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TAD Talks
Talking with Dr. Robin Armstrong
RNC National Committeeman for Texas
Welcome back! This week I visited with my counterpart, RNC National Committeeman for Texas, Dr. Robin Armstrong. Robin has a B.S. in microbiology from Texas A&M University and an M.D. from the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston. He did his residency in internal medicine and is on the staff of the Mainland Medical Center in Texas City, TX.

Robin made news recently for successfully treating nursing home residents infected by the coronavirus. As you know nursing home residents have been particularly vulnerable to the coronavirus. These residents though were lucky to have Robin as their doctor. He began treating them with the much discussed drug, hydroxychloroquine. The vast majority of his patients survived what has unfortunately killed so many.

I hope you enjoy this interview about the coronavirus, treating patients with hydroxychloroquine and how the media has politicized the virus and its treatments.

What to Expect at the
Republican Party of Texas Convention
Virtual Training

The TXGOP State Convention is just around the corner! When you go to a convention, you are playing a vital role in the inner-workings of our Party. But perhaps you have a few questions or are not one hundred percent confident in the process. I am so excited to announce that next week I will begin hosting virtual trainings to help you be prepared! In these meetings I will be discussing what to expect at the convention, your role as a delegate and how to maximize your experience while in Houston.
Please join me on one of the following dates!
Tuesday, June 2
6:30 PM CST
Thursday, June 4
2:00 PM CST

Don't worry! If these times don't work with your schedule keep checking my website as we add new dates!
Talk to you soon!
May 29, 2020
* The full RNC Pundit Prep will be posted on my website. For more information, please click here .

Protect the Vote
The RNC is continuing the effort to stop Democrats’ attempts to strip election safeguards.

Democrats have seized on the coronavirus pandemic to push their long-sought partisan election agenda and get a political edge. Democrats know they cannot beat President Trump in November, so they are trying to sue their way to victory. The calls for a national all-mail election would fundamentally change our voting process months before the election and the all-mail ballot proposal is nothing but an attempt to install ballot harvesting nationwide. Polling  indicates 62% of voters believe there is fraud in U.S. elections, and 57% of voters believe this fraud happens more often when casting ballots by mail.
This past week, the RNC, NRCC, and the California Republican Party filed a lawsuit against California Governor Gavin Newsom seeking to have his recent executive order redesigning California’s entire election system declared unlawful. Governor Newsom’s executive order to send absentee ballots to inactive voters without necessary ballot safeguards is an illegal and brazen power grab ahead of November’s elections, violates eligible voters’ rights, and creates the opportunity for fraud.

What We're Reading


Return To Space
Tomorrow, President Trump will attend a historic rocket launch at the Kennedy Space Center.

Saturday’s launch will mark the first time in nearly a decade we will return American astronauts to space from American soil. This will kick off a new era of public-private space exploration. The NASA/SpaceX commercial flight crew will carry NASA’s newest test pilots on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket – the first ever crewed commercial launch.
Since taking office, President Trump has continually emphasized the need for American leadership and freedom of action in space as critical to our national security. In 2018, President Trump unveiled his American First National Space Strategy emphasizing the need for dynamic and cooperative interplay between national security, commercial, and civil space sectors. During his first year in office, President Trump released his National Security Strategy emphasizing the need for American leadership and freedom of action in Space.

What We're Reading

More From RNC Research

Transition to Greatness
The Trump Administration and states across the country continue to make progress on “Opening Up America” in a data-driven and safe manner.

Our nation continues to reopen thanks to President Trump’s measured, data-driven guidelines to opening America. The “Opening Up America” plans empowers our country’s governors and prioritizes the health and safety of Americans. A long-term shutdown has certainly taken a toll on the health and wellbeing of the American people and we must continue to reopen our country and economy. 
Importantly,  “Opening Up America” takes additional measures to protect our seniors and vulnerable Americans. The President established the “Opening Up America” guidelines take additional measures to protect our seniors and vulnerable Americans.

What We're Reading

Thank you for allowing me to continue to serve you as your Texas Representative to the RNC! As always, feel free to reach out to me
with any questions you might have at ,
or follow me on Facebook or Twitter at the links below. Thank you
for being a strong Texas Republican, and together, let us work to
Keep Texas RED!
Paid for by Toni Anne Dashiell RNC National Committeewoman for Texas