January  2020  Newsletter
Dear Members,

Wishing everyone a year of clear insight in 2020! 
Our classes begin  Monday, January 6th. 

2020 is destined to be a year of clear insight. As we turn our gaze toward the new year we can realize our heart's deepest desire with a little effort and support. 

Yoga is a doorway to greater health and happiness. A weekly yoga class can develop physical mobility, strength, flexibility, mental clarity, emotional stability and life balance. 

Restorative yoga poses can relax deep muscular tension, reduce blood pressure and heart rate, balance the hormonal system and soothe the nervous system. 
A pranayama or breath practice can stimulate and soothe the organs with increased oxygen, focus the mind, improve sleep and reduce anxiety. 

Being in the company of like-minded people can provide the support we need to make positive changes in our lives. 

Register on-line for a class at Kelowna Yoga House or for the Restorative and Pranayama Workshop on Sunday, January 5th from 9:30-12:30 (see information below). 

Also, please mark your calendars for the first free class of 2020 which is on Sunday, January 12th. 

For those brand new to yoga or who have never done yoga before, you may be interested in the popular Foundations Classes (6-week session) beginning January 7th. Details on all upcoming events are below and on our website.

Furthermore Phofi has written a wonderful article about experiencing the Power of Yoga (scroll down to read the full article).

As BKS Iyengar quotes, "Words fail to convey the total value of Yoga. It has to be experienced." See you soon!

A friendly reminder that you can register for classes/workshops online through 
our website  kelownayogahouse and that we are a scent free studio.


2020 Winter Schedule
January 6 - March 31, 2020

Please  click here 

Upcoming Events

Restorative & Pranayama workshop with Melissa
Sunday, January 5
9:30 am - 12:30 pm

Breathe, Relax and Renew.

All levels welcome!

Please click here for more info and to sign up online.

F oundations Class
(6-week sessions)

Want to try yoga but don't know where to start?  The Foundations Class is a great place to begin to learn the very basics of Iyengar Yoga. This 6-week series of classes is for students with no prior yoga experience, or beginners wishing a refresher course.  
Develop postural alignment, stamina, strength & flexibility in a safe, 
systematic, effective approach.

Tuesdays: January 7 - February 11 | 5:30pm - 6:30pm with Tegan & Janice
Saturdays: January 11 - February 15 | 11:30am - 12:30pm with Tricia & Melissa 

Please click here for more info and to sign up online.

F ree Beginner Yoga Class
Mark your Calendars. Tell your friends!
Sunday, January 12
10 am - 11:30 am

Join us for a Free Beginner Level Yoga Class. All levels and abilities are welcome. Yoga mats and props are supplied complimentary in our fully equipped yoga studio. 

Please note: We can host 30 people maximum on a first come, first serve basis. There is no pre-registration for this class.

Iyengar Yoga Seminar with
Jawahar Bangera
March 27 - 31, 2020

Kelowna Yoga House is happy to announce that Jawahar Bangera will be back again as a guest speaker at our studio.

Visit our website for all details! (Click here)
Experiencing the Power of Yoga
By Phofi McCullough

Last September my one and only brother unexpectedly had to have a heart operation. In great haste I flew to Athens, Greece. The operation took place within two days of my arrival.

'Red alert' was written on my forehead, the adrenaline was running high and my brain was on a roller coaster. 

As my brother was wheeled to the operating room a flood of questions came to my lips, some of them were childish, some were clear and to the point. Fear was setting in! Fear of anticipation, fear of expectation, fear of the unknown, and fear of 'what if'. I was terrified. 
Then 'soft inhalation, soft exhalation, deep soft inhalation, DEEPER LONGER exhalation'. My mind was following the Pranayama command. I started calming down. I could hear and listen to the cardiosurgeon's words explaining the surgical procedure, the length of the recovery and the time needed for total health.

I undertook my duties as I had to help my brother recover fully. I was busy 24/7. However, the most difficult task was to calm down my sister-in-law who was in a constant state of panic. Yoga came to my aid. Through laughs we did some very simple restorative asanas. 
She liked SAVASANA the most! I benefited from the poses too. I regained strength of mind and body. I became reasonable and faced the situation with clear eyes. 

I followed a short routine owing to lack of time: SIRSASANA, SARVANGASANA. I remembered Guruji's words "Sirsasana is a tonic and a fountain of energy for people whose brains tire quickly" (LOY p. 190) and I was tired, definitely tired. 
Sirsasana rejuvenated me. Sarvangasana stimulated my whole body. My nerves were soothed and fatigue, lack of sleep, and anxiety disappeared. My mind was peaceful and I felt again "the joy of life" to quote Guruji (LOY p. 213). At the same time my brother was recuperating steadily.
Many times I have found refuge in yoga but this time I truly experienced its power. I was in shambles within, while I remained outwardly strong. Yoga gave me strength, support and serenity. Yoga became family within my family, it became a friend among my friends, it helped me face reality, accept reality, deal with reality but mainly yoga helped me face my fears and coaxed me to go beyond, to go to the unknown.

Returning to Kelowna I felt content, I understood SANTOSA (contentment). Guruji said "for one to feel content one should work from the heart not from the brain" ( Illumination p. 11) SANTOSA is Love, Labour, Laugh. I gave all that to my brother and sister-in-law. I am content.
With gratitude to Yoga and Guruji
Phofi McCullough      

If you have left any items at the studio, they will find their way into the lost and found box in the front entrance. Please check this box for anything that might belong to you, as we will be donating any unclaimed items to charity at the end of the fall session.  Thank You!
Thank you to all of our amazing Volunteers!

Work Exchange:
We are in need of yogis who would like to help out KYH and benefit from an arrangement of work exchange (cleaning) for yoga classes.  
We will consider students who have an established relationship (for example, three months with KYH), rather than newcomers to the studio.
If you are interested, p lease talk to any teacher or co-ordinator Dianne Kapty or email:  [email protected]


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