23 July 2021

Brought to you by Australian & New Zealand Olivegrower & Processor
Today's Top Story

The climate phenomenon that brought Australia one of its wettest winters has been officially declared for this year. Bureau of Meteorology experts have announced that the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) is in a negative phase for the first time in five years.
Olam is trialling 10 global unmanned spray systems at its farms around Wemen (ABC Rural: Kellie Hollingworth)

They might look like something from a movie, but these driverless spraying machines could revolutionise the almond industry. In an Australian first, Olam International has spent more than $4.5 million on 10 autonomous machines that roam around their almond orchards at Wemen in north--west Victoria, spraying fungicide on trees.

A ban on the controversial herbicides glyphosate and paraquat would cost farmers hundreds of thousands of dollars annually, UWA research has found, as pressure builds for farmers to adopt alternative weed control measures.
2021/22 Australian Olive Association Membership Renewals now due 
Australian Olive Association (AOA) membership renewal time is here and 2021-22 invoices have just been issued.
Membership fees enable the AOA to continue its important work protecting our industry; promoting our products; and assisting members to maximise their productivity, profitability and sustainability.
Your membership fees fund: work in government relations, advocacy and representation on issues impacting our industry; affiliations and taskforces with other horticultural/ agricultural industries to address shared problems; AOA management of the olive industry biosecurity program and responsibility for other risk minimization and crisis management activities across the industry - essential activities which often go under the radar.
The AOA promotes the olive industry’s products through its digital and PR programs, the Australian International Olive Awards, Food and Health Media events, and the operation of the OliveCare® program. Industry productivity is supported through communications and extension programs including electronic, digital, and hard copy communications, along with seminars, field days, and workshops on practical aspects of the business.
Current membership also provides access to 2021-22 discounts on AOA events and Australian International Olive Awards entry fees, and for OliveCare® signatories the continuing use of your approved certification.
Please look for your renewal invoice in your inbox and support the industry body which supports your business. If you haven’t received it, or need to update your details, please email Liz Bouzoudis at
The Victorian Farmers Federation says a push to ban barbed wire fencing is being made by those who don’t understand why it’s used in the first place.
Nillumbik Shire Council is proposing a ban on barbed wire fencing because of the “significant impact on the welfare” on local wildlife.
COVID restrictions: stay informed
The escalating virus spread and increasing lockdowns remind us all that it’s important to keep up with the changing status of pandemic regulations across the board. You can access state-specific information on COVID-19 from the links below:

Got something to sell? Or want to buy? Go direct to your target market – olive growers and producers 
If you’ve got something industry-related to sell, you can reach your target market directly with Olivebiz Classifieds. Our online Classifieds service is an easy and inexpensive solution to advertising your excess product or equipment – like Mary, who’s selling handmade olive tapenade to extend your product range. And if there’s something you’re looking for, it’s the ideal way to get the message out loud and clear to your peers and industry associates – the most likely to have what you need.
Olivebiz Classifieds cost just $40 for AOA members ($100 for non-members), including a text ad and link through to either your web page or images hosted on our site. And you don’t need to be a tech-head: just send us your info and we’ll post it up for you.
Olivebiz Classifieds are online now at To arrange a listing, contact Gerri at
Austrade Insight: ‘Eco-score’ labelling hits the shelves in Europe

A growing number of large European retail groups are adopting new voluntary environmental labels for food products. One example used by the REWE, Lidl and Colruyt groups is the ‘Eco-Score’ labelling system on certain private label products (around 2500 products in Colruyt's case). There are plans to extend the use of the label to other products.
Find out more and what it means for Australian exporters here
Regenerative opportunities in low rainfall farming systems: EOI for free soil tests, SA Murray Mallee
Expressions of interest are now open for property owners within a sandy soil type in the SA Murray Mallee to obtain two FREE soil health and biological tests.
The opportunity is part of a baseline soil testing project in the SA Murray Mallee, which also offers the opportunity to provide feedback and guidance on regenerative farming opportunities in low rainfall farming systems.
Sampling sites will span across a range of high to low input farming systems. Testing will include soil carbon, biology and resilient soil response factors. Soil sampling will occur in September 2021 and March 2022. 
To register your interest please provide your contact details and property location to Eliza Rieger at
New and extended IFAM flights
The International Freight Assistance Mechanism (IFAM) continues to provide new and extended flights for export freight, including a strong focus on key Asian markets.
IFAM-supported flights from Adelaide to Hong Kong and Singapore, and from Toowoomba to Hong Kong, have been extended until the end of October.
The schedule for flights from Melbourne to Singapore (via Perth) with Qantas has changed to a Thursday departure day.
Commercial capacity from Melbourne to Taipei, as well as connections to various Asian destinations is also increasing this month, with China Airlines adding multiple inbound and outbound flights.
Contact your preferred freight forwarder to access available flights and for more information and flight details, visit the IFAM webpage or download the IFAM Flight Schedule Outbound.
403 Kochs Road, The Gap, Frances SA
60,0000 olive trees, made up of:
Barnea - 30,895; Frantoio - 12,098; Pendolino – 4970; Picual – 3511; Koroneiki – 2820; Coratina – 2507; Arbequina – 2112; Picholine – 1200.
The olive grove is 19 years old and has been well maintained.
For terms and conditions and further information please contact Ben on 0422850699 or Greg on 0407599409, or email
NEW MEDITERRANEAN Pty Ltd - 75 Agincourt Road, Marsfield NSW 2122
Have you submitted your entries for the 2021 Australian International Olive Awards?
If you haven’t done it already, it’s time to jump online, fill out the forms and package those bottles, with entry now open for the 2021 Australian International Olive Awards (AIOA).
Following the success of the 2020 format, the 2021 event once again involves both national and international judging panels across the globe.
Benefits of entering include:
  • Each entry is assessed and awarded on its own merit
  • All entrants receive comprehensive judging feedback
  • Successful judging provides eligibility for OliveCare® certification
  • Unprecedented opportunity for international recognition of winning products and producers
  • The 2021 Results Book is sent out to all entrants, providing an invaluable marketing tool for all medal and award winners.
Key dates
Entries now open
Entries close 3 September
Medal winners announced 4 October 2021 via email
Major award winners Announced at 2021 AIOA Gala Presentation on 15 October in Devonport.
*Due to the ongoing COVID19 situation and the uncertainty regarding postage delivery times, entrants are urged to send oils as soon as they are ready.
Find out more and enter here.
AOA Webinar: Olive oil storage issues with Pablo Canamasas
With new season’s oils now being finalised, this webinar provides an important discussion with international olive oil specialist Pablo Canamasas around the critical control factors for the storage of olive oil after processing.

Topics covered will include:
the origin of olive oil defects:
  • fusty/musty
  • winey/vinegary
  • muddy sediment
  • rancid
the application of:
  • racking off
  • purging 
  • filtration

The format will be a 30-40 minute presentation, followed by a 30 minute interactive Q&A session, providing plenty of opportunity to clarify particular queries or issues.

Tuesday, 3 August 2021 at 12noon ACST.
Attendance is free – register here.
Webinar: Automation of Systems

In October 2020 the Australian government announced the successful completion of the largest irrigation modernisation project in Australia’s history, achieving 429 gigalitres of water savings each year in the Goulburn-Murray Irrigation District. These considerable agricultural water savings are being achieved by precision on-demand water delivery systems that provide flexible irrigation start times and durations to deliver the precise volumes required by crops.
This webinar will host key contributors to the modernisation journey.
Find out more and register here.
New Zealand
Olives NZ Certification 2021 – heading for a record?

Olives New Zealand EO Gayle Sheridan reports that over 150 submissions have already been received to date for 2021 Certification. Testing results are great showing some excellent profile oils, so it’s looking like the 2021 NZ EVOO Awards will be very interesting – and competitive!
With a number of regions and large groves yet to send in their oils, Sheridan said they’re on track for some 200 submissions and wouldn’t be too surprised if they exceed the 2016 record of 217 samples!
It’s great to hear that the stunning 2021 harvest covers both sides of the ditch!

With the health benefits of olive oil for pets becoming apparent, commercial dog food brands centering on the Mediterranean diet staple are more readily available than ever before.

Your editor’s nine-month-old Kelpie has fresh Aussie EVOO on every meal: people comment on his glossy coat, he smells herbal rather than ‘doggy’ and, like my previous EVOO-fed dog, will suffer way less with arthritis when he gets old.
The organisers of Kent’s largest steam engine rally have been trialling using olive stones to fuel some of their vintage vehicles. The alternative to traditional coal is one of the options being explored, in an attempt to guarantee the long-term future of the event.

Despite the vast majority of the world struggling to contain the Covid-19 pandemic, global olive oil consumption did not falter, according to the latest report from the International Olive Council (IOC).
Friday Olive Extracts – send us YOUR news
We’re now more than half-way through 2021, and Friday Olive Extracts (FOE) continues to bring all the latest industry news and events to your Inbox every week. THE place to share olive industry news, event details and reminders, our industry e-newsletter keeps growing in popularity and we now have nearly 4000 subscribers across the globe. If you’re not one of them, you can sign up here.
And please remember that FOE is YOUR e-newsletter, so we’re keen to receive your news and help spread the word. Just email your information to Editor Gerri Nelligan at - it’s free, and the best way to reach your fellow industry members!

Consumers of edible oils are likely to contend with two years of high prices before markets stabilize and return to what is considered normal levels, Paul Meyers, the vice president of commodity analysis at Foresight Commodity Services told a conference last month.

Drivers may have expected rain to slow them down, but they weren’t expecting a coat of olive oil to block their usual route. That’s what happened when a truck leaked in Central Illinois.

What a waste!! Let’s hope some dogs got out there and licked it up (see above).

Olives are becoming more popular as a source of squalene in cosmetics, yet 90 percent of the industry still relies on shark liver oil resulting in 2.7 million shark deaths annually.

The University of Jaén is one step closer to creating its new Academic Institute of Olive and Olive Oil Research after the Andalusian University Council agreed to issue a favorable report in favor of its creation.
What's On

23 July
Entries open, 2021 Royal Tasmanian Fine Food Awards

2 August
Entries open, Hunter Olive Show

4-5 August
Soil Health and Biology Masterclass 2021

6 August
Entries close, 2021 Royal Tasmanian Fine Food Awards

13 August
Entries close, Royal Adelaide Olive Awards

16 August
Entries open Olives NZ EVOO Awards – New Zealand

19-20 August
Sensory Masterclass in Olive Oil - online

23 August
Entries open, 2021 WA Olive Awards

29 August
Results announced, AGOA – NE VIC

Results announced, 2021 Sydney Fine Foods Olive Show 2nd June

1 September
Awards Dinner, Royal Adelaide Olive Awards

3 September
Entries close, Australian International Olive Awards

3 September
AGOA Presentation Dinner – Wangaratta, VIC

3 September
Entries close, Hunter Olive Show

9 September
Entries close, 2021 WA Olive Awards

10 September
Entries close Olives NZ EVOO Awards – New Zealand

7 October
Awards night, Hunter Olive Show

9 October    
Olives NZ EVOO Awards Dinner – Wellington, NZ

15 October
Results announced, Australian International Olive Awards

15-17 October
2021 National Olive Conference & Trade Exhibition - Devonport, Tasmania

20 October (TBC)
Results announced, 2021 WA Olive Awards

To include your event, or update your existing event details, email FOE editor Gerri Nelligan at
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 Olivegrower Communications:
Olivegrower & Processor 
June Issue
Australian and New Zealand
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