Monthly news & updates
October 13, 2020 | Issue 10
Why Vermont?
edHEALTH’s Captive Management Leader
Explains the Benefits
David White
Inquiring minds want to know: Why is edHEALTH’s stop-loss subsidiary, Educators Health Insurance Exchange, based in Vermont? David White, Vice President for American International Group’s (AIG’s) U.S. Captive Management Services, filled us in. “Vermont was one of the first states in the nation to establish captive-enabling legislation, and as a result, the regulators have deep expertise in the industry,” he said. “Vermont state employees are helpful to the captive industry, offering support, guidance, and a quick turnaround.”

Bob Simpson
Join Us for our First Thought Leadership Virtual Seminar
Employee Engagement Trends, Best Practices, and Insights
Tuesday, November 17
10:00 – 11:30 AM
Bob Simpson, Director, Communication & Engagement at EPIC Insurance Brokers & Consultants, will share his insights into the latest trends in effective employee engagement.

This complimentary program is available to all edHEALTH members, partners, and non-member schools.