
We hope everyone has a good week.  We welcome any comments, ideas, questions or concerns.  Please reach out to us at .  (Prior blasts can be found  here).

Connie Burton & Andra Jensen
WHS PTSO Co-Presidents 2019-2020

The WHS PTSO and WHS Challenge Success team are pleased to announce that Drs. Anthony Rao and Paul Napper will be returning to WHS for a full presentation on their work on The Power of Agency on Thursday, November 21st at 7pm in the Auditorium.   If you attended the October preview with Drs. Rao and Napper and have any thoughts or questions you would like to have them address in November, please send them to us at   For those parents interested, here is the Agency  assessment  prepared by Drs. Rao and Napper that you may take to determine your level of Agency.  (Copies of their book are available for purchase at Wellesley Books).  


The  following  is just a sample of all the events on the calendar. Click here  to see the whole calendar.  
November 2019
  • 6th - Early Release Day
  • 7th - 9th - WHS Fall Musical - The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Guidance Department highlights ...  
The Guidance Department website has a great many resources for students and families.  We wanted to highlight the  November Guidance Notes and the  Parent's Tip page.  

WHS FALL MUSICAL - November 7th - 9th

Thursday, November 7th @ 4:30PM
Friday, November 8th @ 7:00PM
Saturday, November 9th @2:00PM and  @ 7:00PM
Tickets are now available - $20 adults/#10 students and seniors.  Here is a link to purchase tickets
Junior Class Fundraiser On Thursday, November 14th, from 6 to 8pm, WHS Junior Class will be hosting the Sara Campbell fundraiser. The Junior Class is asking that WHS parents bring their friends to Sara Campbell for 10% off their total, and 10% will go to the grade. If parents cannot attend the event during 6-8 pm, they can mention the WHS Class of 2021 when making any purchase on November 14th, and get the same discount off of their purchases. More information on these fundraisers can be found here .
Community News ... 

Wellesley Dental Group will be holding its 12th Annual Candy drive for the Troops on November 8th at 10am at 5 Seward Road.   For more information, please click here.

Wellesley Historical Society, in participation with the Wellesley Free Library and Wellesley High School, will be hosting a panel on Wellesley vs. Needham Football Rivalry on Monday, November 18th from 6:30pm to 8pm in the Wakelin Room (Wellesley Free Library).  For more information, see flyer.

Wellesley Education Foundation:
  • On November 3, 2019 at 4:30pm in the Wellesley Middle School Auditorium, WEF will be hosting Biz Renick Bracher, PhD, on READY TO LAUNCH: How to prepare your child to leave the nest and land on their feet... in college and beyond. For more information, please click here.
  • On Dine out at CPK on Wednesday October 30th to support WEF's Spelling Bee.  Relax for the holiday and leave the cooking to California Pizza Kitchen on Wednesday, October 30th -- ALL DAY. It's a win-win-win for everyone.  Bring in WEF's CPK flyer, present it to your server, and 20% of your check will be donated to the Wellesley Education Foundation's 30th Spelling Bee. It's that easy.  Purchases include dine-in, take-out, catering and beverages. Go to WEF's CPK Fundraiser Page to print the flyer needed to participate in this fun event.