Attitude Is Everything


       Starting The Week Off Right




Those who take responsibility achieve far more than those who place blame.
- Unknown -

Jim Seymour



Good Morning,
Taking responsibility for one's actions and the results of those actions seem to be a lost art in today's world.  Rather than admitting we are not perfect and will, from time to time, make bad decisions, so many of us make excuses and blame others or circumstances out of our control for the results.

Let's face it, we all make mistakes.  This is reality.  Finger pointing and blaming others gets nothing done.  Taking responsibility for our mistakes and bad decisions, learning from them, and doing a better job next time leads to far more successes along the way.  

When something happens and it was, even partially, your fault or you could have been better prepared, admit it.  Think about what you could have done differently or better.  Take responsibility and then do a better job next time.  The long term results will be much more rewarding.  Your attitude about life and your role in it will be better as well.

Have a great week.
