Welcome to the First Foam Fact Friday
In recent survey responses, many of you asked SPFA to provide interesting information about sprayfoam. We heard you and we are listening. We've created two new ways to communicate with you: Foam Fact Friday and Monthly Member Monday.
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Foam Fact:
A “cool roof” is not a roof that follows the latest fad or trend, or listens to modern jazz. In fact, a “cool roof” reflects and emits the sun’s heat back to the sky, keeping the building cool.
A roof’s “coolness factor” is measured using two properties: thermal emittance and solar reflectance. Thermal emittance is the relative ability of the roof surface to radiate absorbed heat. Solar reflectance, on the other hand, is the fraction of solar energy reflected by the roof. Take note that thermal emittance is independent of solar reflectance.
A cool roof for your spray foam roofing system has many benefits. Cool roofs reduce the thermal radiation of heat into the atmosphere, convection of heat into outside air, and the conduction of heat into the building. This lowers urban air temperatures and mitigates the urban heat island effect. It also slows the formation of ground level ozone and smog. Cool roofs can also provide significant energy and cost savings during the hot summer months.
Spray foam roofs can easily become “cool” by selection of light colored roof coatings that have high thermal emissivity and high solar reflectance. Check with your roof coating supplier to determine which coatings are the “coolest”. You can also check with the Cool Roof Rating Council if you are not sure. CRRC determines if a roof coating meets the cool roof requirements.