sponsorship/advertising opportunity that works for you? Our Marketplace directory reaches over 1,000 planners between group leaders and bus operators.   Link to Sponsorship Form .  

We would like to thank our Members who have signed up for a sponsorship:
Gold Sponsors:  

  Silver Sponsors:  
Important Deadlines:
  • February 15, 2020 - Sponsorship and booth deadline for guaranteed placement in Marketplace Directory.
  • February 23, 2020 - Designated hotel room deadline (Wyndham - York)
  • February 27, 2020 - Penn State Expo Services starts accepting booth shipments.

The 80/20 Principle for Tourism Pros Webinar with Sally Davis Berry 
The 80/20 Rule is a little-known law of nature that is the secret to being more efficient at work and happier at home. This principle shows us that 20% of our efforts bring us 80% of our results, and vice versa.

Date:   February 11, 2020 11:00AM (EST)
Cost:  PBA Member fee is $29.00 per person.
           Non-PBA Member fee is $49.00 per person.

Do You Have News  to Share?
We would love to hear from you.  S hare your news via email to .

The Motorcoach PAC allows the Pennsylvania Bus Association to support legislators who work with us to promote, change or defeat legislation that impacts our industry. Contributing to Motorcoach PAC gives us a stronger voice in Harrisburg. Please consider giving $200, $300 or more.

Personal checks may be made payable and sent to:

Motorcoach PAC
200 North Third Street, Suite 1500
Harrisburg, PA 17101
Corporate funds are not permitted in any form. Unincorporated business checks are acceptable providing no owner or partner of the business is a corporation. Please contact Milliron & Goodman if you have any questions at (717) 232-5322. Political Action Committee donations are not tax deductible.

Download the solicitation form for more information.  

Download our logo above to display proudly on your website.